This is the greatest scene in a TV show ever. You may not like it, but this is what peak television writing looks like.
This is the greatest scene in a TV show ever. You may not like it, but this is what peak television writing looks like
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whats so special about it?
it's just sorkin putting his thoughts into the long winded spiel of a fictional character
and anyway to non-americans most of the stuff he says is beyond obvious
>beyond obvious
maybe to retards
>reddit the scriptwriter
user, you don't have to pretend america's the greatest country on earth. it's not, no-one will shun you if say otherwise. international politics isn't a game
Yeah, it was funny how the girl asked him if he thought that US was the best country in the world, as if this is a object answer with no subjective perspective involved. Schools must brainwash the shit out of americans.
>free healthcare
taxation is theft my friends
>taxation is theft
enjoy your toll roads pal
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, snekboi.
Enjoy your substandards of living
america was never good m8
>I want to be financially ruined by a broken leg
Healthcare used to be cheap and high quality in the 50s/60s back when the government wasnt involved and it was a free market system.
We need to bring the free market back to healthcare
Anyone that disagrees is a retarded cuck that hates medical innovation.
you are a retard
if the american health system is nationalised it's FREE TO USE which is cheaper than any sort of insurance or free market system
No I want cheap free market healthcare like USA used to have
You pay for it though taxes
You pay a lot more through taxes
Plus there are waiting lines
Kill yourself
A market based system does healthcare the best and USA 50s/60s is proof of this
Back then nobody went without healthcare
We need a FREE MARKET in healthcare
Abolish the AMA cartel
Just like food was """""""free""""""" in the Soviet union amirite?
whenever been ??
>t. no understanding of politics outside of the us
you know it has to come from somewhere right? im for universal healthcare but be honest about the shift in whose shouldering the burden
It wasn't, though. Healthcare was but that doesn't say much.
Couldn't stand this show
>muh journalistic integrity
Basically think they're gods gift
>taxation is socialism, i'm glad i don't have to pay for niggers' healthcare and can just call a free market ambulance for $3000-5000 right away
>healthcare for 300+million people costs more than 20-50mil
get fucked, im still stuck in canada and the healthcare is so bad here that a lot of people are afraid to go to the doctor.
Its objectively a shit country NOW a shell of it's former self only propped up by jewish money and the military industrial complex
>"socialist" countries spend 9-11% of their GDP on free healthcare, my libertarian utopia spends 17.1% of its GDP on healthcare, and it's still not free
the ((((FREE)))) healthcare here killed my grandfather and they almost killed my father out of sheer negligence and there was NOTHING we could do about it because state is merged with medicine
How fucking mad are you leftist retards?
Does the fact free market healthcare is so inexpensive and of high quality make you mad or something?
The massive price increases you see in the current system are the result of massive government intervention in the healthcare market leading to literal cartels which raise prices.
When the system was much more free market in the 50s and 60s it was extremely cheap and everyone was covered.
pic related
>my libertarian utopia spends 17.1% of its GDP on healthcare, and it's still not free
The USA system is government interventionist system.
The high prices are the fault of YOUR stupid ideology you retarded statist.
Kill yourself.
You cannot be serious man.
>obamacare comes in
>force everyone to get insurance
>fine you on tax returns if you don't
lmao wtf is this shit
i live in australia, hate when everyone says "free" healthcare... 2% of your income isn't free
threshold starts like 26k or something then u pay 2%, earn like 100 something k and its another 1% added
Government healthcare is a joke.
I have a rare medical system and they don't even give a shit about it. I have to spend a whole bunch of money on my own to attempt to cure it and run tests.
I STILL have to pay taxes for this bullshit system.
Yeah, socialists can't into math at all.
The average healthcare cost is the average healthcare cost, PERIOD. Unless there is a country that somehow manages that with tariffs and sales tax only, never heard of that though.
the specific part of canada that i'm in is in such an extreme healthcare disaster that i think a large percentage of us may just die in the next few decades
>be switzerland
>have a basically free market in healthcare except for the fact the government makes you buy insurance
>have the best healthcare system in the world
>ZERO waiting lines
>don't have to go bankrupt in medical fees
I'm laughing at both USA and countries with government healthcare.
Why is everyone so brainwashed?
Our system works.
which province?
exactly how vibrant is switzerland and how many people live there. also whats the breakdown of total spending in regards to defense and foreign aid
>We built great things... until we let the non-whites in.
What did Sorkin mean by this?
What I mean is that the US government pours a shitload of money into healthcare, so given this nice 17.1% of the gdp figure it could easily be free, while in reality everything is not and all the crazy money manages to just vanish into thin air
>In 2014, the average monthly compulsory basic health insurance premiums (with accident insurance) in Switzerland are the following
>CHF 396.12 (PPP-adjusted US$ 243) for an adult (age 26+)
>CHF 363.55 (PPP-adjusted $223) for a young adult (age 19–25)
wow such great rates per month!
oh wait this is where you come in saying u pay like $12 or some shit
nova scotia
>how many people live there
8.372 million
>also whats the breakdown of total spending in regards to defense and foreign aid
we spend a decent amount on defense but we offer zero foreign aid
>fixed prices for medical treatment
>free market
keep sticking to your lies
He had me up until he started talking about how America used to be great. When was America ever great? After the revolutionary war when we were committing genocide against the natives and utilizing African Americans as slaves? After WW2 when we, along with the Soviets pushed the human race to the brink of armageddon?
No nation is ever "great". This is the biggest lie we've ever told ourselves as a society. Nations are nothing more than a collection of people and there are no great or small people- just people. People can do great things yes, but they can also do evil things. As nations we tend to do too much of the latter. And why are Americans so obsessed with being the "greatest"? Why are other nations? It's not a fucking competition. This is life, this is humanity. We should be trying to be the best that we can and if we are, then it doesn't if we're the "greatest" or not. Let's drop the jingoist bullshit and start acting not like Americans or Chinese or Russians but like human beings.
Fucking hell, are you literally retarded?
>>In 2014, the average monthly compulsory basic health insurance premiums (with accident insurance) in Switzerland are the following
>>CHF 396.12 (PPP-adjusted US$ 243) for an adult (age 26+)
>>CHF 363.55 (PPP-adjusted $223) for a young adult (age 19–25)
>wow such great rates per month!
>oh wait this is where you come in saying u pay like $12 or some shit
This literal retard doesn't know that Switzerland has extremely high wages and high prices to match those wages. Learn how currencies work. An apple costs like 10 USD here you gigantic moron.
I'm paying monthly what costs about $80 USD in real terms.
Either way, it proves a free market model is far superior.
There are zero waiting lines here.
That's pretty much a tax, what's good about this semi-tax is that the money goes directly to healthcare providers instead of the government's corrupt institutions
>we offer zero foreign aid
Well, you are paying a lot to access Schengen.
>dude unions are the problem!
>if we just paid everyone $1 a day healthcare would be super cheap
>fruee market naow!
On top of that our taxes are very low.
The government regulates a few prices, they go by market rates though, it's not like they're putting in insane price controls.
We Swiss support the free market and know better.
>Live in Australia
>doctors get $39 something bulk billed from government for checkups
>get rushed in and out dial a doctor service comes
>drive to you any time
>they get $120 because it's an "emergency" callout
>still spend
>>dude unions are the problem!
Unions are not "the" problem but they are a problem.
They're essentially labor cartels that restrict the supply of labor.
>>if we just paid everyone $1 a day healthcare would be super cheap
Are you legitimately retarded?
Why would people get $1 a day?
I said I wanted a free market.
Are you economically illiterate?
Do you leftists have downs syndrome?
>Switzerland has extremely high wages and high prices
Yeah, exactly.
All systems are environment dependent. Only libertarians theorist are unable to understand this simple fact.
>There are zero waiting lines here
Yeah so what operation did you have?
oh wait you've probably never experienced it
Oh the Swiss government regulates prices. Oh and how many hospitals are public funded?
these 'muh free market'-internetkids every fucking time.
>Only libertarians theorist are unable to understand this simple fact.
The only people explaining this to you simpletons are libertarians.
It's not our fault you are unable to understand basic economics thus continue to support your own economic enslavement.
Switzerland is a great example how a "semi" free-market based system is superior to government healthcare.
>Yeah so what operation did you have?
I didn't have an operation.
I've been to many doctors though and it's quite quick. I had to bring my grandmother to the hospital and she was in and out within 1.5 hours.
The statistics and government data shows we have no commie waiting lines.
more like forced
>semi free
>forced to buy insurance from specific vendors
>Open Borders
>With a massive welfare state
Really makes the noggin get a boggin
Nobody cares but you 'muricans. Take it to Sup Forums
>Oh the Swiss government regulates prices.
The government regulates a few prices, they go by market rates though, it's not like they're putting in insane price controls.
>Oh and how many hospitals are public funded?
How many are publicly funded in the USA?
>these 'muh free market'-internetkids every fucking time.
Why do you economically illiterate manchildren like to project so hard?
Enjoy your central banks.
>doctors though and it's quite quick.
who gives a shit about that? it's appointment based
elective surgeries are what people talk about with wait times
oh got a shitty knee, 9 months, it's not life threatening.
that's where the issues come in
That's where the semi comes in.
You can choose any vendor you want.
It's still much better than the rest of europe where you get ZERO choice.
Looks like the more free market a healthcare system is the better outcomes are.
>elective surgeries are what people talk about with wait times
Yes, and those are also extremely quick.
There are no wait times.
>oh got a shitty knee, 9 months, it's not life threatening.
Here in Switzerland they would treat it right away.
Lets say you lived in Canada, you're waiting 9 months minimum.
but Trump was elected. This might have been true during the obama years, but now it's straight up irrelevant
>Oh and how many hospitals are public funded?
>How many are publicly funded in the USA?
>using a counter-question
Literally admitting your free market utopia just got BTFO kek.
Daily reminder healthcare used to be CHEAP AS FUCK before the government took it over for the sake of cartels.
People that don't support a free market in healthcare are the biggest cuck pieces of shit on the planet, I swear to god.
Americans are so fucking cucked when it comes to healthcare.
you go on about "gibs" while going to bat for millionaires who hoarde their money in offshore accounts to dodge tax.
Unions are a huge problem if you want to rip off workers.
>>using a counter-question
Every country has SOME government funded hospitals, the USA has tons. I never said Switzerland had a pure free market in healthcare lol.
>Literally admitting your free market utopia just got BTFO kek.
So you admit that the most free market healthcare system in europe is the highest quality and has the least amount of waiting times?
Stay incredibly mad, bootlicker.
Wtf I love the Wall now
captcha: Hire Mexico
>Americans are so fucking cucked when it comes to healthcare.
No fucking shit.
If they were smart they would FREE THE MARKET and smash the medical cartels but they're cucked.
They're almost as cucked as euros, who's healthcare is violently monopolized by the state.
Unions themselves rip off workers not in unions by restricting the supply of labor.
Fuck unions.
>americans' solution to a problem is to inject as much capitalism into it
>>americans' solution to a problem is to inject as much capitalism into it
and we're fucking right
Is your solution to inject more government and socialism into it?
And you faggots wonder why your countries are shitholes.
t. Venezuela
USA is nation of role players
mmmm it feels good
>live in aus too
>breathing problems since i was a child
>go to doctor
>recommend i get a CT and also a MRI scan
>have to get 3 surgeries to fix issue
>Tfw i only have to pay to see the specialist and my meds which are also cheap as fuck (total $30)
Our healthcare systems works, despite that it's """"""""""socialist"""""""""".
the only reason this system "works" is because your country is rich and developed
You would benefit much more from a free market system.
Your healthcare system doesn't work.
>And you faggots wonder why your countries are shitholes.
But i live in Australia. where dem murder via guns at? not here thats for sure
where dem 'terrorist attacks' at? not here
where trump at? not here
>le self-hating westerner face
I wish people like this would stop fucking about and just fucking kill themselves since they hate existing so much. America is the greatest country on the planet and the only reason it won't remain in that position is because of socialist pieces of shit like Sorkin.
>inb4 someone calls me an americunt
I'm British, but unlike you fucking faggot European cunts we at least had some appreciation of liberty once upon a time. It's no wonder you guys hate America so much seeing as freedom is an anglo invention.
No, you want to rip off workers?
Start by telling universities and trade schools that you can't find anyone for this specific high paying field and that there's a massive shortage. If they question it, say you can't afford to donate this year. Repeat with politicians. Within the next few years, there will be tons of graduates in that field, all eager for work. Oh no, there's still a shortage of people who will work in this field for less money! Good thing our politician friends helped us out with those pesky immigration and work visa laws! We just can't find anyone and need to import people! These pajeets and spics will be taking over your job now, mr smith. I know you've been here twenty years, but these goy will work for a fraction of your salary, also if you don't train them before we kick you out, you won't get any severance and we will fight you tooth and nail when you ask for unemployment.
Oh no! That first batch of graduates are now demanding money, well thankfully we can just get this brand new batch to work for peanuts now that the job market for this field is ruined and everyone is trying to find work!
Repeat as needed until all good paying jobs are gone.
>the only reason this system "works" is because your country is rich and developed
Yours is too, it is also the most powerful yet they cant even give their citizens proper healthcare?
>But i live in Australia. where dem murder via guns at? not here thats for sure
Because your country is mostly white.
Many other countries like Mexico bans all guns and have high GUN murder rates.
Other countries like SWITZERLAND fully allow guns and have a LOWER MURDER RATE than your country.
Switzerland is also rich because they embrace capitalism.
You're just a brainwashed cuck.
>the only reason this system "works" is because your country is rich and developed
Jesus Christ these Ameritards...
>reddit spacing
nice opinions Muhammad don't you have bombs to plant or something?
>Yours is too
but our system is heavily restricted by our government
if the government fucked off and allowed a free market again, healthcare would be incredibly inexpensive like it used to be in the 50s and 60s
>Jesus Christ these Ameritards...
Why do eurowastes never actually have an argument and just constantly get angry at america whenever a good point is made?
Do you think underdeveloped countries can afford to provide their people with the highest quality healthcare without overburdening their citizens with excessive taxation?
Then you're a fucking retard.
>that wall of text strawman
>being illiterate
If the government spends 17.1% of the GDP on healthcare, where does all the money go? Cayman Islands accounts?