>Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
Is he right?
Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
Depends on the man
i think he's right for most men. without a family, a man has nothing to lose essentially, thus making him dangerous. just for a lot of men, the potentiality for acting out is very low.
Unless that man is an exceptional talent who shouldn't be distracted from their work, then yes.
Just look at the dearth of disgusting "dudebros" - the types that wear caps backwards, love watching sport, hanging out with "da boys" and living in a share house into their late 30's and 40s. They are disgusting deadbeats that have not matured past their teenage years, yearning for simple pleasures of parties and sticking their dicks in drunk sluts.
Same essentially goes for the virginal neckbeard type and Japanese soy boys. All these types of men yearn for sex but are scared of having any sort of responsibility.
Family makes a man responsible and dependable. Can you really trust a man who never matured past his teenage years?
>soy boys
>yearn for sex
isnt that the opposite?
At least for the neckbeard types I think it's a chicken/egg vicious cycle situation.
Girls make you more mature because you have to adapt to them, dress nicer, have a job/car etc.
Well, if you never get a girl you never have a reason to do those things...and because you never do those things you never get a girl.
>you need confidence to get sexual experience
>to get sexual experience you need to be confident
Some of the biggest loser pieces of shit I know have big families so I dunno.
S2 true detective was better.
>can be
>Past a certain age, a man who mows another man's lawn can be a bad thing
What the fuck was his problem?
Da Vinci and Newton were pretty much alone their whole lives. It really depends
>Girls make you more mature because you have to adapt to them, dress nicer, have a job/car etc.
Wrong. It's called having dignity: being self supported.
>Well, if you never get a girl you never have a reason to do those things...and because you never do those things you never get a girl.
Fucking retarded.
That stupid. Men with families go to jail, kill people, kill their families. ect.
Family means jack shit.
Past a certain post, a thread without dubs can be a dangerous thing.
You have truly enriched this thread with your post, friend.
No, he was a sad little cuck who got beat out by a minute man who nutted in his wife within 20 seconds and probably hadn't had sex in 10 years up to then.
He was recounting his own failures.
You said the same thing twice
>At least for the neckbeard types I think it's a chicken/egg vicious cycle situation.
I'd say it's more not having a good support group i.e. friends/family AND the crutch of escapism i.e. comic books/vidya/anime.
He was right 60 years ago,with today stronk independent womyn it's a man with a family that is a bad thing.
Should i watch the second season?
now check mine.
Wow, with digits like those i guess im never getting my question answered
>You think I'mma... some kinda stalker?
Yes, it isn't as good as the first season but it's still great in its own right.
>Is he right?
/r9k/ is kind of proof that.