ITT: Terrible shows that you were tricked into watching.
>I have to murder everyone because I feel guilty about my gay relationship.
ITT: Terrible shows that you were tricked into watching.
>I have to murder everyone because I feel guilty about my gay relationship.
royal navy internet defense force pls go
i enjoyed the first season
Did not finish the second
>he fell for butt pirates
>I feel guilty about my gay relationship.
at no point did he feel guilty, moron
that's uncommon
It's even terrible for the fact that it's existence apparently made Da Vinci's Demon to be redundant and eventually cancelled
I liked it.
wow you truly are a plebeian
i thought pirates were loyal to their captain, i was wrong every one was a cunt in that serie
>pleb, the post
Black Sails was kino, and was one of the few shows that consistently improved each season
Season 2> 1 >3> --POWER GAP-- > CAT VIDEOS > season 4
The show sucked, but this anyway. He hated his gaybois family for ruining their lives, but that's it.
fuck you faggot. Long John Silver is GOAT
This show was actually pretty good. Get some taste you fucking plebbit.
So I only half paid attention while watching this show (used it as background noise). What was up with that plotline where the pirate chick was cucking the smart pirate?
Utter shit
back to /got/
The 100
The Talking Dead
The last season sucked dingus