"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch.."
"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch.."
Beams you into his child sex dungeon.
Is it honestly an American thing or what?
If a creepy little chink pulled your trousers down you would instantly chin him if you weren't actually turned on.
>Takei bashes Trump for gabbing them by the pussy
>as Takei grabs an unconscious man by his dick
LMAOing @ Takei's hypocrisy
>He slipped my drink with something that knocked me out for literally just a couple minutes before,
>just long enough for him to pull my pants down and regain consciousness
>leave the house and calmly sit in my car in his driveway while waiting to sober up
>don't tell anyone about it for 36 years
is anyone actually buying this schlock?
I believe Takei has grabbed many men by the dick.
He even did it live on the Howard Stern show.
This desu. Is there no such thing as statute of limitations?
didn't Takei also get molested as a child?
Someone sexually assaulted me in 1734.
Yep, homosexuals reproduce by molesting children
I don't think he would go over someone who didn't seem submissive
Where do they get pictures like that? It's like a putin picture the Washington post would use.
Oh my!
I know right, they're fucking shameless, one accusation and they immediately present him like a gangster
>degenerate liberal faggot is also a rapist
You don't say.
Don't you EVER question a victim. I will fucking knock your teeth out if you do that again punk. Listen and believe mother fucker.
>tfw got molested by this famous mammoth hunter 10000 BC
>36 fucking years ago
This man?? How could he do such a thing?
oh... oh....
I know, right? Remember how reasonable Takei reacted when the mainstream media brought up some 20 year old audio tape where Trump was saying some stupid shit to a buddy in a private conversation? Takei deserves to be treated with just as much fairness and reason as he did back then!
The guy consented to it and it was a gag because he had the record for largest dick.
Not to mention Takei wasn't exactly "someone in power who could ruin his life"
1. the tape was only 16 years old when made public
2. Takei isn't running for the highest office in the land
3. There's zero evidence Takei did anything wrong but there is an audio/video tape of Trump behaving like a disgusting piece of shit
run back off to Sup Forums little retard
*11 years old. it was from 2005
Yes, there is an audio tape of Trump SAYING something disgusting. That's not illegal. Meanwhile Takei is being accused of drugging and raping someone.
Oh and by the way, here is video evidence of Takei behaving like a disgusting piece of shit. But yeah, no way a guy who would act like this live on a radio show would EVER do something inappropriate in private where no one is watching.
>touching willing women's pussies is considered disgusting now
Please tell me this is just an American thing
Lmao good, fuck this faggot and his holier than thou attitude. Pretty funny all these liberals and left leaning faggots are the ones being ousted
What did he mean by this?
>people that got mad at trump for grabbing women by the pussy are now being ousted as sexual predators themselves
It's fucking poetry
>groping married women and saying they won't stop you because your famous isn't disgusting
wew lad
>"If you're famous, they'll let you grab em by the dick and you can call it a gag afterwards."
I'll grab you by the dick if you don't shut up.
It's funny how it's all a bunch of SJW cucks getting outed as pedophiles and rapists when they spend all day and all night screeching about how the right are literally nazi rapists.
I like how the Trump quote keeps evolving whenever a liberal tells it. Soon it'll be
>"groping virgin nuns married to our lord and savior Jesus Christ and saying they won't stop you because you threaten to buy their monastery and throw them out on the street isn't disgusting"
lmao if you're going to use accusations as the basis of judging someone Trump has been accuses of WAY, WAY worse than what Takei is being accused of so that argument is DOA
>I did try and fuck her. She was married.
>I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
which part did I exaggerate exactly?
If people are surprised by this, they fucking deserves to get raped.
This degenerate chink have been open with all of his creepy sexual behavior, and a lot of people have just laughed it off. So he just continued.
You reap what you sow...
>George "Finish that drink and get one up the stink" Takei
Yeah but none of them are credible. If Trump was on video doing something like I highly doubt you would question any sexual misconduct allegations thrown against him.
the part you left out where he did something wrong
I read the transcript and its unintelligible. I don't even know what they taking about for 90% of the conversation or whatever the fuck it was. It reads like two pedestrians in a GTA game taking to each other
>did you ever grab anyone by their cock against their will?
>some people that are kind of... umm... skittish...
>or maybe... uhhh... afraid...
>and you're trying to persuade...
Serious question, do you soyboys seriously get triggered by shit like this or are you just using it as ammunition because you don't like Trump? Like, if you and one of your mates were in private and he started telling you about that married woman he tried to fuck, would you act all outraged and shit?
You'd have to be legit autistic or socially inept to actually get offended by this conversation.
>paraphrase Trump being disgusting
"lmao that's not what he even said"
>directly quote the transcript of Trump being disgusting
"lmao I love how triggered you guys get"
god I hate how totally incapable fucking Trumpists are of forming an actual argument
and for the record, yeah, I would get upset if my mate was BRAGGING ABOUT GROPING WOMEN'S PRIVATES AGAINST THEIR WILL. would probably deck him desu,
He didn't say its against their will. He specifically said they "let him"
Wew. Well at least he isn't really denying it.
>against her will
Dumb redditor
There it is again, you're making shit up again. You're so far down the Trump derangement syndrome you don't even realize it when you slip out of reality and into your personal head-canon. Trump specifically said "they LET YOU do it". He never once talks about doing anything against anyone's will.
Sounds like a threat.
>takei is being accused of drugging and molesting someone
>Trump talked about how desperate females will let celebrities do anything to them
Jesus Trump is literally hitler!!
uhh, what the hell is this?
not stopping something from happening =/= consent
actually I was refering to traveling to russia and pissing on underage girls faces, an accusation that's much worse but holds just as much water as what Takei's being accused of
lmao I love how triggered trumpists get when you talk about Dear Leader
>actually I was refering to traveling to russia and pissing on underage girls faces
Lmao source on any of this shit?
there you go again
trump didnt say 'they wont stop you'
he said 'they let you'
>not stopping something from happening =/= consent
Actually that's exactly what consent is
If there is no reasonable objection to something occurring with reasonable chance to voice your objection then you are consenting.
>This is the average listen and believe nu-male
I'm sure in his all the women that accused him of assaulting them "let him do it" too
oh no you forgot about all the women have actually explicitly named Trump in sexual assault cases?
wow but you were just using baseless accusations as an argument to take down Takei. aren't we supposed to listen and and believe?
oh boy how's he gonna handle this one???
actually you're wrong. his position of power makes saying no or explicitly trying to stop him dangerous and problematic, pretty sure we established that with Louis yesterday. nice trips though.
I'm arguing exactly against the "listen and believe" argument by arguing against Takei's accuser you fucking mong
His position of power has a perfectly natural psychological effect on women. It is still their choice what they do. If their choices are clouded by whatever psychological weaknesses they have that's their problem, its still their choice
Nice try, you are arguing against listen and believe because the victim shares your political views,if 10 other men accused him you would belive them even though it's still listen and believe.
Sorry, bud. But you keep omitting where he said they ARE willing.
he's japanese you mong
I for one support the QPoC
do you live under a fucking rock?
I hope a big beefy black nigger blocks your path one days and tells you to deepthroat his pickle, then we'll see how much of "choice" you have
>if 10 people say something happened then it's more likely that it did.
>if only 1 person said it happened it's way less likely.
this is basic logic that most grade school students understand, not sure how it's beyond your grasp.
"if trump says they were willing that means they were"
what about the women who said that he touched them when they weren't willing? I see you're taking your sweet time addressing that point so I'll bring it up again for you, just a reminder.
completely irrelevant
takei is a sicko, you can tell just by looking at his dirty perverted face. homos have a high correlation with pedophilia, rape, and drug abuse. its not shocking at all that he would rape some kid with drugs. this is something you can rightfully expect from a loud and proud member of the homo community.
Oh nooooo.
>If youre famous you can grab them by the dick and call it a joke
Hahahah, so now you shitlibs want to start looking for hard evidence before believing the victim? Some hypocrite you are.
Nope he's American
he's denying it on twitter. this is not going to end well for Georgie
so all the shitskins from north africa and the middle east in your country are the same as you?
FDR should have gassed him when he had the chance.
Proofs and probability are two different things,especially when the probability comes from oral testimony.If i get 10 people on video saying you are special need,does that make it true?What if i get 100?Or 1000?In order to prove it i would need something which implies it,like a real brain scan or you making the same post two times because you fucked up the formatting.
Listen and believe means you consider the victim world to be proof enough,the only difference is that you need 10 while other people are happy with 1.Your minimum number is "probably" influenced by how much you like the accused.
Ohhh myyyy, it looks like the communist cabal is turning on us. I thought we would be invincible forever and I could shame anyone I wanted for doing a fraction of what I have done. Ohhhh myyy, I wonder what prison is like, is it really that much of a punishment after all for a poz boy like me? Oh myyyy
No, European nations have an ethnical, cultural heritage, unlike the United States which are just mongrels indoctrinated by classic liberalism.
You and I have mutual friends, begone from this place.
you’re an idiot, stop trying to sound intelligent please
>I moved on her like a bitch.
Way to remove the context. The line right before that was that he bought her some furniture. He bought her furniture, ie. moved on her like a bitch, but she wouldn't fuck him.
Is it OK that things that are outside the statue of limitations are written about as the poor gay will have no way of clearing his name in court.
you can't change the rules midgame in the culture war little buddy.
You don't know how to reply and are a little butthurt.It's all good,keep trying and eventually you will win an internet discussion too.
was it a male model?
shut up, faggot. the community show is truly shit.
the new Europeans are brown and muslim, enjoy!
how does that put it in a context where it’s acceptable? wtf you guys are awful at this
no I just don’t dignify non-sensical bull shit with a response. seriously, go back and read what you wrote, would you bother responding to that if someone sent that mess to you?
>taking a woman to buy furniture is now sexual harassment
>hypocritical and and sleazy
Wow I've never seen this before!!!
never argued that point but I can see you’re grasping at straws now. Is it sexual harassment when multiple women claim you sexually harassed them?
Here he is admitting to it