There are literally zero Asian-American A-listers
There are literally zero Asian-American A-listers
Other urls found in this thread:
jews are from asia
Because all Asian-"""Americans""" are fucking ugly and trashy as fuck
Pure East-Aryans don't get involved in shitty hollywood
Found the virgin
Lucy Liu used to be
Think again sweaty x
These fake plastic bitches are gross
She was never more than B-list
He' a quapa which is enough imho
1/4 Asian
what about ken wanatabe. ROOOO BERRY GUU RET DEM FIGHTUUU
Ken Jeong
A-listers, not special guests at quinceneras
Jackie chan and Jet li.
Who the fuck cares? If you want to see a bunch of Asians, move to fucking Asia.
Asians have their own markets. Asian Americans constitute less than 8% of the American population.
Tell me why there should be.
>Because all Asian-"""Americans""" are fucking ugly and trashy as fuck
>is a kpop poster
i enjoy popping boners at the movies
Exactly. If an American studio wants to make a big movie with an Asian star at the center, they'll bring an Asian star who already has credits to his name and use him. That way Asians will watch it here, and Asians in their actual market will flock to it.
There's no reason to use a home grown Asian when they won't appeal the same to foreign markets.
Why use John Chan from Indiana when you can use Jackie Chan and all of Hong Kong will go see it?
They may as well give them double eyelid surgery at birth, they all fuckin get it eventually anyways
>John Chan from Indiana
I actually want to see this exact movie
not all asians have single-eyelid, only those whose ancestors were raped my mongolians, which is a fucking lot of them.
what is wrong with kpop?
You know why you bigot
That the music sucks and the sluts are less human than a realdoll.
that's because they're unattractive, just like black women. They're reduced to fetish-tier.
plastic doll people
How many layers of plastic surgery is this girl on? And the girl in the background looks way better than her
>implying I care about the music
why not just watch asian strippers instead of dealing with all the pop idol crap then?
Stay triggered by clickbait, you low IQ moron.
found the white girls
dogface black women get literally all the B C and D tier female parts now
It's really amazing how many things women put on under that dress to look like that. She's not just wearing a bra and panties, and that's not even counting the shit she uses on her nails, hair, face, her jewelry, etc.
Women spend a fuckhuge amount of time just to take one picture, it's actually kind of amazing how far they'll go for positive attention, especially on social media where they use even more shit and camera tricks. I know a girl who photoshops every single Facebook pic she takes to look perfect.
Who is this semen demon?
don't act as if thats not the general idea behind diversity you troglodyte
I cant fucking stand wh*tes.
nothing triggers white roasties more than Asian girls
>tfw youll never open her legs right htere and suck on that pussy till she cums
stay mad turd
post more thicc asians to trigger white roasties
it's always the desperate leftover people who have issues.
No matter whether it's a black, white, asian guy or a black, white, asian girl they always derive some mental gymnastic for why other people pair together.
Meanwhile the rest of the world is perfectly happy fucking each other and enjoying life.
Gal Gadot was born in Israel and is therefore Asian.
one drop rule
>No porn of these whores
Most of Hollywood is Jewish.
nope, whitey.
I just think it's funny how people get defensive about races.
White guys get defensive over white women with black men, black men get defensive when women aren't into them either, white women get defensive when white guys go for asians, asian men get defensive when asian girls go for white or black guys, etc.
There's basically a venn diagram of butthurt between all races at all times, the only way to win is to not give a fuck.
Suggest me the best kpop band to start with please
That's because the outrage from white women would be too deafening since asian women are their natural competition. Hence anytime an attractive asian women is shown with any kind of sexuality it's called cultural appropriation, yellow fever, or whatever buzzword they can muster.
>the only way to win is to not give a fuck.
yeah brazil is a paradise
fucking none, it's for people with aspergers. korean = subhuman mongols. japan = white. listen to some bemani dance music.
no matter how sore your anus gets people aren't going to stop fucking because you don't like it.
so you have two choices, either be mad and races blend together or don't give a fuck and races still blend together.
It's like accepting death, wouldn't you rather be at peace considering you can't stop it?
It's already on the verge
well dont cry when youre neighboorhood is filled with crime because everybody is black
that's mostly true, but that chick just has a ridonculous figure
London Keyes
the black population here is less than a percent but what would you have me do?
short of genocide there's nothing to be done so I may as well enjoy life instead of scowling at the darkies all frustrated.
just type kpop in to google and find a group with a girl you find pretty. The music is pretty much all the same, energetic beats, catchy melodies and lyrics free of with sex, drugs and other degenerate vices as if that matters since you don't understand it anyways. Have fun.
>the black population here is less than a percent but what would you have me do?
look at that he doesnt have to live around the blacks so he loves them who would've thunk
>never seen a nigger
>"guys niggers are fine okay???"
Have you ever interacted with a black person, or are you doing as Sup Forums says? Go to college you fuck (and no, not DeVry online)
my country is majority black yea and has one of the biggest murder rates in the world
why does reddit think they're welcome here?
>short of genocide there's nothing to be done
Is this how you people actually think? "Oh, the only way to hand handle race relations is either mass graves or doing absolutely nothing at all." You think there might be some kind of middle ground?
good job ruining their women with feminism americans
Do you really expect anything more intelligent from the average Sup Forums user?
what is the middle ground that doesn't violate human rights?
you can't kill em, you can't legislate against them breeding, you can't force them out of communities.
Please explain the middle ground, I'm usually quite good at being moderate but I don't see any moderate way to implement segregation.
You've never thought about it because you're retarded.
you just showed youre some stupid sheltered european lmao youre not good at anything
That would be perfect if the last slide said "fuck women"
the fuck is this?
>literally not a single idea between them
And I'm not even a eurocuck ya dumbies.
>feminist ad
>literally every man is an object
>Asian American qt with freckles
Literally top tier, the fuck you on about
Sessue was literally the first sex symbol
this is the longest torso I have ever seen on a woman
i dont get it
men are bad because she ran out of her wedding fucked chad got sad and harassed guys at a bar and fucked a truck driver?
they are bad because they imprison women into lives of servitude, either as housewives or having to take care of the kid and because all of this is what men expect from them other than sex
women being forced to only fuck one ugly guy the rest of their lives is slavery. fuck [beta] men. we gurlz don't have to get married anymore.
Extremely limited island genepools produce odd results.
>muffled "YAASSS QUEEN" in the distance