>1,133 days until Avatar 2
1,133 days until Avatar 2
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is this thread, dare I say it, based?
Best thread on this entire website desu
Fake and gay
Best thread on the internet tbqh
It'd be a shame if
one of the cast
is accused
of sexual assault
What's your wish list for Avatar 2?
You cannot stop the hollycoast train my friend
>mfw Avatar 2 doesn't come out in 1133 days
It's a known fact that Based Jim keeps his actors in purity chambers for the duration of filming.
I don't really like whole chickens because they seem like too much work to eat. But this looks really good.
Can't wait for Based Jim to show the world a REAL cinematic universe
Just thing once this movie comes out it will have the most threads dedicated to it
You can't keep this up.
You just know all the male cast will be accused of sexual assault, and then replaced by a full female cast
Marvel will accuse Jim of sexual assault when they see Avatar 2's numbers.
Imagine what the final week will be like. These threads will be stickied.
It's going to be like Sup Forums during the election day
You can't even count right faggot, it's actually 1132 days.
user, nooo
yeah heah baby get some
>only 5 hours to 1,131 days until user you so dumb, no nothing like a child
>but also so brave
>Avatar 2: Manifest Destiny
What do we think of the rumoured title?
sounds breddy gay, desu senpai