Is Bobby Lee next?
25 minutes into this podcast he retells a story about going to Mexico and fucking an underaged prostitute, while she's crying, and he's compelled to "power fuck" her. He goes back for more later but ends up getting mugged...
Is Bobby Lee next?
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Hopefully. He's a fat unfunny leftist.
its okay, he did it in mexico shitlords
Isn't age of consent in Mexico 12 or something?
>Bobby Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It's 16 in tijuana, I heard this girl was 14...
Wasn't he sexually abused as a kid?
If so then I guess he can do whatever he wants.
Also he isn't white so he'll be fine.
He was also addicted to smack when he was 16.
his girlfriend is disgustingly hot.
He had gay sex with his retarded cousin of the same age, if anything he was the abuser.
Sounds like something a sexual predator would say. . .
who is she
Let's be real here.
Just about ever man on earth has crossed some sexual bourndry. It's nothing to be proud of but it's just a natural part of being a man.
I once put my mouth on a strippers pussy. I was drunk and getting mixed signals. It's fucked that if some gay news paper reporter wrote a story on that it would ruin my life even though it happened like 3 years ago.
Worst part is the reporter is likely no saint, no one is.
the chick next to him.
Bobby is definitely our guy. He does mommy roleplay with his Amazonian tier gf
and you know its not because of money, he aint exactly an a-lister
his big dick
it happened 3 years ago for you... but it happens every night for her
Considering he took a shit in somebody's office as revenge once I think he will be fine.
in her mind i mean not everyone does it...
Just don't be a stripper.
Pretty obvious you're going to run into some uncomfortable situations dealing with drunk horney men all the time
>strippers deserve to be raped
Unironically yes.
No but it's definitely a riskier career choice when it comes to unwanted sexual advances.
>become lion tamer
>complain when you get mauled by lion
And then you guys talk about nigger logic
>men are beasts with no self control
go away misandrist
No one is saying the men are innocent you dumb fag
Someone find the clip with him and his wife on a radio show and she starts talking about fucking an ex or some other shit that makes him despair
Drunk horney men have poor self control
Women shouldn't even be allowed to give consent. Only the government can make an objective decision.
Is this kino?
>tfw every man is sexually absuive if you frame the situation loosely enough
It's gonna become more and more of a witch hunt as time goes on. The fucked up thing is, every sexually active man has to be a predator at some point because we were raised to be aggressors. All a woman has to do is have a pussy and not be ugly and down for whatever while the man does all the heavy lifting. Even if she approves of you and knows she wants to fuck, you still have to be aggressive, make her feel sexy, and pursue her to some extent and you'll never truly know what her personal limit is. There's gonna be a time where less egregious acts are looked at as badly as these ones. There's gonna be a time where you accidentally brushed up against a girl's ass at a party like 6 years ago will get a mob of angry feminists sending you hate mail. If this shit goes on without repercussion, it'll be the worst timeline for us all.
But if he was retarded then he could just play the retard strength card.
Bobby Lee is too fucking stupid for his own good.
Did a bouncer kick your ass for mouthing the roastie's roastie?
No she just got really mad at me ended the dance and I paid her
he was on Michael Rosenbaum's podcast and said that his girlfriend punches him in the face as hard as she can during sex and makes him say "I want to kill you" to her
he brags about raping someone and getting off on her crying during it... and everyone in the room, including his gf thinks this is great. wtf is this
At the very least it would remind people that he's still alive.
his dick is tiny, mentioned it on joe's podcast
>If there was a Korean who looked like that, they would kill him
Top fucking kek
Betas and toasties will never understand
his girlfriend is so hot
Bobby Lee is the funniest person on the planet imo.
This could get him in trouble if it werent so fucking hilarious. I dont think he's big enough to be a target anyway.
Asian emasculation simple as that. A man of any race with above average dick size would have been caught for that shit by now.
You're an idiot. Bobby lies half of the time. He's sensationalizing, probably to deter attention that he shits his pants all of the time.
Haha joke's on you I've never had anything sexual happen with another person
No, men who go to strip clubs are beasts with no self control
what do you want? it's a podcast on youtube, they laugh about shit and then move on. you want them to get all serious and start discussing abuse of prostitutes in tijuana? they're his friends, they're joking around.
if i had a friend who told this story and expected me to laugh about it, i wouldn't be that person's friend anymore.
You sound like a fag
this guy is a nightmare
Doesn't stop it being immoral and scummy.
We should strip the citizenships of people who do this. Let them go live in their "underage heaven" forever, with zero access to the first world advantages that separate them from the natives.
i've never had to pay for sex or had to trick women into making out with me.
Thank God it was only a Mexico.
Based Bobby
My travel agent said there's no problem with going as low as twelve, but it could cost as much as six dollars more.
Get a load of this normie
most comedian's stories are bullshit.
Seriously? Who gives a fuck if that even is true. Let's say the age of consent is 12. The fact that this guy would travel to shady third world country just to fuck a 12 year old so he can do it legally is beyond disgusting and repulsive. In first world countries, that is ILLEGAL because 12 years old is a child.
Bobby Lee is the Asian Andy Dick
i like the stories where he got thai hookers to eat his ass.
you can bet they were like 15yrs old.
you cunts are worse than SJW's and will ruin comedy.
"but their all muh leftists"
no they're not.
joey diaz, like most cuban immigrants, hated commies.....and used to tell some nasty stories that were pretty funny that he can't tell anymore.
this is why we cant have nice things.
>guy on left of gif needs to get necked tho
This podcast sounds like a waste, bobby is telling interesting stories and his co hosts are bland as fuck not adding anything of note worth.
>every action every man takes is completely calculated, irrelevant to brain chemistry and also free will exists
wew lad
Nothing in that story indicated she was underaged
forgot gif
No the retard was a friend of the family that molested him. The cousin he had sex with wasn't retarded, they were just high I think
The US has an age of consent for its citizens traveling abroad (16). If you're caught traveling to an impoverished country to sleep with children, the US can and will arrest you (in participation with local law enforcement) and take you back to the states to serve 30 years (or let you rot in a foreign prison.) Most US federal law enforcement agencies are essentially global police forces with satellite offices working on investigations/training/intelligence in dozens of countries so unless you're in North Korea or Russia you're still well within the reach of the American government.
Unfunny chink
Here's a story about him getting sexually abused as a kid:
Your punishment was a mouthfull of stripper pussy.
You're saying that men lack the awareness and intelligence to control their basic impulses. Like a fucking animal. So yeah, nigger logic.
holy shit this is great. Is he the asian andy dick?
>consciousness and self-determination doesn't real
Why do you even live with such a shitty outlook?
>drunk horny women have poor self control
This is true
>no,women who go to chippendales and stuff their hands down the dancers pants are beasts with no self control
Many misconceptions about Bobby's past here. The age of the hooker that he power-fucked in Tijuana is unknown. Bobby said in a podcast that if he had to guess her age, around 17. He was not molested by a family friend, but a literal retard that worked in Minnesota in the summer. He says he's not gay (i.e. exotic girlfriend) but has done some experimental gay shit with his cousin under the heavy influence of alcohol. By the tender age of 11, he was an alcoholic and meth addict until he went to rehab at 17. His girlfriend is in the thumbnail to the right of him wearing a hat.
>itt right wingers pretending that morals and family values mean anything to them
You have to be somewhat of a celebrity for people to care.
No mention of the prostitute being underaged
my personal favorite bobby story
No one will ever care enough about you to warrant a reporter digging into your past.
This has to be b8. Nobody can be at least 18 (the legal age to post on this site) and not have done anything sexual their entire life.
You're on the wrong website to make that claim
Bobby says that the only reason why he powerfucked the prostitute after realizing she was crying was because he felt bad for her and wanted to cum quickly and get it over with. I thought that was nice of him.
go on...
I really think anyone who sleeps with prostitutes is a rapist, or at the very least a predator. Consent is not possible because the overwhelming majority of prostitutes are financially desperate and are victims of abuse.
Does masturbation count as sexual?
literally lold
8.5/10 trolling
Put it in your blog faggot
>I once put my mouth on a strippers pussy
>I was getting mixed signals
Say what you will about Bobby Lee, but he can tell a damn story.
Also all the episodes with Asa Akira should be mandatory listening.
It makes me feel like (and glad to be) a normie.
I only know this guy from MAD TV reruns, what else he in?
You're not factoring in the alcohol (and/or drugs) and titties
No, not really. This whole "feminists are trying outlaw male sexuality" narrative is bullshit. Most of these stories involve guys taking out their penises or touching people they barely know in a work type environment or meeting. That's not something just about every man does.
Yes. So what's your point?
And don't say "wow" like a faggot, this isn't reddit.
>If you're caught
That's the key word right there