IS it possible that these movies are so good because they feature a predominantly white male cast and crew? Hear me out...

IS it possible that these movies are so good because they feature a predominantly white male cast and crew? Hear me out, If they remade Lord of the Rings, and Gandalf was a black guy, Galadriel was a black lady with an afro, Sam was chinese, Aragon spoke with a hispanic accent, Gimli was a transgender woman, and the crew was made up of 50% woman with pink hair and the side of their heads shaved, would these movies still be good? Would diversity excel these movies beyond how good they already are? Because Liberal logic is that diversity triumphs all, and diversity makes for better quality products. So I'm genuinely curious, would diversity have made LotR a better product all around?

>>Sup Forums

sorry for messing up the first time, but please go back there. we don't want you here.

I do, I sure as fuck prefer Sup Forums over sensitive redditors

Damn, Gimili was really the tallest of all of them IRL.

Sean Bean and John Rhys-Davies are the only ones in this picture that aren't faggots.

>Sup Forums boogeyman

As for OP, you're totally right. There's just something about white men that give charm to a movie.

You're right, but there's no point in discussing the obvious.

My question isn't racist, nor is it Sup Forums related.

I am genuinely curious about peoples opinion on this subject. The universal Liberal argument is that diversity = GOOD. So would diversity have enhanced these movies? Seriously, are we being ripped off of even better movies, knowing all it takes to enhance them is to include more people of colour? If including a black Gandalf makes the movie 10x better, than I want to watch a LotR with black Gandalf.

wtf id thought they made the hobbit dudes look smaller with movie tricks

>based Viggo
>a faggot

Watch it boy

they chopped off his legs to make him small. he's wearing prostetics now.

The story is what it is, and it has all the diversity it needs in the form of elves, dwarves, and humans.

If you do like Disney did with Star Wars and project 21st-century earth into it because some people won't be happy unless they're specially pandered to, you'll just ruin it. You'll cheapen it to make it less about the original story and more about the modern social message of "EVERYONE UNITES TO PUT DOWN THE WHITE MAN"

It'll be basically like watching the local news and Stephen Colbert except with a wizard in it.

And that not only diminishes it, it takes a shit all over the source material as made by people who just wanted to tell a good story.

>we don't want you here.

okay but so did the hobbit

>prefer Sup Forums over sensitive redditors
same group


LOTR is an example of what can be achieved if you don't ruin it with (((diversity)))

>the hobbit
>adding an elven/dwarf race-mixing love story that wasn't in the book

Hobbit was rushed by the Studios, and then changed last minute to 3 movies because they wanted 900 million extra dollars.

I believe Peter Jackson and them had over a year of just pre production alone on LotR.

>it's a "Sup Forums thinks they own LOTR" episode

let's just leave this here and be done with it:

> I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White.
>— From a valedictory address to the University of Oxford in 1959

>dat 00s /fa/
In three years we will be allowed to be properly nostalgic for that decade, looking forwards to it

>Sup Forums
>not sensitive redditors

The answer to all your questions is no. Now fuck off back to Sup Forums

If there was diversity, it would feel cheap and fake. All movies with diversity have that feel to them for some reason.

Daily reminder that redditor Marxists derail threads they deem to be not (((politically correct))) by crying about "muh Sup Forums boogeyman".

Don't reply to them or they are successful.

Wtf? Gimli is taller than all of them?

>twenty-nine thousandth "muh LOTR is about muh white master race"
>gets btfo because it wasn't in the reddit migrant camp board
>"wow lol look at how much everyone hates me i guess that's just proof that im right!!!! must all be (((redditors))), right gang?"

Deep inside you would have never cared if it wasnt for an anime imageboard dictating the thoughts of your mind

I can imagine the low iq mongs here sperging out about conan the barbarian because james earl jones hurt their feelings

That's why he's the best actor of all of them.

>starts Sup Forums level shit thread
>gets called out for being Sup Forumstard
>«muh Sup Forums boogeyman»
>procedes to post full Sup Forums defence force
>is actually Sup Forums

This is now a Bateman thread

Was the far left guy even in the movie?

No one there is far left, they're all far right.

They are the same thing.

Holy shit.

Gandalf is gay.

LOtR was awful.

He was the dwarf.

I refuse to see Thor 3 because of the race switch of the formerly beautiful svelte Valkyrie. Instead of beautiful long blonde braids, (((diversity))) gives us a brillo pad on total shit.

>I refuse to see Thor 3 not because it's capeshit, but because it hurts my fee fees
Grow up.

Gimli feels like he'd have been Mexican
>Eyy, joo can't toss a drawf ese, I fooking cut you mang

Aragorn would have to be black of course, since he's a kang

Sam and Frodo would actually be full blown gay. Merry and Pippin would probably also be gay, but it's probably better to make them women, and lesbians.

Legolas would have probably been a female. Maybe an Asian female? Either way she could have a romance with Gimli

Boromir could have been white, since he acts like a dick and dies in the first movie, but they wouldn't give Boromir any of his redeeming qualities, he'd just be a turbo asshole

Not sure what you'd do with Gandalf. Seems lazy to just make him black, maybe make him middle eastern/Muslim? You could get the kid from The Night Of to play like, a young rogue-ish version of Gandalf who's extremely talented and powerful but still learning to control his powers.

Maybe make one or two of the Hobbits a jewish as well, and you're all set for a progressive, diverse LOTR for the modern age.

Admit it, she was only there because they have to have a token black. It made the character inferior forever too. They threw away a perfectly good super hero.

>waah waah they ruined my super hero now I can't buy the action figure and bring it to school
Seriously, grow up.

If you saw the movie you'd see Tessa isn't the original Valkyrie ans that the original died defending her from Hela... So. Y'cuda? Retard

Didn't expect Gimli to be the tallest


he is only 6'0

she was great. will watch all marvel movies with her.

please leave Sup Forums i dont even disagree with your politics but you are really fucking annoying

Straight white non-jewish men can make a wonderful movie because they work hard and don't molest anyone. It's a win-win. Diversity is a joke. Some people and cultures are simply inferior.

I really hope the Amazon TV series fixes Tolkien's pro-white, reactionary views

Jackson didn't do a good enough job which allowed the whites and other racists to latch onto these movies

Viggo is the epitome of masculinity, holy fuck.

literally yes, LOTR and similar high fantasy stories are inspired by european history and myths and it's fucking weird to see non-europeans in the setting

Man, look at the difference a well developed jawline makes.


Sorry friend, according to my studies of post-modernism the author of any work has no say in how that work may be read or the subtext that can be gathered from it. If I choose to make LotR an allegory for white supremacy, nothing the author says can refute that.

it's because everyone involved actually cared and worked their asses off. watch the behind the scenes stuff.

i just realized after 20 years that merry is the guy from lost