This scene really represents Octavius's motives well. He wants to be a father to Peter...

This scene really represents Octavius's motives well. He wants to be a father to Peter. By extension this makes him Aunt May's spouse, which is depicted here as him putting his fingers in aunt May's "pie" so to speak.

It also portrays Otto's need to take everything away from Peter. He wants to eat the pizza before the table is set. He needs his hand in everything Peter does and wants.

If you look closer, it also portrays how Otto cleverly alludes to his true nature, by the virtue that he licks his fingers. The tongue, of course, is seen as a symbol of destruction in the bible, for all of the damage mere words can do. Octavius too causes large amounts of destruction, including a large puffy, almost pie-like balloon, through the use of, you guessed it, large blades.

Aunt May, of course, symbolizes the public, disproving of his actions but not able to stop them. Thank you, Raimi, for this masterpiece.


Where is the pizza?

You gotta be like a Spiderman expert or something!

But what does the knife symbolize?

>"Watch your fucking fingers, Mr. Osborn, you have worse table manners than a nigger"

Was that really necessary? I was very uncomfortable after that scene

Oh, that's just a knife

It was a different time.

>"Sorry I'm late, I had to beat an old broad with a stick to get these cranberries. Dumb bitch."

I don't think Aunt May appreciated Peter's dark sense of humour

>This is the last time they spoke as friends
>Norman is wearing red and blue
>Peter is wearing green

And Harry is about to shove his hand down his pants because he experiences a sexual thrill being Father-cucked by his best friend.


"I had to beat an Old Nigger with a Whip to get these cranberries"
Wow, Raimi, was that necessary?


This thread!

Really makes me think

>father cucked

Jesus christ, what the fuck

This is how Snyder apologists look to me.


>Did Edison sleep before he turned on the light?
>Did Marconi sleep before he turned on the radio?
>Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the fifth?

>Did Himmler sleep before he turned on the gas chambers?

>Ah Rosie, I love this boy!

This scene really activated my almonds.

>Aunt May, your pie smells delicious.
What did he mean by this?

Someone stole them!


Aunt May was way out of line. It's understandable to do that to someone in your own family at your own house, but Mr. Osborne was a guest in Peter's place. Very embarrassing.


So this is a Raimiposting thread?

really gets my noggin joggin