Sonic Boom

"Bet you'd all thought I'd be the first one out, but the stereotype that 'girls are bad at video games' is not only offensive, but clearly un--"
"... Nevermind."

Let's discuss how Sonic Boom is a fucking goldmine this season.

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That one got me good.

this cant be real

It almost makes up for that shitty Boys vs. Girls episode from season 1.

Is this the episode where the male fun of Sonic Booms redesigns?

It's within the first three minutes.

The episode made more fun about how the vocal communicated railed against the franchise.
"Tomatopotomus 2! The best one in the series! Tomatopotomus didn't really transition well into 3D."
"Yeah, and it was dumb they changed the color of Tomatopotomus' legs."

They've been taking the piss out of sitcom-y writing in several episodes.

In the beginning of one, Knuckles gets amnesia, and they point out "It's like some lame sitcom." followed by several seconds of awkward silence.

And two episodes ago when Sonic gets a mech suit, Amy goes on a rant about how franchises need to stop recycling their characters and create new content, followed by an awkward pause as everyone looks at each other.

>Tomatopotomus never worked in 3D.

>tomatopotomus never worked in 3d
holy shit

>Tomatopotamus 2 is the best one
It's all about Tomatopotamus 3 & Carruckles

Nice dubs.
Bad forced may-may.

>the robots start fighting
>Pacific Rim sound-alike music starts playing

This show, my god.

Great trips.
The first season had way more misses than hits, especially earlier in the run, but I think the rumors of Sonic Boom getting shitcanned has given them the courage to do whatever they want to. It's refreshing to see a franchise shit on itself.

Not all jokes are may-may's, user.

& Knuckles is a meme.

&Knuckles wasn't even the joke.

Good, because it wasn't funny.

i seriously need to start watching this show if it's this fucking clever and funny
how is the.. what, story? action?

what does Chris Chan think of this?

Blue arms

It's a sitcom with a loose continuity. Twitter posts say that Season 2 will start having two-part episodes, but so far it's just an episodic comedy, which means that story is generally confined to whatever the topic of the day is. The action is pretty gimped, though there are some episodes where they manage to get a budget, and then it doesn't look like complete trash.

The wit of the show is dependent on the writer. Most episodes are pretty generic kids-stuff, some episodes are down-right bizarre, but there are rare episodes where you get something genuinely great. If it's written by Hahn and Denton, more than likely it's going to be a (relatively) fantastic episode.

>and they point out "It's like some lame sitcom." followed by several seconds of awkward silence.
>"Tomatopotomus 2! The best one in the series! Tomatopotomus didn't really transition well into 3D."
"Yeah, and it was dumb they changed the color of Tomatopotomus' legs."

is this show popular with kids? are they gonna understand jokes like this?

A couple jokes that require a little knowledge aren't going to sink the show. I'm sure sometimes these little gags soar over SOMEONE's head though.

The action is weak but the writing is pretty top notch if ya ask me

Kids will watch anything, but no, it's being purposely killed by Cartoon Network in an attempt to prevent it from staying on the air. However, Bill Freiberger (I think) said that it's getting a third season. But the niche humor is what makes it so captivating.

>they point out "It's like some lame sitcom." followed by several seconds of awkward silence.
>Amy goes on a rant about how franchises need to stop recycling their characters and create new content, followed by an awkward pause as everyone looks at each other.

Is this show just unsubtle meta humor or are there actually good jokes?

The several seconds of action per episode is clearly just for the sake of keeping kids interested. But it's not repulsively bad or anything. Just clearly one of those "going through the motions" things that you don't really watch the show for.

IIRC, it was rumored that they're already doing the storyboards for S3.

Good jokes. The people working on Boom are clearly fans of the franchise, but know when to take the piss out on it, & that's one of the reasons this show works. Also, I'm against the idea of the Boom personalities going into the games, but man, they just work in this sitcom setting.
Skip to 1:04.

It has no shortage of meta humor. But it has clever dialogue all around.

>The first season had way more misses than hits
I disagree, I think it had more hits than misses. However, hit /= homerun. Most of them were mildly amusing and deserving of a chuckle here and there but not necessarily awesome.

I think they hit their stride by around the second half of season 1?

>"Yeah, and it was dumb they changed the color of Tomatopotomus' legs."
Are they seriously referencing Chris-Chan?

No you fucking idiot, they're referencing Sonic Boom itself

They had a Misery-based episode entirely devoted to Chris-chan, dude.

>g-good. b-because it wasn't funny anyway!

not that user but i dont think it was even supposed to be funny.

Action is nothing special but above average for the current tv climate.

No, they were talking about the Boom designs. Like the "CWC episode" was mocking crazy fans in general.

Fangirl Amy is actually pretty adorable when it isn't her default nature.

Hes not wrong he makes to big a deal out of it but he is right.

The comedy in this show is gold

I still can't decide between Boom Amy and Riders Amy. Both are fantastic in their own ways.

>Tails finally get the girl of his dreams, Zooey
>week of pretty good fanart by a ton of people
>less than 3 episodes later, Perci starts flirting with him alone and he's digging it
>Almost no good art
So much for that

Almost any Amy is a good Amy, user.

How could he possibly be right?

Nah. Original Amy (aka Pink Sonic) was not good. Shrill, annoying, "I only exist to chase Sonic" Adventure Amy was not good either.

It's a shame, because why would anyone want Zooey when you could have fucking TWINS?

You know that sonic 3 and knuckles was a real game right

>He's got rugged good looks!

Yes, and now it's a meme.

>Adventure Amy was not good either

That was literally the first Amy in the games that made her do more than just chase Sonic. And Classic Amy didn't do much outside of chasing him, because she only had 1 major appearance in a game.

sonic in general is a meme

You're a meme.

Jesus, This is legitimately really funny.

And Adventure Amy was awful. I would rather have furry-generating Sally than Adventure Amy.

I'm talking about her personality. Regardless of her getting caught up in the Flicky-robot drama, she was still 100% about catching Sonic.

... Well now I know why the characters in Sonic Boom wear clothes...



Her personality in SA1 was fine. She still wanted Sonic, but that doesn't take away from everything else she did in that game.

>Now neither of us will be virgins

>first time seeing Sally

HOW is this legal??

I disagree. She was irritating as fuck in both Sonic Adventures.


....Is this the first time you've seen Sally?

She was a bit more irritating in SA2, but I disagree about her SA1 portrayal. It wasn't my favorite Amy (post-252 Amy a best) but it was still a good version of her, & it did a nice job showing her start to do more than just go after Sonic, imo.

That being said if I had to pick an Amy I don't really care for, I never got the love for Fleetway Amy. She had a nice design, but everything I saw of her screamed "generic action girl."

The entire purpose of her plot was to find the baby bird's parents so Sonic would somehow think she was a good mother and want to marry her.

Jesus fuck, did he say anything about that?

>it did a nice job showing her start to do more than just go after Sonic, imo.
I could have sworn once her story ended, she went straight into "SAWNIC, WAIT FOR MEEEEEE"
Not the best way to end a story if your goal is to show how multi-faceted a character is.

He said he doesn't recognize the resemblance on his YT account.

I never sweat! I have a glandular problem.

>so Sonic would somehow think she was a good mother and want to marry her.

That was Sonic Battle, man.

Her story ended with her saying that she's gonna make Sonic respect her, & by then "it'll be too late."

Someone post that official comic where she goes naked in a golden fountain

For science.

Oh yeah I forgot that this show is actually good for some reason? what's up with that? It's genuinely a funny show.

Can't really find it. But Sally is lewd 100% of the time, regardless.

Good writers = good show.

HATE her redesign. You don't get any of the features that made people buy Sonic comics in the first place.

Because the writers are actually good. The only way to move on from a kid's show is either nepotism or having actual talent, and they're going 88MPH on Boom.

Gay Eggman is fucking great.

If they had to put pants on her, I'm glad it was spats. But aside from that, yeah, not that wild about the redesign.

It's not so much that he's gay, it's that he wishes he was as cool as Sonic.

He said it couldn't be mocking him because the character in question is crazy, unlike Chris.


>Beaver fever

Oh god dammit

All's fair in love and comedy. The episode handles the topic pretty well, too.

Huh. So this is their E-102 Gamma.

the hack of it is pretty funny too.

>Sonic loses in the water level

Literally the only consistently good part of the Sonic franchise apart from the music is the cartoons and Eggman himself. Even the really shit cartoons are entertaining.

The writers know they're writing a shitty tie-in cartoon and don't take it too seriously.

Has there ever been a bad incarnation of Eggman?


Is nobody making rips of this show?
Its great but all i can find streaming is terrible quality.

I don't know how.

Perci is way too lewd for this show.

Here you go, straight from xir mouth.

if only the sonic boom games could be as good as the show. Sega fucked over the Devs.

>I am not mental or crazy...
>like that at all.
... Oh.


>I'm thinking of wearing the one outfit that I own!
>Me too!!

good stuff

Chris Chan is what happens when you appky Sonic, Pokemon and My Little Pony in a single individual.