Diary Of A Wimpy Kid thread

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid thread

Also, the trailer for the "soft" live action reboot finally went up roughly an hour ago.


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Is double down really that good? That past few kind of burnt me out with how average they were but I was still thinking about picking up that one.

The third was the last I read.

Greg must be in the university by now.

Met the author at a local convention a few years ago, really sweet dude. He drew Manny in my book and wrote "Middle school stinks."

I was burnt out on Cabin Fever and just binge read the rest of the books from that point while visiting the relatives

I read halfway through Cabin Fever and it was so disjointed that I read halfway through it and they didn't reach the part where the book was all about

I prefer the art on the rule 63 series

Damn, the last book I read was Cabin Fever and I don't even remember what happened in it.


Skip to 4:24

I wonder if Middle School worst years of my life was out during that interview because that's a much clearer rip off going for the same audience but I can see a producer or publisher agent telling them 'you can't say shit about James Patterson'

I heard weird things about that movie, I wonder if Jeff even saw the trailer to that movie and thought, "no no, lemme show you how it's done"

Same here

>Greg looks a bit emo
>Rodrick looks Asian and somehow gets along with Greg
>the mom is no longer hot in a dorky way
>not enough Rowley in the trailer which may reflect on the final product
Waiting for Trailer 2 on this one

Also forgot
>singing a Spice Girls song in 2017

Yeah, like dealing with the loss of the protag's little brother that was revealed as a twist when the supporting character is revealed to be a ghost

>not enough Rowley
But why take out the best character in the books and movies? Just why?

Also, what Try Guys video is that gif from?

Poster finally up

That pig looks like it should be a creepypasta or something. Christ.

>There are 11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid books
What the fuck? Is he like in college in the new books or what?

The 5th one was hyping up whether Greg is going to grow up or just keep him 11 the entire time.

They went with the latter

Shit, I think the fourth one was the last one I read years back.

Still in middle school, half-lampshaded in Old School when Greg says that he feels like it's lasting forever.

How though? I think I've read the first 4 and that was forever ago, but don't they usually take place over an entire year? Is it just really vague what time period these events are happening in?

Damn, that sucks. The idea of continuing the series with him aging is a neat idea. The covers of the books even make it look like he's growing up with those last 2/3 looking like he could be in college from the covers.

Home alone meets a goofy movie?

The online original is still objectively the best Diary of a Wimpy Kid experience.

>6/7 suck

I guess I wasn't the only one who thought those were weak. I should really get back into them again. 4 made me laugh so hard I nearly pissed myself. Good shit.

>4 made me laugh so hard
Roderick Rules was like that for me.

Kinda bummed that the best book in the series was the worst movie in the trilogy, especially that they took out the original Stealthinator ending from the books.

Isn't Greg as bad as Mabel Pines now?

Yes, yes he is.

>dat spoiler

More A Goofy Movie than anything


The Grill Taste Test

This series is so bad. I understand that it's written for kids but same goes for the Wimpy Kid series and the latter still holds up, especially in terms of humor. The best way to describe it is that while both series are written by middle aged people, you can just TELL Dork Diaries was written by one, it just screams """Hip and Relatable"""

Or girls don't relate to Greg, which is bullshit.

What was so bad about the second movie? I thought it showed the brother dynamic between them pretty damn well. Best one imo

Exactly. I loved the Wimpy Kid series since it was on Funbrain. I gave Dork Diaries a try out of curiosity but it was just way too try hard to enjoy.

It's not a bad movie, it's just not as good as the other 2.

The fifth book was originally going to be an entire school year (presumably Greg's last year in middle school), but that year got stretched to about four books (5 - 8).

So popularity and money caused it?

It doesn't help that Kinney is churning a new Wimpy Kid book every year like Activision does with the Cawadoody series.

What do you expect? It's a money-maker.

what there's 11 books now? I feel old now... I remember being in high school when the last srraw came out.

what about captain underpants?

Yeah, I'm surprised it took them that long to make a movie out of that too.

I know, it's pretty bad

I thought it was just Wimpy Kid for vaginas