Previously on Sup Forums

"You're not the waifu I fell in love with..."

Who still watches this? Everything went downhill after the Sup Forums saga.

/mlp/ is the best character on the show. deal with it fags.


"You think she's better than me just because she has a penis!? Fuck you /fit/, fuck you!"

What did /cgl/ mean by this?


It just ended, give the show time to pick itself up again.
That arc had a satisfying ending, now it'll move on.

Why the fuck did you put a lady bug on that lizard's head

/cgl/ is a fat, ugly dyke, /fit/ did nothing wrong.

will op ever not be a faggot ?

Looking back, what did you think of The moot Saga?

fuck off with your drama
waifus are forever

>we are the Sup Forums. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
Still gives me chills...

>the episode where Sup Forums revealed itself as reddit

jesus christ i wasn't expecting that man

good plot twist

Should I watch this? Some people told me that it's a massive clusterfuck

>some people
You mean fans of Reddit: the show.

Its only a clusterfuck if you don't watch the expanded material. You should be fine if you do

>it's a Sup Forums episode
[changes channel]

the first few seasons were pretty good

it starts going to hell around it's tenth season

>Watch a /jp/ episode
>Everyone is speaking in broken Japanese.

Ignore the Sup Forums vs /fit/ arc.
Unless you are a faggot, you won't enjoy it.

I mean, not really? They share the same va and everything.

>Sup Forums hasn't had a big hit episode that managed to stay on the rails since the Tortanic special
>The big Whigs over at Sup Forums Network still tries to capture that moment again and again with BIGGEST BLUNDER and console war episodes
>These episodes are all that appear anytime Sup Forums gets an episode
>Sup Forums now has the worst episodes

When will those dumb execs learn?

>tfw I only started watching because of the /mlp/ character
>tfw the writers made her complete shit

Well, atleast /trash/ managed to capture the spirit of the original

your waifu is trash

>liking "I'm all about vidya even though I hate them!" - The Character.
Get better taste man, Sup Forums being the show's Meg is the best thing to have happened in the past 3 seasons.


moot needed to go, he stopped being fun ever since he made Sup Forums into /cuck/

at least the the /u/ri girls know what they want and dont try to fucking deny who they are god damn all of the other characters suck

>Sup Forums episodes and /tumblr/ episode are the same shit

>It's a /soc/ shows it's ugly dirty penis to /hm/ episode
>It's an anons go to /y/ because the drawfags from there deliver
>It's a Sup Forums episode

>mfw I bribed my cable provider to get the /vip/ channel

Now this is high class viewing.

How about that spin-off series, Adventure of CWC. Is it any good? Should I consider following that?

>they keep using the bane joke

Do the writers just hate /d/ now?

She kinda got demoted to being a background character after the /aco/ introduction arch. Which is ironic since we got a lot of good character development from her in that arch, almost as much as when she started dating /mlp/ for last year's Sup Forums ball special.

Ever since /trash/ and /aco/ were introduced I wonder why they bother with /d/ episodes anymore.

Useless character with no true purpose for the show. Needs removed.


>*teleports behind you*


>*runs you through with his naginata*
Nothing personnel, kid
>*tips fedora*
>*throws a smoke flashbang*
>*vanishes from sight*


That's what makes it so good.


>Shounen Pepe episodes

Remember when Pepe was part of Boys Club? Those were his best episodes despite him not being the best character.

Fuck you /trash/ is awesome.

Sup Forums x /lgbt/ is my otp

Who do you guys ship?

She's just an amalgam of other character traits. Most of those are bad traits that have been turned up to 11.


Sup Forums x /trash/. Fuck /ck/

/k/ and /ck/

Maybe I like it when it's turned up to 11.

Speaking of favorites, I really love /k/... but is it just me or is he kind of a weak character on his own?

I mean I recently rewatched a shitload of /k/ episodes and all the the best ones had him playing off of someone else, whether it was /tg/, /his/, Sup Forums, /out/, /ck/, Sup Forums... Pretty much everyone and anyone.

But any solo episode almost always felt kind of lacking.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The mythological arc is the best.

Why was /k/ a gun-wielding faggot?

he might have a point if he didnt crowd fund money to print books of his comics and then immediately afterwards have a mental breakdown and burnt the books he had printed

or just stole the money

probably just stole the money

>Sup Forumsmblr
>SJW Pandering
>Art Censorship

>It's a Sup Forums is reddit episode
They've been doing that plot a lot lately.

>ever since he made Sup Forums into /cuck/

But that was one of the funnest things he ever did.

>that guy that tells other people to stop having fun

>it's a /u/ episode

That Sup Forums = tumblr reveal was the most retarded plot twist I could think of so far

Worse than the /x/ being right about everything twist?

"Wait. This isn't me beautiful house!"

"This isn't me beautiful wife!"

What are you talking bout, that was the best part

Remember that one episode where it was just /k/ going to the gun range and shooting a bunch of guns for 22 minutes straight?
It felt like Emmy bait, God was it boring. At least the guns were pretty looking.

Sup Forums....I'm pregnant...

And the baby is yours!

Occasionally you'll get a monster girl episode and you won't care what they're saying. And its best that you don't.

Anyone have an opinion on them hinting something between Sup Forums and Sup Forums? It's kinda gay, honestly.

This show is gay.

I still have chills from
"Death of pony"
Never nobody ponder in how much shit is contained,
SCP-Thaumiel levels of shit.

When the mods built the containment unit.
Like wasn't this a casual soap opera / dramedy once?
What happened? The shift was so gradual that we didn't even notice.

>the "Who killed moot?" episode

I meant the first flood one year after the contention,was memorable at least for me
Like "I'm god -everbody dies- incident in /X/

A Douche metaforical and literally was the first retcon I like in my life

Fuck off. I'd like to see what shows you watch.

>not rewatching the superior myspace
You whipersnappers will never understand how good the old days were

Fuck off, i bet you fags think Michael Mann movies are too boring too.

The riot incident arc was fucking insane, as was meet up serial killer, the Zimmerman court case, the Dallas battle and the Syrian-Crimean flashpoint. And Ian getting the three unicorns, holy dicknipples. /k/ always has the best arcs but people are too retarded to sit through the build up.

>Sup Forums will always be too pleb to know about Kevin "in-and-out-real-quick" Brennan

The endless Trump episodes are getting boring. I mean it was amusing at first, but it seems every episode nowadays devolves into the characters arguing about Trump.

fuck off the trump episodes are the best

/ic/ is like fucking watching bob ross for 13 hours

But with a lot more swearing