When is Carol going to get BRANDED?

When is Carol going to get BRANDED?

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After Beast inevitably dies during IvX.

Brand having a thing for Carol is the worst fucking development of last year

Brand should want to fuck Sasquatch from Alpha Flight..
I dont want them to turn a straight furry into a lesbian.

Maybe they're hinting at how furry Carol is down there? Furrier than even Beast and sure Sasquatch and Brand cannot resist.

And then Sasquatch becomes a woman again.

Hopefully soon after Beast gets killed off.

What does Beast have to do with this?

Beast and Brand are basically married. She's a furry

half-furry half-mutant

Then I cant wait for him to die in IvX

Well Carol's beard is dead and Brand's coon beard might die so maybe

>Carol's beard is dead
>Brand's coon beard might die


They've been a couple for the past 9 years. She let Magneto know that she's thinking about having his babies a couple years back so I'm surprised she hasn't gotten involved in IvX.

Brand thread?



But neither are gay.


So was Iceman

Carol is patient zero of Claremont bisexuality.




Is the new Nightwing movie setting up for Affleck to leave the cowl?


When Carol grows fur and sprouts large a barbed penis.



