So Sup Forums, are these their best or worst costume designs ?

So Sup Forums, are these their best or worst costume designs ?

Personally I miss them.

Top half of Supergirl's suit was great. Shame they changed it in Rebirth.

I actually liked the boots, too. I thought they were cool.

Just needed to do something about the vagina pad in the front.

Superman's is just terrible.

Kara's is baffling below the waste. Take it or leave it above that. I guess I like the hair.

I hate all the armor panel lines. Those need to never exist again. Fuck Jim Lee.

best girl, until she went red, then bestest girl


Its artist dependent really, Lee Bermejo for example makes the new 52 outfit look incredible.
He makes it look like a thick leather like material as it should be, not thin pathetic cloth but its not armor ether.

I liked the ornamental parade armor look.

>an updated, knight-ly look
>the chest emblem worked as an homage to the iconic rip the shit open scenes while being more practical than wearing tights under a suit
>made sense for him to finally use some of that fabled kryptonian tech we always see in the Fortress

>they fucked up the color balance by removing the shorts

I wish they kept the armored look but added more yellow and red on the crotch.


I love them, I REALLY like Superman one, I would only add red gloves to it.

Also, would use the suit for more storywise shit, I love the concept of armor.

I have an unironic love for it when it's drawn by Jim Lee. I love the big dumb collar, I love the wrist plates, and I even grew to love the tacticool lines. Maybe I'm just not as allergically averse to that style as most of Sup Forums, but the suit really grew on me from the moment I picked up Superman Unchained.

Superman's is not even the best of the New 52 era costumes. On the other hand it's not even the worst Superman costume during that time counting stuff outside of comics.

>On the other hand it's not even the worst Superman costume during that time counting stuff outside of comics.
What are you referring to? Injustice?
Because his DCEU outfits are beautiful godsends.

Fucking these. Aside from the diaper, it was probably my favorite Supergirl costume.

As for Superman, I like the idea of it, but I hated the fucking armor. If they got rid of that, fixed the collar, and fixed the cuffs, it would've been great. It should've just been cloth. Superman is already durable enough as it is, giving him armor is kinda retarded and against the whole point of the character.

Only 52 designs that I liked were Aquaman and Swamp Thing.

>It should've just been cloth
No, it doesn't need to be armor, but not fucking cloth. It looks cheap and pathetic.
A thick leather looking texture like the DCEU is perfect.

>No, it doesn't need to be armor, but not fucking cloth. It looks cheap and pathetic.
That's stupid.
>A thick leather looking texture like the DCEU is perfect.
Actually that would be better than armor.

Yeah, I was thinking specifically of the Injustice costumes. Those were the fucking worst of the period.

I would rank DCEU suit higher than main New 52 armor costume, even moreso if they had given a belt to break up the blue.

Aquamans New52 costume was the best modern update to him. That collar gave him a very classy and royal look which actually fits the character unlike Superman
Sucks they got rid of them and replaced it with that pebble shit

Best Supergirl look coming through.

Yeah, and by rocafort.

A lot of other artists fucked it up. I miss the collar though.

No, short skirt and bare midriff are essential.




>It's armor
>no head protection

I mean...everything but a helmet is gone in modern war. It's that important.

A bright armor with no helmet makes me think of nobility that doesn't get it's hands dirty.


Waist down, Kara suit was absurd particularly to be Kryptonian formal wear given to her by her parents. In general, I'm not even a fan of the top half because you can't really judge something like this like you might say 'Oh, I like the coat, I hate the pants, etc."

The knee-cap less holes in the boots were also majorly stupid and distracting.

The armor look of Superbro's outfit is my main problem with it.


How would Sup Forums feel about a Superman design where instead of the chest shield he had a wrestling/weight lifter's belt with the insignia and shield on the belt instead? Balance it with short sleeves and maybe an asymmetrical cape+little shoulder pads.

Superman's classic design is perfect and shouldn't be changed under any circumstances.

I really liked 52 Supes' collar

100% This

I liked supergirl and batgirls.

I like loved flash.

Reverting back to that sans trunks n belt.

I fucking love Lee.

He's like everything Alex Ross tries to be.

I miss Babs armor costume.

I wonder what Simone's rumored lighter take on Batgirl prior to her departure would've been like.

Maybe Similar to her Pre Flashpoint Birds of prey.

Fleischer's Superman still has the best costume imho.

I want to see the black logo come back.

>Supergirl's crotch is flesh colored



Its great.



That works way too fucking good

my real question were is all the superman/supergirl incest at

Fucking briefsfags

wow what a misogynistic pose

Too much like a stripper.

It's alien formal wear. I like the fact it's bizarre by our standards. Even fashion on earth has had absurd seeming phases

I don't see what the big deal is. The diaper complains are retarded 99% of the time and the same group acts like they aren't making the same exact complain about the very thing other people bitch about concerning Superman's costume.
An artist can occasionally screw up to make Supergirl's Nu52 costume not look as good but please don't pretend Superman's brief's have not been ridiculed for decades.

Yes. They're awful and the sooner they're forgotten the better

Thoughts on the Reborn costume?

Belt looks more retarded than either the nu52 or rebirth belt. Bite the bullet, bring back the trunks.

Superman's outfit was all right, but I still like the red underwear better on him.

For Supergirl I prefer skirts on her, putting a red shield on her crotch was weird.

Great costume. Same as old but no trunks or yellow belt.


That's so fucking good. If the 'S' shield actually looked like that, I would have no problem with the DCEU suit.

Shit, just give me some red around the waist and crotch area.

Fleischer style shied looks fantastic on this suit


Needs more yellow around the belt but yeah, I think it works.

N52 looked better.

fuck. yes.

>alien formal wear

If you look at the issues in the New 52 run where they show Krypton, they show actual parties, celebrations, etc. The Women's clothes looks like typical formal wear you would see at say the Golden Globes or Oscars. So yes, there's skin showing, slits on the legs, below or above the knees, shoulders, backless, etc. (Look at the Zero issue for either Supergirl or Superman in the New 52, or the Return to Krypton story arc in both books and Superboy and in a few other one or two pagers in Superman).

But NOTHING at all is ever shown that looks like a bathing suit bottom, much less with that weird panty shield. AND none of the other women had those stupid kneeless boots.