Why does everyone hate this episode. Did it strike too close to home?

Why does everyone hate this episode. Did it strike too close to home?

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Zuke Lapidot garbage.

Because Ronaldo was right.


nothing happened, it was boring

Because he is right. Gems are nothing but monster attracting beasts that care not for humanity, only for the will of a fat, pink, bitch.

zuke effectively. Ronaldo made me cringe too much, like everything he did was either too much of a dick or too much of a weeb and not in the good way. And that fucking shit with the rock people. This episode was garbage man, cant we give ronalado a chance to be a decent person

>And that fucking shit with the rock people.
Its a joke

Zuke, as usual. Every episode with Zuke involved is terrible.

>And that fucking shit with the rock people.

user! That's racist!


There wasn't a lot of action and it was just Ronaldo complaining. If anything, it made me dislike his character.

what were lapis and peridot up to i missed that

Ronaldo is like Onion. He's a walking gag who's far less entertaining when they try to focus on him as a character.

Hold on a second there pal. Don't talk about my mans Onion like that. That boy's got layers.

It was fine, I found some bits funny and Steven finally grew a spine more or less

it was just another meh episode inbetween the "Waiting for the Diamonds to show up"

Tiger has to be the last filler no way they don't do HW invasion in less than five episodes

>Did it strike too close to home
I'm starting to think people around here don't actually know what that means.

This post strikes too close to home

It's just Ronaldo being an annoying neckbeard weeb as usual. He didn't develop as a character at all and nothing significant really happened.

Basically, more townie filler trash.

It aint racist if were talking about rocks.

>but cousin, she's not dead. She's inside of Steven.

OH CRAP!! I just realized that Rose turning into STeven is a metaphor for transgender surgery.
Quite literally turning the vagina and or penis inside out to function as the other gender's genitalia.
>i'm gonna go throw up now.

did greg marry rose or was steven a bastard

he never married her so yes

Because they ran the same gags they always run when Ronaldo appears
Except this was an entire episode of it. Some were good but it's not enough to carry an episode

I'm pretty sure Steven is pretty clear that he's not Rose.

It'd be like saying Korra is just Aang with his dick cut off.

this bait is delicious



This post, so much.

>dead wife happy

I read that as "dad wife happy".

Like some kinda jab at SJW logic.

Because everyone thought it was gonna be some huge, gloves off, SJW vs. Sup Forumstard smackdown based on the preview, and it ended up just being a regular boring filler episode.

Why is Sup Forums this easy to trigger?

Implying people haven't caught on that the show is literally a lesbian sexual dance off, SJW, Tumblr, far left, 1,000,000 different gendered wet dream train of retardedness that hates all things men.

Then why is that the show is very clear that if Steven were just raised by his lesbian moms he'd be a total basket case? His most healthy relationship is with his straight white male, small business owner, non college educated father.

More specifically Betas officially marks the spot where Zuke's depictions of Lapis and Peridot so thoroughly break with the Crewniverse's depictions that they border on genuine OOC. Unfortunately the fandom eats that shit up, so they take Zuke's depictions as the originals.

Of course now whenever the rest of the crew writes them they seem far more weird and cynical and mean spirited.

You are being triggered over a cartoon.

How could everyone hate it? It only came out like 6 hours ago.

Because they advertised the episode with a picture of Bloodstone, had they never done that, while less would tune into the episode, it'd be far less hated.

For those of you are confused, save yourself 11 minutes and watch this summary that essentially provides the full experience.


I don't get why everyone is so negative about this show. I like to sit down and just watch.

Negativity is purely fandom based, the more you're involved the more it effects you.

Too much filler, too much downtime, and way, way too much moping from various characters, enemies or otherwise.

Someone is always crying or moaning about some inner turmoil they haven't been able to get over in the last 500 years until the pudge shouts some human platitudes at them and they suddenly get it.

I like(d) the show, but it's taking too long to land the plane at this point. Remember George's pitch about a show where "nothing happens"? Turns out it wasn't Seinfeld, it was Steven Universe.


Jesus Christ that was fucking cringe inducing.

nigga the only thing fat about her is her ass and tits

Yo this episode fucking sucked.

Atleast Zuke is gone.

Silver linings.

I haven't watched the show a since the Pearl and Mystery Girl episode which I hated and then decided to drop the show permanently after ZukeGate because the drama and trying to excuse stupid writing was so dumb that I gave up on it because at this point there was only so much stupid I could handle. The pacing was bad, the animation continued to look bad and I just had a gut feeling this will all turn out like Breezy again and I decided to end it before it got that bad.

Was I being unfair to the show and should give it another chance or did I make the right move?

Holy shit. All that was missing was Sonic the Hedgehog giving a PSA at the end about treating people with respect.

I'd say you made the right move considering the show is taking forever to get to any kind of a point.

It was bad all around, the concept was decent but they did absolutely nothing with it.
They EASILY could've just had Ronaldo pester Steven so much he actually takes him somewhere, and then Steven has to make up for himself and protect Ronaldo for a bit. Then they make the peace pact and steven grows from this encounter, rather than just putting in MORE winks at the fans.
Dunno why this episode even came on, honestly. Ronaldo doesn't hate the gems anymore but we saw that already with his last episode.

i agree the episode was kind of terrible but remember this is still a kids show there's still basic morals that need to be highlighted in some episodes. i'm sure the diamonds will come down to earth soon enough and all sorts of lore shit will happen. don't give up yet

that being said, if tiger philanthropist is shit im quitting the show forever

If this episode is any indication, you made the right move.

Good Job, user.

can i get an edit of this with a ny jets logo

Ronaldo episodes are supposed to be poking fun at the audience. I feel like they were trying to poke fun at Gemsonas and bossy people on the internet.

Everyone has second-hand embarassment because we all know someone like this.

Or ARE someone like this.

everything leading up to the episode to the episode itself was bad


Last steven bomb was great minus one filler episode. I desipised that espiside to and since zuke is fired or quit or w.e, we will only have to deal with 3-4 more shttty episodes.

Damn, I guess the space arc wasn't great either?
I don't feel joy in seeing things I liked go bad.

Without spoiling can you tell me what the arc does right? Maybe I'll just skip to that if it sounds good.

Because Sup Forums is just Sup Forums but with less swastikas. This place is still very much a cishet boys club, despite the efforts to change it for the better

kys my man

I felt the pacing was good (save for that filler) and gave an excellent in depth look at the villains motives and why the are villains. I am poor at explaining things but I enjoyed the world building and new characters they introduced in this arc.

They do a great job capturing the essence of an other wordy demi god I would say.

god this show is just getting worse

The dick makes it cuter

They tried to do cringe humour but it didn't feel real at all, making it not cringe just awkward in all the wrong ways. Especially when he was fucking around with the sword. It was just all off.

Also the political message was massively unsubtle and hamfisted.

Ronaldo is an ass and an oaf but part of his schtick is that his whacky conspiracy theories aren't entirely wrong. That's funny and what makes him work within the setting. But instead they grew over reliant on using Ronaldo as a stupid Person-I-Don't-Like-of-the-Week stand in. Somebody who can say the mean things to get the filler moving and to provide drama. Though it's unsurprising somebody like Zuke doesn't even attempt to accurately portray the character she is paid to write for personal agenda. Glad she's gone.

>An episode where Ronaldo is constantly lampooned for taking blogging too seriously
>Written by fucking Zuke of all people

>Steven arbitrarily deciding that rock person was offensive despite the fact it has even been said before just so they have some kind of slur analogy

It only seems that way because we have to wait a whole week for an 11 minute episode that may or may not be good. Other shows tend to premiere with two of those, meaning they have about 50% less chance of disappointment. If tonight we got Rocknaldo plus Tiger Philanthropist, chances are better we wouldn't feel fucking cheated. CN is fucking over SU premieres in more ways than one.

Rondalo is supposed to be a stand in for the grown up audience.

Seeing what you did there, user.

>the grown up audience.

Alright user, I'll check it out later. Thanks.
I really hope you're right about the show getting good again.
But it's not just a couple of filler episodes, it's a whole stream of mediocre episodes before you get a good one. This has always been the case but it feels the not lore episodes are getting worse and worse because now it feels they're screwing with the characters development.

us, tumblr, reddit

those man children at conventions that ask the stupid questions at the panels.

Connie is clearly meant to represent the "intended" audience of children and pre teens.

>people actually thought there would be a new gem

Yes. I'm unsure how that was relevant to the point though.

Bit cheating when they post an actual picture of a gemstone like
> 'Oh who is this? See tomorrow ;)'

Yeah it's pretty obvious when it's lined up with a Ronaldo episode, doesnt stop it from being a massive dick move and false advertising

>Steven arbitrarily deciding that rock person was offensive despite the fact it has even been said before just so they have some kind of slur analogy
Actually, of all the shit in this episode, I was okay with that.

It is kinda fitting. It's like the word nigger or faggot.
If you're one of them, you feel fine using it colloquially, but if someone is standing on a soapbox yelling "FUCK NIGGERS" or "FUCK FAGGOTS" then you find it offensive.

Tell me you faggots haven't heard random people use shitty memes wrongly and felt like punching them in the face.
Same basic idea.

What was Zukegate?

Sup Forumsmblr hates humor.

Why do they keep making townie episodes. Surely the community has been shitting on the creators for it. Have they ever responded? They are literally killing the series.


At least Onion has the redeeming possibility of being the most useful human when the final battle/invasion/climax/whatever happens. If he wrecks homeworld gems for like 15 seconds of animation I will be satisfied.

Most of the harshness as opposed to level-headed criticism is internet tribal bullshit, the show itself is irrelevant.

They respond in a backhanded manner

Either it's through unfunny tweets or unfunny jokes in the show

Crewniverse cannot take criticism


Apparently, Zuke so desperately wanted to make her ship cannon that she went against what all the other storyboarders were doing to make it happen, even if it meant making the interaction rushed and badly written.

When and where was this revealed?

No. It really isn't.

As faggot the offence comes from
1. The intent to offend
2. The historical backing to a word
Note that second bit.

People on Sup Forums either are using the term faggot affectionately or are trying to be edgy with it. It's inoffencive. It carries as much weight as calling me a poopybuttface at worst.

However a dude raving in the street about burning the faggots then they're invoking all the historical backing, imagery and dehumanisation that comes with it. Faggot has been used to dehumanise and justify violence in the past and that's what they are trying to do. That's why it's offensive. If the same homophobic dude called me a poopybuttface it wouldn't carry the same weight because it isn't have that.

Now imagine if he wasn't even calling me a poopybuttface but an entirely new thing that has never been used as an insult before. Not only that but it doesn't even have the intent to offend behind it. Say he called me a homophile or a man romancer. Why would that suddenly be offensive?

Hrm... You know what was really needed? Renaldo, I mean Bloodstone, training and not taking shit seriously. What we see is an entire week where everyone tells him "lol, you'll get responsabilities after we train you" and "lol, we'll train you later" over and over. The episode mostly just shows him growing increasingly frustrated as nobody will start him off. Which kinda doesn't make him wrong. Connie got started as soon as she said she wanted to fight, and she's as much of a weeaboo dork as Ren- Bloodstone. Literally what makes them so different? Pretty sure Connie would have quickly turned into an asshat too if she had spent a week waiting for her training to begin.

I think the important thing about Onion is that in order for him to work he needs to be weird and mysterious in a way that doesn't let you quite decide whether he's just an odd little boy, or some fucked up evil supernatural being. So if wrecks any Homeworld gems he'd either need to do it off-screen and we only see the aftermath and have no idea how he accomplished it, or possibly he could Home Alone them with a crazy trap that really shouldn't work but does.

that sounds horrible

She admitted it in her tumblr, though there were clues about it a couple months prior as she deleted everything SU related in it and someone found some very angry and ranty posts from another account that sounded very much like Zuke.

anyone got an image that gathers all this around? I need to use this to mock someone

>implying that honor won't be saved for Greg Murdercock

Last bomb had a few good ones, and the bomb before it was one of the best, and was padded by more great episodes like Centipeetle's return. I think if you were to watch all the season 4 episodes from the beginning to end once it's done, this shitstream would feel less bad in the long run. Not good, but not as terrible.

>i agree the episode was kind of terrible but remember this is still a kids show there's still basic morals that need to be highlighted in some episodes

That is bullshit for several reasons. This isn't really a show targeted for kids, and even if it was that doesn't mean it's alright for it to be bad. Kids deserve way better then that. Especially from a show that supposedly takes pride in the fact that it goes beyond an average kids show sometimes.

sounds like a someone with an axe to grind

I think it hurts for both sides. It defends SJW too much to the point of cringe. The whole we never do anything wrong ever and only attacked by trolls. Then when Rolando dose anything it's either too accurate or inaccurate but either way the entire ep made me cringe.

>Onion is actually a snerson
There Ronaldo redeemed too now.

>she went against what all the other storyboarders were doing to
To be fair, the storyboarders do that to themselves
It's clear that the crew no longer coordinates or communicate with each other, if they ever did.

Reminds me of why Adventure Time went to shit. PB and Finn's characterization goes all over the place and has for a while. Nobody cares about consistency, they just write the characters the way they personally see them.

It's ironic that SU is now full of kid pandering morality lessons considering that John K hates that shit and he was an early proponent of Sugar's work.

I can't find her officially admitting doing this post but this pic had the sighs before the storm.

If you go to tumblr and post Lauren Zuke you'll get a bunch of reactions of people attacking her or defending her.

Not arguing whether or not it was badly written and if it's professional to put your own weird personal gain over the general writing of the show mind you, oh no, just about the ships themselves.