”Can I masturbate in front of you real quick?”

>”Can I masturbate in front of you real quick?”

>”Fuck no.”

What’s so fucking hard about that?

Other urls found in this thread:


my dick

Exactly. People are being very immature about all of this.

Having status and power over people fucks up the power dynamic between this question. Ask your friend that and it's just creepy but ask your employee and you face them with a career-risking dilemna.

no two people are ever in the exact same "power level"

You are right. but hes an anti white kike ,so i dont really care

>its unethical to have power and want something from subordinates

As a white male he had power over them. They literally had no choice.

just another jew raping them goy women from a position of power

must be jewish privilege

That's horseshit. And people who think that way are the type who would fuck their boss, feel bad about it, and then years later make rape accusations.

All you have to do is say no. It's the harder choice and requires knowing who you are, and what your values are, and may even affect your job... But won't cost you your fucking dignity, and won't ruin anyone's life years later due to your own stupidity.