Are normalfags still in denial this wasn't great as they thought it would be or are they still burying their heads in the sand?
Are normalfags still in denial this wasn't great as they thought it would be or are they still burying their heads in...
It's actually good solely on the fact that it's a carbon copy of a New Hope with assets of Return of The Jedi thrown in.
Anybody who has made a finalized opinion without having send seen 8 and 9 is an idiot
>Jesus, that's dumb.
"I'm sure the next Film will be good".
user, your not 12 are you, you haven't conscientiously lived through the release of the prequels have you?
I have lived through the prequels. That's how I know the trilogy can be salvaged from an awful first installment
>ep1 - Watchable Trash
>ep2 - Only Last Half of the Film Is Watchable
>ep3 - Watchable in Parts.
Ep 1- Unwatchable
Ep 2- So bad it's good
Ep 3- Actually good
A good film should be able to stand on its own. It's a shitty remake of the 4th one, and the 4th one wasn't even good.
KEK. It's not a varbon copy, it's an attempt by a mongoloid to copy a unique artwork made by a genius. Here's the equivalent.
A disaster film saved in editing.