Are we the brainlets all along? Am I not smart for understanding all of Kubrick's films?
Please tell me this isn't true bros
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It means enjoying bad movies as in laughing at them for what they are. Kind of like Redlettermedia's Best of the Worst series.
>stretching enjoyment of trash dialogue for half a decade
Sup Forums confirmed for most intelligent board of all
I've seen this before . Here's the actual study
While study itself doesn't say what the article's headline says, it says people who enjoy trash films are usually well educated.
All in all never judge someone's intelligence by their movie tastes. The smartest people I know have very pleb taste in movies.(I know guy who isn't training to be a heart surgeon and some of his favorite films are Borat,The Hangover and Easy A)
What it says then is that educated and successful people don't care about movies and only watch them to fill a void in their lives.
Since most people are not like that, they're not off the hook for liking similarly trashy films.
Similar to VERY dumb comedies (Jackass, Borat etc etc)
High-intelligence level people will laugh, dumb people won't see anything funny in them.
IT guys or programmers look at casual computer users like at cavemen. Casual computer users look at IT guys and programmers like at aliens.
Most idiots I know try to overcompensate for their shitty brains by being pretentious fucking faggots woll listen to classical music, watch arthouse films and read russian literature. Then I got friends who are engineers and doctors and they don't give a fuck. They enjoy the dumbest shit you could imagine. They're smart enough that they don't need it to be validated by the entertainment they consume.
I knew watching 80s trashers would get me somewhere
"Intellectual" posters can fuck off from my Sup Forums!