3 men are sentenced to be raped to death by over-grown women

>3 men are sentenced to be raped to death by over-grown women.

how the hell did this show, for children, manage to make it pass legal?

imagine 3 women are sentenced to be raped to death by men in an episode of the simpsons or something.


Other urls found in this thread:


>for children

>for children
For you, manchild

it's still fucking wrong.

They are. Cartoons are for children

Snoo Snoo is not rape.

1. FCC doesn't really care about innuendos, just don't show anything "too hot". People just pretend to be retards when asking "how did it make it pass the censors?".
2. It's a joke.
3. Kids (children) need these kinds of jokes to avoid growing up thinking everything is offensive.

This wtf if they were kids

so it would be okay if the roles were reversed, would it?
i think it's sexist and a great example of double fucking standards.

You mean like Zapp during the whole show? You're just looking for things to shitpost.

lmao who cares

zapp rapes people in futurama?
when did that happen?

Macrophilia is the best fetish, isn't it?

This the toddlercore thread?

No they're not

It wasn't rape.

Zapp is mocked for his womanizing and chauvinistic nature.

How was Snoo Snoo rape?

> thinking a medium can be inherently childish

It is a double standard but it exists because women are weak and mentally inferior. Men can withstand sexual assault and be more or less fine. Women act like hysterical attention whores the rest of their lives.

because when they say "no we've had enough snoo snoo" the women say "fuck that" and drag them in and rape them...

That's the point, snoo snoo was a humorous execution. Nothing serious.

>men can withstand sexual assault and be more or less fine

Uhh if anything women turn out better than men post-sexual assault. Men become sociopaths, serial killers, and rapists often after enduring sexual assault.

What a grown up and mature thing to say, and not at all completely objectively wrong and dumb.

Kiff didn't want to have sex

Im not talking about kiddy diddling

they didn't want to die

You can't rape the willing user.

This wasn't a kids show retard

cry more manbaby


oh right yeah it's murder, even better.



>t. Brainlet

>Duuuh it was drawn on a paperr, duhh it must be 4 childrenn

LMAO nice argument, faggot.

I saw this flick in 4th grade.

in the netherlands these shows, including south park, were rated for 6years and over and aired uncensored in daytime slots

Why is that always the response?

>I'm factually wrong
>Wild counter argument appears
>U madd BRO!


Doesn't Zap says something along "the spirit is willing but the meat is tired?"

wasn't he a virgin until leela had pity sex with him?

and then fry says
"can't we just cuddle?"
and then shouts "noooo" as he's dragged into the room and raped by the woman.

so unless shouting "noooo" was consent it's rape.


he didn't want to die and it was an execution

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised"

Over there they have different ideas as to what you can and can't show in certain time slots

you're right, he didn't want to be raped to death.

You have to understand, when this was written and aired, men were much less sensitive than women, and they could handle jokes like this. Now we have bitter dweebs like OP who try their best to ruin anything remotely offensive that the people they hate don't get their hands on first, because despite being at the top of the mountain for the foreseeable future, they've become even bigger, whinier, more defensive pussies than the folks they ridicule.

i developed a fetish for thicc huge women with this

imagine instead they made them rub their giant feet and have foreplay for hours

>Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent.
Those guys are not raped, unless they got penetrated.


Simpsons is, any of the adult humor goes way over a normal child's head.

Wew lad



There is a provable double standard when it comes to violence against males.


i dont even give a shit about the joke.
it's a great episode.

i just hate double standards and want femenist dickheads to realize that the double standard exists.


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

― C.S. Lewis

>missing the joke this badly for muh rw culture war
>getting upset at this and not the 10 billion other faggotry's that Groening and his gay writing team put in here
i hate Sup Forums so much

>for children
You retarded, nigga.

Okay, I get that. No one likes a double standard unless it suits their agenda... So address the double standard directly. If more people did that, maybe the double standard wouldn't go unchecked on any truly public forum. Don't just build facetious arguments about decades-old cartoon shows on some queer TV board that no one cares about, and is pretty much unanimously hated even by the people who post on it. That's no way to be.

>neighbor girl in my apartment is 6"3
>im a 5'10 manlet
>shes come over for parties before, tells me in confidence she is self conscious about her height
>guys and girls tease her, guys barely ask her out
>90% sure shes a virgin
>wants to hang out all the time, is starting to act flirty and gets very personal with me

s.should I go for it lads? Ive never dated a gigantic and im not too keen on her being ability to throw me across the room if she gets upset

As long as you have a respectable dick it'll work.

Go for it.

Its like my dad once told me:
If you're nose to nose your toes are in it
If you're toes to toes your nose is in it.

muh dick

Yes fuck the Amazon

>Kids (children) need these kinds of jokes to avoid growing up thinking everything is offensive.


it's called double standard, that is the disgusting part

however the joke part is that despite dying, a man would have a hard time not wanting to go through with it at least partially.
I mean, it's a challenge right? Can you fuck giantesses without dieing? a test of endurance.

To a man he gets something out of it.
To a (cunty) woman's point of view, the 'raped' men aren't making any material gains with their sex

If the joke doesn't work with kids its not a good joke.

>3 sneeds are sentences to be fucked and sucked to death by over grown chucks.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

lol This entire thread needs to grow the fuck up.

>he doesn’t understand mediums
All filmed entertainment is inherently un-artistic. Paintings are the only true art form.

This is not true at all

it's funny because it subverts expectations. women are often victims of the sexual whims of men in society, so theres a lot of comic irony in seeing that turned around

It's because there's an irony in the joke that's going over your head because you literally cannot see what gender roles are doing to people in society. Having sex for a man is an accomplishment that you get patted on the back for, having lots of sex with lots of women is commended, makes you a playboy. Having lots of sex as a woman makes you a slut. Futurama is working on this premise, like it or not, when they sentence two men (one of them being a self proclaimed womanizer etc.) to have sex until they die. The gender role of men is for this to be an ideal way to go out, a real man's way, fucking bitches until he dies, but in reality of course it would be a totally gruesome and horrifying way to die. I don't know, I think you're just retarded.

Whoever made this is bitter as fuck and just as immature as the people it's making fun of. Plus they're a fucking mong for using that font.

The spirit was willing

This, their only problem was that they didn't have the energy to keep up.

>When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
muh nigga


>even questioning whether he should go for the amazonian gf.
What the fuck are you waiting for man? Ask her out! Don't lollygag about it and let her slip away.

Quality bait my man. Have a (You) for your hard work.

Because there is, has been, and always will be double standards for women. Part of being a man is playing along and letting them think they can compete with us. Learn this you Fucking child

>Formerly Crushinator's crash n' crush

Don't even know why I'm replying.

>tfw dominating larger woman despite size difference

>imagine 3 women are sentenced to be raped to death by men in an episode of the simpsons or something.
It's not the same thing my man. A woman's and a man's role in sex is much different.

>>for children
this is for mature adults

I don't get it

Watership Down is a children's book. There is absolutely nothing that would suggest it's for adults unless you equate that with the fact it doesn't talk down to its audience in its depictions of the natural world. It won the Carnegie, for fuck's sake.

reasonable persons understand that men and women are different. the problem is the unreasonable people who SCREAM VERY LOUDLY that they are exactly the same and at the same time do not give a fuck for double standards or even demand those double standards to be enforced.
(Women should be treated with silk gloves in the workplaces cause otherwise they will feel the environment "threatening" and that would keep those strong independent women who are exactly as capable as any man away from these jobs etc. etc.)
I have no problem with double standards per se - but I want to rub the "feminist-equalist" nose in them if they do ignore or support them


because the sexes are different

we instinctively protect women because they're walking baby stations, i.e. potential carriers of our genes

a woman raping a man is giving him the privilege of a bonus chance of his genes existing in the future at the cost of one ejaculation

a man raping a woman is forcibly taking away her breeding potential for a period of time without allowing her to gatekeep against shitty genes i.e. unsportsmanlike competition

death in a cartoon/comical universe is totally discountable - it's too far removed from reality and too whimsical, and other characters' reactions in-universe are also far from reality
(consider how horrifyingly dark the following clip would be with real actors and good acting)

the concept of being raped as a man is funny because of the contrast between the positive aspect of bonus gene spreading contrasting with the negative aspect of the removal of control, and to some extent the contradiction in why a woman would want to propagate the genes of a man who a woman is capable of overpowering


>we instinctively protect women because they're walking baby stations, i.e. potential carriers of our genes
what about all the women beating and murdering that happened historically
if it's so regularly defied it doesn't sound instinctual


so humans are still pretty murderous creatures and this period of civilization is pretty unique

but women have always been murdered at a far lower rate than men

between that and sexual selection, that's why 2/3 of your ancestors are women

You seem awfully certain there champ

What if you were in fact wrong? How would you feel?