What a fucking cunt

he doesn't keep his word, he kills his enemies the most cowardly way possible, what a piece of shit this fucker is. How can there be faggots who praise this cocksucker? Glad the snakes put him down

>christian detected

we have an strong lesbian independent queen as a sustitute so its ok.

yeah, what he did to jarl borg is the bottom level of honor a man can get to

You know real vikings were kinda cunts in real real life,right.

Farming sucks balls lets go slaughter unarmed monks and steal their shit. Rad lets do it bro.

Kek, I had just rewatched season 2 and this made me laugh again

wow it's almost like he thinks war isn't fair and that you win by deceiving your enemies.

you know it's all lies, don't you?

the ones who raided were the christians and the vikings were a peaceful, loving people.

This puts the fear of God into viking niggers

Last season I realized that the vikings have been the bad guys of the show all along.
The English will fuck them all up in the end.

Uuh sweetie the english ABSORBED vikings into their culture after the great heathen army invaded ok

nobody fears your sandnigger kike god

>not bad guys

Edward I did nothing wrong

the only thing I like about this show is the casting choices, Athelstan's story, and when they were losing at Paris

the battle scenes have always been so retarded

Um sorry sweetie but Brian BorĂº the Lion of Munster made the vikings niggers realise that the Norse """gods"""" are fucking shit.

>I am utred son of utred
>*autistic wailing intensifies*
why do people like this show again?

The Vikings are pathetic snow niggers who need to get bested.
Based Rollo understands, y'all need Jesus and some CIVILIZATION.

Wrong show this is
>Snake in the Eye was just a cuck

>thousands of rapes, pillages, murders and kidnaps througout 4 seasons

only now?

I know, I was slow.
The great heathen army came over with that autistic cripple and beat Aethelwulf and a bunch of other English who were just trying to defend there land. Their only justification other than pillage was "muh father".
Ecbert got the last laugh tho, based Ecbert always playing chess while these retards are still figuring out checkers.

Ecbert is an Homini Sanctvm

I wonder if they'll show scandinavia's complete conversion to christianity and the death of all the vikings

>the noble aryan viking is untrustworthy
>the aryans and greeks were known for lying, stealing, backstabbing, raping, slaving and insulting each other
>vikings illiterate before contacting Meds
>had lots of ships, didn't do anything but plunder
>colonies got wiped out easily and left no impact
>had to be subsumed into Anglo sensibility and domesticated by capitalism to function
>no sanitation
>mix of extremely hot and extremely ugly phenotypes but only the former is thought about selectively
>again were known for rape, murder, slavery, pillaging, lying, stealing, being petulant, lacking literature or real culture
>no big buildings pre-Roman contact
>no sewage systems
>no communications networks
>literal niggers with steel weapons

good thing is his sons will fight theirselves to near-death point when christianity wipes the vikings out. Should take a few seasons tho