The first image in 300 is a pile of skulls of discarded Spartan infants. That immediately informs us that Spartan society is inhuman and horrifying. So why are so many people just uncritically stating that the Spartans are depicted as unambiguously heroic?
desu killing malformed babies was probably the most humane thing to do
Look at how shitty whatshisface's life was. It's not like they had healthcare and neetbux to give them a decent life like we do now
How much did the Spartans inbreed for this to become a major problem?
and look how glorious the Spartans are compared to the amount of disabled fuckups in society today.
>thankyou for allowing me to live mommy! I'll just have a shitty life lying here drooling for the next 60 years while making your life a living hell! yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
The Spartans are shown to be heroic according to the Greek idea of heroism, or at least, the comic-book version. It isn't so much that they upheld certain virtues we'd typically celebrate so much as they adhered to a philosophy and lived it boldly. It's meant to show that brutality and heroism aren't mutually exclusive.
yeah,i bet that is very different regarding the present day,when all down sindrome kids are aborted mercilessly.
We abort something like 95% of all malformed or autistic children in the United States.
You mean just like we kill people even before they are born?
hey man
that was just the old fashioned eugenics
and look at the result it produced bar that quasimodo appearing out of nowhere
>they were wrong to end lives that would be full of pain and misery before they even began
>not knowing that Greeks widely believed children weren't even human til around the age of 10
Well the film definitely made it look like they were the good guys. It was also promoting eugenism. That crippled guy who was turned off despite his will to fight and then was potrayed as a traitor.
Znyder does neo-fascist movies. No wonder he choosed an israeli as WW, zionism is neo-fascism. Fuck this guy.
>he thinks they only killed deformed children
ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha and the only jews in the camps were bankers and landlords ahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaha I hope the fourth reich actually happens holy shit ahahahahahaha
but he was a traitor
>hurr durr didnt get in to serve in the army on the account i could die easily because i cant hold the shield up and let everyone down
>oh well i guess ill betray my people and defect
settle your autism down boy
The Spartans weren't even using phalanxes, they were just running and stabbing. Give the hunchback a spear and let him have a dash of glory before a persian monster gets him.
Why is the other 5% allowed to live?
They did use Phalanxes, they also used run and dash tactics. It makes sense that you wouldn't want to jeopardize strategy by being presumptuous that the deformed guy would be made short work of only for him to make it back then fuck things up by being deformed. Though Leo could've just told him stay out of the Phalanx and hang out with the Shitcadians while we hold the wall.
Christian generosity.
We should kept doing that
>when Greeks 2400 years ago commit infanticide it's inhuman and horrifying
>when Africans commit infanticide in the modern age it's an enriching and enlightened culture
Really makes me think
It's a myth, you dinguses. The cliff was used for prisoners of war and lawbreakers.