>there are people who don't think this is the best lightsaber duel
>there are people who don't think this is the best lightsaber duel
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I feel my eyes glazing over just thinking about it
>there are people who are over the age of 12
The guy on the right is a cucker
Its this or the Darth Mail fight. This is defiantly the most emotional one and my favorite. Too bad the nu-trilogy won’t give us this choreography because “muh tapping sticks” and “muh boring realism in a movie about space wizards”.
Luke v Vader (ROTJ ) > Luke v Vader (TESB ) > anakin v obi (ROTS) > obi v Vader (SW) > obi/jinn v maul (TPM) > Rey v Kylo Ren (TFA) > Anakin/obi/yoda v Dooku (AOTC)
At least you can still picture it.
Name one other light saber duel in the series you can clearly picture without rewatching or looking up pictures.
I'll wait.
>there are people over the age of 6
Star Wars fans don't like it when it feels like a kid's movie.
>there are people who don't acknowledge that not only was 3 the best movie but the prequels were superior in every single way to all of the original movies and are still masterpieces which will never be fully understood until artificial lifeforms from Andromeda come survey the remnants of our hive mind dyson sphere planet after it implodes trying to reach Aldebaran