What are some movies about being sued for 20 million dollars by a washed up internet comedian?

What are some movies about being sued for 20 million dollars by a washed up internet comedian?

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translate from lawyerspeak pls

Wha? What is he suing for?

Needs more context

Maddox is suing Dick for being mean to him on the internet

Bump for interest

who are any of these people

>12 year old confirmed

did you just get on the internet?

Motherfucker. He went and did it. I guess those low book sales drove him over the edge.

E Celebrities for Generation X


Damn haven't heard about this guy in ages.

no I'm 25. I typically use the internet for things like porn, pirating movies, communication and playing games.

If someeone doesn't know who tom cruise is you can show them a tom cruise movie. So how the fuck am I supposed to know or learn who Who the fuck these people are if when I ask you just say retarded ass shit that isn't even funny or logical.

Here is the whole thing for anyone who cares


what a cuck

okay now that I've seen
and been to

Anyone (like me) who didn't know who this person was (literally 99.9% of the population) can turn around right now. It's not only about a nobody the situation is not interesting.

thanks for the updates faggot, tell your mom i love her


I kinda am rooting for this because I am confused if I should appreciate Patreon or not, one could argue its adding to degeneracy because its propping up bad entertainment or promoting people getting basically 'paid to live' like private welfare, merely recording their lives from one event to the next.

This is kinda different though. Dick has done nothing wrong, he’s endured a harassment campaign from Maddox for well over a year.

Maddox has repeatedly tried to sabotage the show and everyone involved. None of it has worked, so a public suing is his last option.

I like how the lawsuit leaves out the restraining order Metal Jess has on her from one of the Dick Show associates.

The bottom line: Maddox is a liberal talking head and a fucking mega cuck. He had a decent following in the early 2000's and then people started to grow up and realize he wasn't that funny and he's just an edgy little shitlord that is on the autism spectrum. I hope the judge tosses out this manchild's fucking nonsense lawsuit. Fuck Maddox, he's a fucking sperg.

>breaks up Biggest Problem podcast
>everything goes downhill popularity/financially
>hail mary 20mil lawsuit
how soon when the lawsuits dismissed does maddox pull a Robin Williams?

>e-celeb bullshit
>television and film
