You better watch out, she'll bewitch ya

>You better watch out, she'll bewitch ya

Other urls found in this thread:

Sabrina was cute as hell.

Salem was my husbando

>those rumors that Melissa john hart got raped and had a abortion when she was on Clarissa Explains It All

da fuq

>That Christmas episode where they pull A Christmas Carol plot and it doesn't work

There's some good R34 of her

Archie's Weird Mysteries was better

rememeber when she fucked the devil?

This was such a mediocre show yet I still watched it.

I keep confusing this for a bizarro version of Brace Face, except with smoother lines.

live action > animated

Animated Sabrina is hotter


Prove it. All I can find is junk all made before 2005.


I want to fuck Sabrina's aunt (the THICC one.)

That's the best you can gather? My dick is disappointed.

Fapped to the episode when she and her friend find a genie and wish to get thinner but they get so thin their jeans fall off and they're in their panties in front of everyone in the cafeteria.


The page 2 ones are pretty good, did you look at them?

Sabrina needs better porn. And you need better standards.

and the aunts even better

Same here.
The early to mid 00s were so shit for cartoons.

everything by that studio was mediocre.
their best work was