/our fucking guy/
/our fucking guy/
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Say it to my face fucker not online and see what happens: the tweet
>an old pervert has been
>Sup Forums: just like me!
He has sued people for talking shit. And continued to sue them even after the guy literally died. So there’s quite a difference.
he sure as hell isn't going to successfully sue someone for retweeting a newspaper even if it's the dailymail, at least not in the US
>Daniel Negreanu
Why does James hate Kid Poker so much?
He seems like such an amazing cunt, am glad conservatives have a guy like him on side.
idk what any of this is about but fuck Negreanu; should just stfu and play poker, shitstain.
>tfw you want to like Daniel but he does cringe shit like this
Is Gus broke now? he seemed cool
Yeah no shit retard that's why he said say it as a statement of fact directly to him.
Based woods
>Despite his ongoing success, Hansen has struggled with money problems, reportedly because of losses during live cash games.[7] Hansen is a regular in the Big Game normally held in "Bobby's Room" at the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas. He has said that his losses are not a secret and has admitted to losing a million dollars or so at a couple of games. He has lost $21.7 million on Full Tilt Poker as of March 2015.[8]
Phil Laak is forever the most based player.
Name a single good movie featuring James Woods. You can't.
The literal only reason Sup Forums likes him is because he's a hateful asshole. He just seems to dislike everyone.
Talk shit get hit.
I wonder if it's personal. I know that James Woods is friendly with Doug Polk, who's a pretty famous poker player these days.
Miley Cyrus legitimately had a couple of decent songs tbqh.
>barely in it just to get the shit beaten out of him
thanks for proving my point
>I'll sue you!
Truly, the most beta resolution to someone talking shit about you. Nothing is worse than a faggot that hides behind lawyers.
Care to try again, champ? Or is that all you’ve really got?
I guess he should just beat the guy up instead? How dumb are you? A threat of a lawsuit is the most effective form of persuasion here in the civilized world, Tyrone.
>dating 18 year olds is illegal
I don't think this semen slurping western civ is for me. I'm converting to radical Islam
You need to go back
Are you by chance a nigger?
Well, if he was still a nobody dipshit like you with nothing to lose he'd probably assault the guy, but when you're rich you can't do that without losing all the shit you spent your life acquiring. Sorry he's not a dirt poor nigger like you
Or you could just ignore baseless accusations like an adult, be the bigger man, instead of going on a twitter rant like some vapid Instagram slut. If you need to resort to legal action against people that are hounding you, do it quietly without making a spectacle of yourself.
It's not talking shit when they accuse you of something.
It's the only decent way to defend yourself.
Once upon a time in america?
Based Woodsy
Kek. I will admit he's fun in that, though.
It's shit
If I was an actor and someone wrongfully accused me like that, I would legit sue them no matter the cash I had, its not only a legit way to defend yourself in case of defamation but its also a matter of honour, unless you are a complete cuck lie LOuis CK or a complete powermad degenerate like Weinstein.
Based as fuck.
I can't wait until the defamation lawsuits begin bankrupting these cunts and their numale cheerleaders.
what a fucking troll
If you, user, were an actor, you'd probably be guilty
>hating once upon a time in america
It's one of the best films ever made, are you retarded?
based. doesn't he have a confirmed 160 IQ or was that fake news?
*Innocent until proven guilty
What is written in the constitution of every free democracy.
>louis ck, takei, and others get accused of this
>conservative twitter whore gets accused
Libcucks are trying to ruin his life? BASED WOODS!!
I love watching you faggots white knight your favorites.
should've called him a little piece of stool
16 is legal age, isn't it?
Suing is pretty much the greatest defense these people have.
The Louis CK thing was totally ridiculous , so masturbating in front of someone is harassment? It's bad enough he admitted to it, he also doesn't know the law and doesn't have good lawyers.
Holy shit, you fucking retard, take that back or I will fucking sue you
Honestly though, ouatia is great from every aspect, I don't know why anyone would call it shit.
>160 IQ incredibly successful actor spends his golden years shitposting on twitter
Truly a fucking god
Are you retarded? It’s not about choosing sides. It’s about defending yourself like a man during a witch hunt. I’d actually respect Louis or Takei if they acted like men and didn’t act like pussies in the face of controversy. It’s not about politics you deranged libtard.
>hurr durr Im from le reddit, go back plz :D
Yeah, it's totally a coincidence. You guys aren't white knighting at all.
Based Jimmy
it is ridiculous to hold a stand up comedian to the same standard as jesus christ, everyone knows that deep down. but it was his choice to participate in his own kneecapping, it's the pussy contrite mentality that does these guys in
That’s not what white knighting means you moron. Lurk more before trying to fit in.
Louis really should have stuck to his guns and denied fucking everything. There's nothing to be gained by apologizing except to have everyone say, "He's such a monster, he even admitted to it!".The man fucked himself with his own faggy ideology. Hope he goes full woman-hate from here on out.
amazing deduction Sherlock
Meet me outside!
>blah blah blah excuses
>Nice projection James. Just admit what you did.
At least you're self-aware enough to admit that you're a biased faggot who only spouts retarded shit. Everything you say can be dismissed outright. Congratulations.
Keep digging that hole, Berniebro
And easy on the meme arrows. You’re overdoing it.
>durr everything is politics durr
Yes, this was your first election. I get it.
>They admitted to it
>No proof whatsoever
So this... is the power... of leftards... whoa...
>oh no my precious liberal champions are being consumed by the same retarded concepts they championed
>why aren't you racist altrighters fighting for them waah
I’m seriously starting to think this is a bot...
Start making sense at least or I’m done replying to you.
> mfw you have no understanding of this timeline.
> mfw you think you can get a directional read on things
> mfw you post this nonsense.
j-just leave or i'll downvote u
wtf I'm a #CruzMissle now
>someone tries to ruin your reputation and livelihood with lies
>let their lies destroy you like a beta bitch because you're too afraid to sue
Hahahahaha fuck off faggot.
I hope you know that Sup Forums loathes the Kekistan shit.
>let their lies destroy you
Yeah, I'd really hate for James Woods' career to go off track. Remember that billion dollar blockbuster he was in last year?
When people are put on the spot to name Woods' movies, the most recent one they can come up with is fucking Contact. CONTACT.
>Sup Forums will defend this
He doesn’t act because he’s basically retired you idiot. He invested early in Apple and is rich as fuck.
Fake news. His IQ is 182.
>gets btfo so the rebbitor tells others to go back to the rebbit he doesn't like
>actor who devoted his life to his craft doesn't act anymore because he doesn't want to
Could you white knight any harder? This is the most pathetic post I've seen in a while.
>b-but he doesn't want to act anymore!
Fucking hilarious.
>because you don't act anymore you should just let people lie about you
What kind of logic is that?
If someone isn't famous or relevant enough they should just lie down and accept accusations?
>every actor devotes their life to their craft and wants to work until the day they die
You have a very childish view of the world and I’m starting to feel bad for you. I’m seriously suspecting you’re actually autistic or something.
he's a healthy guy that can potentially still make millions in the future from acting if you slander him and mess with his reputation he's within his right to file a lawsuit
More like say it to my face it court after you get your subpoena like that last guy who called him a cokehead.
James Woods hadn't stopped acting, though. He's still trying to get work, and look at these amazing projects.
>Justice League Action Shorts
>literally a mini-series of cartoon shorts
>a small part in a tv series about Andrew Dice Clay
>voice acting in Kingdom fucking Hearts 2.5
Jesus Christ, the humanity. Brendon Fraser has a more impressive list of recent work.
>hey padre, my nuts are on fire!
woah dude, you totally knocked him down a peg, maybe even one and a half!
Wow, Trump really is one of us.
Because making easy money on voice acting roles and in a project of one of your long time friends is bad...
Ok kid. Done replying to you, you’re really reaching. And again, calm down on the meme arrows. You’re allowed to post here without them.
He likes doing voice of Hades and will do it for any price.
>Nothing is worse than a faggot that hides behind lawyers.
What about a faggot who hides behind online anonymity?
Seconding Videodrome. Cronenberg kino.
Didn't you just say that Woods didn't want to act anymore, though?
Utterly and completely BTFO into oblivion.
>a man likes a song
Ummm sexist much?
>not kino
>dude how old was evelyn when you were her mentor
they are a year apart in age
>no u
pipe down james, you wouldve been better off just ignoring him