Cliches you hate

>Futuristic setting
>Character plays hard rock/metal/punk/etc music
>Someone refers to it as "Classical Music"

So you don't like I Robot.

Name 3 flicks and a kino where this happens

>futuristic setting
>somehow things are worse off than before despite there being flying cars and robots and shit

>good fat comedian dies of an overdose leaving us with mediocrity
it might as well be a cliche, it's how they all go out

>futuristic setting
>vegetables are called fruits

>futuristic setting
>every joke is a pop culture reference from the last 5 years
the orville is not going to have great replay value



Well its kinda dumb to treat it ad contemporary.

Like in Star Trek that guy asking Riker if he plays classical or contemporary music and he responds with "jazz".

Nigga at that point in time how would it not be seen as classical?

Classical is a genre onto itself, it does not just mean "old"

>good fat comedian
Well one of those words is true

>cars fly

All you need is for society to not abandon capitalism when robots take over all jobs and you've got a place that will 100% be worse for the general populace who'll be starving while the rich people get the cool flying cars.

right, because communism has such a great track record with starving masses

>Futuristic setting
>'wow, every man from black to Jew is getting along..'
>'Naturally. The concept of racism died off when it became clear it was a primitive coping mechanic for failures in life. Enough chatter, onto the jet car.'
>*Booping noises*

Nobody said anything about communism you insecure yank

>futuristic setting
>money is called Space Credits

>how do I know I can trust you?
>you don't

>futuristic setting
>"and your other space gun"

There's more than pure capitalism and pure communism in the world, user. The fact of the matter is that once we've got robots or AI that can take the place of 80-90% of the workforce we can no longer base our society on jobs and wages without it turning to complete shit, because the unemployment rate would be too high, leading to life dissatisfaction, rises in crime and generally shit living conditions that would in turn lead to a less healthy society both literally and figuratively.

A future with robots and AI would either need a different system from what we have or it will inevitably read to civil unrest that will be cracked down upon by the government to keep the country intact, most likely leading to freedoms being curtailed. The other option is to just outlaw automatisation of industries to keep jobs intact, which would instead lead to humanity hampering its own progress just to prop up a system that's on its way out the door.

>the only way to get money is through a wage
This is how I know you are all either wageslaves or neets.

>futuristic setting
>EVERYONE hates the idea of robot cops because they MIGHT be programmed to be racist

>monster rips the top off car
>"You know how you always wanted a convertible?"

Do you manifest money user?