If you don't love La La Land, you're a sourpuss

If you don't love La La Land, you're a sourpuss

This! It is my favourite movie! I saw it 4 times in the cinema, I own the blu ray, the soundtrack on vinyl and even the pop vinyls! :D Unironically

La La Land is for pussies and faggots.

Yep great movie, wish it would have won Best Picture

I bet they force prisoners of war to watch this movie repeatedly on high volume.

no, not a sourpuss. just not a girl (or a flamer drag queen gay).

la la land your fave movie indicates you're either a girl or a flamer drag queen gay.
all those exclamation points indicate you're a flamer drag queen gay.

>he posted smugly on a Laotian scrimshaw forum

I'm sure you're just a paragon of masculinity


Yes, thank you. I'm sure you're the epitome of beta faggotry.

>uses "flamer drag queen gay" three times in one post
i'm guessing you just learned some new words in your ESL classes. can you imagine being this insecure about watching a musical

>triggered by flamer drag queen gay

i'm guessing the truth hurts. why are you so butthurt about being a flamer drag queen gay?

>does not deny movie is for pussies and faggots
>changes topic


Nah, I'm not gay or a female.

You might be guilty of existing then, or at the very least of having an opinion.

>refuses to watch goosekino because he's afraid he'll be seen as a homo
it's a good film, you'd enjoy it if you weren't so insecure about your masculinity

non sequitur

if you don't love step up 2: the streets, you're a sourpuss

>jumps straight to his buzzwords
ever considered i'm mocking the fact you used the same barely-literate phrase three times in three sentences?

But i am gay. I'm just saying you are also homosex gay.


>so triggered by the truth

calm down. don't be such a drama queen. take a deep calming breath and gently calmly kys.

you're butthurt over being a flamer drag queen gay. are you not out and proud, you traitorous bitch?

>this deflection
seems you're contradicting yourself >i have no actual retort because i'm a braindead pleb so i'll just keep calling you triggered

mfw i've been completey btfo

embarrassing tbqhwu
meant to quote

dude, calm down and die.

What am I in for lads?

It says La La Land btw, those ruskies always have the fastest torrents.

>potentially racist
What does that mean? Shouldn't it be clear if something is racist or not?

leave my board and never return you pleb

yes, traitorous bitches should be embarrased.


If you don't like Das Boot, you're not human.

>deciding which user is same user for sake of argument

brainlet newfag

Seems like something Sup Forums would love. And stars Sup Forums's favorite actor and favorite waifu. Literally everything about this movie is perfect for Sup Forums.

Sad that since it's not sci-fi or superheros this board can't appreciate it.

>uses the word newfag
>calling ANYONE brainlet

if you don't calm down, you might have a stroke, dude. let me sing you soothing song. soothing song is in pic related.

>unable to refute brainlet status
>unable to refute newfag status
>decide to smokescreen pretend to laugh


Oh, Moonlight is better :^)

>movie has out of nowhere racemixing propaganda

la la land is pure soyboy flick

no, singing in the rain is better.

reddit kino

Cool meme. You should try actually watching the movie sometime.


the movie does not even mention healthy diet and exercising, idiot.

Good thing I don't have a pussy then

ribbit kokak

The problem with this movie is it doesn't cater to reddit or Sup Forums, there's nothing in it for them. It caters to older people who love jazz and classic films, the kind of stuff this board can't stand.

i liked it. would not say i loved it.


Mandela effect? I thought it DID win? WTF

i can get into this

This but unironically

If you were an actor you’d like this movie.