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Sith'ari Edition

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Aftermath: Empire's End (February 21)
Rebels 3.15: Through Imperial Eyes (February 25)

>Rebels 3.14: " Trials of the Darksaber

>Rebels Recon: Through Imperial Eyes

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My bad user in previous thread posted this after i made the thread

Star Wars #29 (March 1)
Rebels 3.17: Secret Cargo (March 4)

>Rebels 3.16: "Through Imperial Eyes"


Best duo in the galaxy


what is the origin of this meme

What's the edgiest group in Star Wars outside of Mandalorians?

I keep hearing people shit on the voice acting for Tarkin in Rogue One even more then the CGI, I honestly thought it was a good impression, a bit more stern then Peter, but still close.
What did you guys think?

I've we're going solely based on Kylo, The Knights of Ren?



It was fine. Not that the actor they used was bad (pic related would've been a better choice), but in all it was a good go.


I liked it, it definitely felt more stern and clipped but it was still very Tarkin
To be honest I didn't even mind the CGI that much, once you made peace with the fact that it was CGI I stopped noticing it so much. But then I'm more used to video captured performances from videogames so maybe that's just a familiarity thing

SSD the best.

The best!

who is your favorite non-major Jedi

there is only one answer

That image? I think its from the spacebattles forum originally
If your talking about the widespread compulsion for everything in Star Wars to be bigger and badder than the last thing, I put that up to nerd one upmanship in general, combined with the fact that the entry level for canon was kilometer and a half long Star Destroyers and superweapons that blew up planets. With that as the base shit was always going to get insane

Wish we got an episode revolving around him. Every member of the Jedi council should've at least got one episode to shine in TCW.

How about a jedi master that lived through the Clone wars, escaped the detention of the empire and taught the descendant of Luke Skywalker 130 years after the OT?

Also, he has a hat.

excuseth me, mind moving your rusty bucket over?

>hey can someone turn the lights on?
>oh yeah i forgot we dont have those

Could've helped poor Luke though with that clusterfuck of a Jedi academy he had in the beginning years.

based khruk

>18 years later SS gets her first hardon for ezras boipucci in this exact same room

holy shit your right

I always thought it was a different medical station.

tell me why is it bad to live under the Confederacy of Independent Systems, tell me why the Republic is better?

Thought it was all fine. The only people that bitched were a handful of austic Internet users. But what else is new?

>mass slavery
>mass genocide
>corporate corruption
>leadership composed of evil wizards and greedy CEOs
>army composed of emotionless Droids that can shut down or turn on you in a moment
You tell me, user.

>giant city ships that are impractical and stupidly expensive to run
Come on Anons. Standard ISD or one of these.

Sup Forums here
Star Wars rebels OST has no right to be as good as it is

>mass slavery
what do you think the clone are?
>mass genocide
order 66
>corporate corruption
the Republic corruption is the main reason why the war started
>leadership composed of evil wizards and greedy CEOs
Republic army lead by space wizards

still not seeing it

>enough firepower to level planets and fleets
>effective command ships
>massive carrier potential
>can deploy entire garrison with full combat support
Not seeing any cons of an SSD

I don't think it was ever confirmed to be the same station.

Clones are not slaves. They're Kaminoian products or goods. They are not natural and are created through artificial means. Calling a clone a slave is like calling an AR-15 one.

> a living human being bred to die i-is not a slave, i swear!

republic trash, get out

>AR-15 don't eat, sleep or feel fear

Droids only need power to move,

Who was SS's Jedi master? Which fuck-up failed to notice his/her apprentice had those perverted tendencies.

>Crew in the upper thousands
>Have to have an onboard farming area just to feed everyone.
>The Mass transit system from hell.

>tfw yu're the only one who thought K'Kruhk's perpetual existence was a ridiculous case of the original creator not being unable to let go of their character at the hands of another

>Legends was full of characters that would live far past their relevance in the narrative simply because their creators wanted to keep working with them

>Legends was thus full of undying characters

It had to go

So are systems under the empire's thrall allowed to keep their defense force and run their own affairs as long as they are loyal?

This beast warps out near the earth's orbit and stays there. How would the world react? I guess chimping out is a very probable outcome.

Are you retarded? Do you know what rations are and how long they can last?

>The Rarified Air Cavalry was a starfighter squadron that served as the planetary defense force of Virujansi. It was led by Flight Leader Antoc Merrick. After the Galactic Empire occupied the planet and displaced the Virujansi council, the Air Cavalry was dissolved, and its pilots were extended invitations to join the Imperial Navy.

Nope. Tarkin explicity states that the people should trust in the strength and security of the Empire and none else. The Empire was an expanding power, and its hands were everywhere.

>Who was SS's Jedi master?

We don't know. There's no guarantee she was even a padawan or was even a youngling at the temple. Not all Inquisitors were formerly affiliated with the Jedi Order. As far as I was led to believe, most of them weren't.

This is of course based on the issue during the Clone Wars of many worlds being unable to defend themselves from Separatist attack. The Republic would beat the Separatists out, and impose a more "agreeable" occupation of their own to keep the peace. The Empire is an extension of that policy, except Republic occupied worlds are automatically pulled into the Empire. From there they're made to host factories and garrisons as part of the Imperial war machine, transforming cultures into engines of mass industry

Pablo said that all Inquisitors have their roots in the Jedi Order. He said it in the Recon to Shroud of Darkness.

Also Filoni once said in an interview that he liked the Idea that some Jedi were so afraid being wiped out by the Empire that they surrendered and traded their lives for loyalty to the Dark Side.

I wonder what some Jedi may have thought upon realizing their Imperial predators were their own fellows

What did they mean by this?

>SS, FB and 8B kill their former peers from the Gathering
>tfw betrayal, hurt, sadness

>krhuk is the only example.

hey new friend may a recommend some legends material for you to read while we wait for disney to release some decent comics?

you have to go back.

when did he escape detention? and when were yoda and Chewbacca the only species that could live over 200 years?

>B-but I love you SS ;{
>Too old!

I don't remember being specified whether Shmi was a Tatooine native or not. Being a slave it's possible she was passed around.

>Technologically capable to an almost prodigious degree
>Extremely long lived
>Physically strong to the point where they can shrug off blaster shots
You know if the wookies actually organized under one banner instead of keeping to small clans they could be an extremely formidable force in the galaxy.

you have to go back Jedi

>The Wookiee Wars


its that reddit kid again.

If TCW ever gets finished I want a pre Order 66 cameo of the Inkies.


that would be kind of cool

it was said in the movie that he was brought to tatooine around 2 or 3 years old I think

I'm pretty sure it's been said elsewhere that there are PDFs, I mean we know Naboo still has its royal flight wing but they're basically just rentacops that don't do anything while the Empire's toys actually get to do stuff.

pablo here anakin was born on mustafar


>Those sexy as fuck Naboo starfighters gathering dust in a hanger instead of being used for the glory of the Empire.

A'Sharad Hett was the same way.

Anakin said that him and Shmi moved to Tatooine when he was like 3 or something.
Shmi was definently 'passed around' if you know what I mean. Did you really believe that virgin birth shit?

That was well done and did not contradict anything written about him. SAME as K'Krhuk. Redditors are just in the WOOK again trying to justify Nucanon.

>inb4 Anakin was born on Jakku and moved to Tatooine

watto is ani's father

>inb4 Anakin was born in Darth Plagueis' laboratory


I doubt that. Anakins specifically said that Watto won them from Gardulla. So IF Anakin was born under Gardulla's ownership, then he was probably born wherever Gardulla lives. And that sure as hell ain't Jakku.

Considering how much of a mess that ship is I think the "Nuke it" option is viable without the ships crew being able to react to the misiles effectively

>It never occurred to anyone in the republic to use local and non clone troops to supplement the clones.
Also they should bring back the dreadnought cruiser. I like that hunk of junk.

>It never occurred to anyone in the republic to use local and non clone troops to supplement the clones.
what is Ryloh, Kashyyyk, Mon Cala

Not totally gathering dust, but they're basically nothing more than Paul Blart's Segway, I presume that's the same fate of any busted up old y-wings or whatever people can get their hands on

>Did you really believe that virgin birth shit?

New Auralnauts.


>Spine, spine spine!

>clearly didn't watch a single prequel movie or episode of TCW
>likes one of the most generic boring spaceship designs ever conceived

Ryloth, Kashyyyk, Mon Calamari, etc. It was either Pablo or JJM that confirmed that third parties or planetary defense forces did indeed fight alongside the Republic and Separatists.


I wish these guys got to show up in TCW, it's bad enough they never canonized the TX130 hovertank over the course of 120 episodes.

>IED Magnet.

>floats 6 feet above the ground
>ied magnet

>this isn't far from the truth

Would Droids even take prisoners? I mean besides high level people, clones are meant to be expendable and surely the Republic wouldn't waste effort or money on prisoner exchanges. The separatists would have to house and feed the clone prisoners for little gain, so it makes little sense to take prisoners

Jedi and high ranking officers maybe. Not average clone grunts.

post your droidfu

i claim Bunny :3

We know droids take prisoners of everybody but clones, we see it with various natives, but I don't think a clone trooper can expect anything if he throws down his weapon and puts his hands up. I do think there were times when B1s tried to take some clone characters prisoner (only to be comically destroyed by the heroes shortly afterwards), but I'm not certain

My first and only droidfu.

>I do think there were times when B1s tried to take some clone characters prisoner (only to be comically destroyed by the heroes shortly afterwards), but I'm not certain
There was that one time with Heavy in which one of the B1s said "Do we take prisoners?" before Heavy blew the fuck out of Rishi Station while saying "I don't". So I guess they don't normally take clone prisoners

good choice

I always really liked the red on B1 security version.

I like how the CGI animators made them look like they're marionettes being held up and moved by strings, really gave them an inhuman vibe in TPM, then they became fairly generic in the rest of the franchise, probably boring mo-cap shit.

dude ikr i love how unstable they look. reminds me of this guys wobbly movements

What is it with Ezra and older women?

There were a lot of Jedi back when, it's probably someone we've never heard of.

He frequently stands next to older women.