Listen, Deckard. In the future

Listen, Deckard. In the future.... won't have any cheese

>Deckard in the future we'll have ships but in space
>we have that already Roy
>holy shit, really?
stupid fucking robot

>I watched Jared Leto deliver the final line before a full house of cheers and applause

...because they make cows out of milk

Why wasn't this a meme before 2049? Did none of you actually watch it before this year?

Nailed it.

Deckurd, I have LITERALLY seen SPACESHIPS my dude!

Oh come on, naturally many anons rewatched the movie and two or three forced these threads.

Why didn't you start the meme if you knew its poterntial before all of us then ?
Because a meme only works if it relates to something current. Good luck starting memes on 30+ yo movies with no current remake or sequel.