What does this expression convey Sup Forums?

What does this expression convey Sup Forums?

"But she said her second-favorite song was 'Just Friends.' That hypocritical mothball Jezebel!"

It's hard to say. Amphibian and/or merpeople are difficult to read.


Annoyed that she still hasn't gotten Marco's Hot Steam Pizza Nugget in her mouth

>What? His best friend has a crush on him? The girl that's been living with him and hanging out with him all this time?

Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal!

>she was my enemy all along

Fear of being cucked

extreme fear of losing the D

Imagine if she had been invited to Star's Song Day Concert

>This girl can literally kill me any second with her magical powers

>Lynn Minmay realizing she's losing Rick Hunter to Lisa Hayes

"I have competition and for the first time I am unnerved."


Newest episodes

"Omg, I've become a cuck"

"So I guess this is what jealousy and anger feel like. Wow, this sucks."

That is the face of a girl who didn't realize how close the enemy truly was

inb4 Jackie turns into CJ.

It's Regular Show all over again guys, just with another MC.

>I'm disappointed, Star, I thought you were my friend

To be fair Star was dumb about fully realizing it herself until just the last episode.

We can't all be early-bloomers, Jackie.



>Is she gonna wanna go lesbian again?

>chokes a bitch internally