"Even before I was out of middle school, I had been featured on foot fetish websites, photoshopped into child porn...

>"Even before I was out of middle school, I had been featured on foot fetish websites, photoshopped into child porn, and received all kinds of letters and messages online from grown men. At every premiere and awards show, I would see strange men holding photos of me they’d printed themselves"

jesus christ matilda looks like that?

what the fuck is a Star MBB???

well, she's not wrong

The worst thing about them is she's not even attractive


Man, she will be a future drug addict. You can just tell. Poor girl.

nobody likes matilda now, she meant back in the 90s when she was in her prime


>The shirt
>The glove
>The coat
>The handcuffs
>The rings
I thought the fedora meme put an end to this kind of shit.

>posting in a pedo thread on the 3rd gayest board on an anime website for adolescents
Examine yourself.