Vox, "The Punisher tells a story about white male anger, wrapped in blood and guns."

>Without giving too much away, the show plays with the idea of what we think our “enemies” look like — suggesting that we’ve been taught they’ll always be brown, Muslim, Middle Eastern — and then introduces white, male characters who are more than happy to manipulate this stereotype and abuse it for their own benefit. These men are more than happy to play up the idea that brown skin equals bad guys, casting nations of people as faceless, dehumanized monsters who are to blame for every ill. Violence against those people, the men believe, is what turns Americans into heroes.


Other urls found in this thread:


Jews are not white
Also brown people are mostly responsible for the crime in America

> mfw cuckflix edited the story and changed the narrative to play into their cucked numale brainlet sjw viewerbase.
> mfw this same user base turns on them
> muh white guilt pledge

Fuck, I love this timeline


Why do you care about crime rates if you never leave your mom's basement?

They turned the Punishes story into Jason Borne. It's disgusting

Say that again in English this time.


ching chong ping pongiru

>sips your white tears, you bunch of monsters who are to blame for every ill