>At last.. after all these years.. I truly have became 12 Years a Slave
Fucking seriously?
>At last.. after all these years.. I truly have became 12 Years a Slave
Fucking seriously?
Oh no Sup Forums. Quick, say something about the Jews, too.
>at last after 12 years, I have finally become Boyhood
>You really love getting whipped and nailed to a board, don't you Jesus? The passion of the Christ is a bit extreme, isn't it?
Truly, I can say that it was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
>I hope you are prepared, James. You have never known an enemy like me before. I am going to test the limits of your resolve. I am going to dispel your petty illusions of morality. Together, we will take a Star Trek... Into Darkness.
"Which assassination are we talking about?"
"The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford."
Was this piece of dialogue really necessary?
Origin of this meme?
>this poster
newfag kill your self