>the MakeApp doesn't remove hair dye
>the MakeApp doesn't remove teeth whitener
>the MakeApp doesn't remove attractive clothing
Most women are even UGLIER than the app lets on.
How does this make you feel?
>the MakeApp doesn't remove hair dye
>the MakeApp doesn't remove teeth whitener
>the MakeApp doesn't remove attractive clothing
Most women are even UGLIER than the app lets on.
How does this make you feel?
makes me feel glad that so many vapid cunts had meltdowns over this
Make an app that removes clothing
I think it might be time to kill the autistic virgins who like this """app""".
oh my god, she's hideous
Still cute
user, I....
why the fuck is this thing now getting viralled here by retards? seems like someone at least is laughing all the way to the bank