This was a complete dumpster fire

This was a complete dumpster fire
awful music and pacing
literal 2/10

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. oldfag nostalgiafag

Everyone on this movie seemed to think everything needed to be as loud, bright, and obvious as possible. I'm not claiming the original was high art but this felt like it was redrawn in crayons or something

yea kinda agree

t. Norman McCapeShitter
Was it too long for your brainlet attention span to handle?

Would you call it a movie for pretentious plebs?

A much better review

>how can I start a new blade runner thread without the mods deleting it
>I know...

>needed to be as loud, bright, and obvious

Did you even watch the fucking movie? Gosling gives one of the most reserved performances of his career and that says a lot. Same for Sylvia.

can you do a review of firefox 57
i heard it fixes leaks but classic theme restorer wont be updated so

I unironically agree except I'd give it a 4

Keep using your trip so I know to ignore your posts pls.

t. teenager.

wrong. it's amazing


really? I liked the music and the film too.....



About 20 minutes in I was thinking this was the most "adult" film I had ever seen, like you need to be in your mid 30s adult, constitutionally old enough to be president of the US adult. Then a whore in makeup pokes fun at K for not liking "real" girls and that made it official.

This kino is not for dudes in their 20s trying to have as much sex as possible and it's obviously not for whores who think being "real" means having a vagina and wearing makeup. It's also not for hopeless morons or moralfags who think the world needs saving. It has very limited appeal, but the thirsty assholes trying to ruin these threads are its future audience and they will be talking about it in 10 years.

This is the current state of Sup Forums. Take a good look at it and laugh

It was good, but not great. Why? Harrison Ford. He was awful. Sadly this movie is a part of the current "sequelmania", and it showed.

Fuck nostalgia.

Harrison Ford gave his best performance in years. It also made the original retroactively better