How is a lawyer and a college professor able to afford a large house with a butler?

How is a lawyer and a college professor able to afford a large house with a butler?

It was the early 90s and it was a black butler. It's no different to having a maid really. Okay it's slightly more expensive but also more worth it.

90s housing market.

Plus he was a partner at the firm. He could have been bringing in big bucks back then. Hell, even associates at big name firms were bringing home 6 figures back in the 90s.

Didn't he literally become a judge? Judges in my city/county are all wealthy enough to afford a house like that

Your first short story and your first short story in the same room

Wasn't he a judge? A judge can easily afford a butler.

the 90s, if you had these types of jobs you were rich.

today these are the types of jobs you go to college and work you ass off for, get in debt, not get the job and work at walmart just to barely get by and be berated by the older gens that tell you to get a damn real job while they worked at same mom and pop general store back in the day and afforded owning a car and big house and started a family.

fuck this time period sucks.

>how can one of the highest paid professions afford a nice house

Let me guess, STEM fag?

Let me tell you boys something about women

>that episode where he goes absolutely elder-god-tier on the pool table

Niggers don't want to admit it, but black people were so much better off in 80s and 90s. Their families and values went to utter shit when Obama got elected and now there is no return or saving them.

Most people were better off in the 90s.

you must be young cause you're forgetting the 8 years of bush that already ruined the glory that was the 80s and 90s.

Sir, could you please sit down?

>Niggers don't want to admit it, but black people were so much better off in 80s and 90s
So that whole "Crack cocaine" thing didn't happen?

You hate us for our freedom

How is a lawyer and a college professor not able to afford a sandwich for his son?

Violence and crime was higher in the 80's and 90's, along with teenage pregnancy and single mother rates.
Take your dumb ass back to pol

Trust me niggers were not better off in the 80s/early 90s.

You haven't seen a real nigger race riot, I have. All those recent ones, Ferguson, Baltimore, whatever. That was fucking child's play.

Yes, but that was like 4 seasons into the show.

He’s a Judge

Don't know about America, but some lawyers I know earn 450 euros per hour.
They could pay the mortgage after a single days work and a Butler after the second days work.

their music was.


Are you guys retarded? He's a lawyer living in Beverly Hills. Probably an entertainment lawyer.

Those guys make a shitload of money.

>it started with Obama
Try LBJ, friend. His "great society" did nothing other than incentivize the destruction of the black family.

Of course the normal wagey lawyer earns like 3500 euro per month. But the notable ones can ask whatever they want.

t.white person born in 1999

Have you ever heard of the LA race riots back in the 90s?


Blacks were actually completely normal members of society. How quickly people forget Black men in suits and Black women in dress, working and peacefully protesting. Their culture was publicly destroyed yet nobody wants to acknowledge it.

he took on some case about discrimination against blacks in the housing market and won the case iirc and this basically solidified his career as a partner at one of LA's biggest law firms

they have a flashback in one episode set a few years before the show and they (the banks's) were living in some ghetto while phil was building a name for himself