There's a cartoon about a shota catboy?
There's a cartoon about a shota catboy?
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Yeah, he's pretty good. And sexy. But the show itself is really bland and formulaic.
no it's about his less slutty friend
A shame isn't it? You can see tiny bits of amazing potential but nope. It'll just keep being squandered on dumb easy kids show bullshit.
He's really just a sidekick, but he gets his fair share of screen time.
You pedos don't even know your words, OP.
Shame, saw it on Netflix and thought it was about him and the girl equally.
Really? I had the impression it was deeper just from the fanart. Guess it was just shallow shit
It implies and promises something deeper, but has yet to actually deliver.
Nah they both get lots of time in the spotlight. He's the damsel in distress of course, but he arguably gets more character development too.
Chat is the second best blonde CG catboy from a French cartoon.
I thought Odd was a monkey in Lyoko
Chat clearly has the more complex and interesting story
I mean Marinette is kinda an every girl but she doesn't have any real issues, Chat literally has an abusive super villain for a father
His dad isn't abusive . He's overprotected. His wife is gone and he doesn't want anything bad happen to his son.
if you're gonna watch it for that literally every character is at least kinda hot
two things, one emotional abuse is totally still a form of abuse even if it isn't intentional
two, he knows Adrien is Chat Noir and it hasn't stopped him from sending evil minions to fight him and Ladybug
He's still going after their Miraculous to maybe bring his wife back to life or some thing.
C'mon OP, just because he's in a bodysuit and wears cat ears- holy shit is that a bell around his neck? *unzips pants*
What's the straight equivalent to a twink?
Because he's that.
and he does love his bugaboo
Someone post the cg render of his bulge.
dont have his bulge but I do have this
This good?
when did he find out Adrien is Chat?
in the episode Simonsays, when he sends an akuma after himself so he can get a closer look at Chat and Ladybug himself
the episode ends with Gabriel strangely noting Adrien's ring
its not something that is literally spell out, like there is no confrontation its more like Gabriel has a clear ah ha moment seeing the ring but I can't really think of any other interpretation of what happened
holy shit
maybe the character designer made it a little too obvious that he's a shotacon. Great character design but maybe toned down a bit.
How do hos cat ears work? I mean how are they attached?
I mean they seem to just be for show anyway but their costumes seems to be held on and together magically
like literally a villain tried to rip Ladybug's mask right off her face and it was literally impossible to take off
That is just a faggot wearing a gay outfit. The only show about a shota CATboy is Gumball.
I'll never get why the Sup Forums board the most opposed to Japan is so obsessed with stealing their words and misuse them like that.
>Sup Forums board the most opposed to Japan
Sup Forums
So where can I mooch of the episodes? Anyone have a useful link?
I'm way behind.
I'm sure someone else will hook you up if you don't have the service but, on the very unlikely chance that you don't already know they're all on Netflix now.
its on Netflix in the USA
used to have great links but I believe they have been taken down
Is she ever gonna figure it out?
>its on Netflix
>in the USA
Does not help me
Well I guess it will sort itself out eventually.
good news Sup Forumsmrade
I did some digging and I think I found an old mega that works
This has started on Bong TV recently. Shame it's the dub.
Thanks bro, have a magical item.
y u no torrent bro. MEGA is a FBI honeypot
Public trackers are still worse.
>mega is dangerous but torrents are safe
if you dislike my links don't use them but don't complain that someone doesn't use the method you prefer, be happy that people are willing to share this stuff with you for free
here, I am selling you my account, my email, and If I try to (((leech))), kill my fucking arse
Best Girl
Is the English dub good? I watched the whole thing in Korean/French when it was coming out and the French version seemed to be the best by miles.
>toned down
No? more excessive the better
Are we ever gonna get to see Marinette just go full REEEEEEEEEEEEE and whale on some villain?
I'm shocked Sup Forums. Usually threads about this show devolve into lewd catboy shitposting and when a thread is started with that as the intent it turns out relatively normal.
so basically its SU minus all the lesbians and crying?
What are you, gay?
Apparently there's several
He looked shocked to see that Adrien had the ring. Probably concerned about the fact that he's been sending minions to fuck up his own son.
The show is ruined by hetshit. If Chat got a boyfriend, it'd be 1000 times better.
Why does every cartoon with a cute boy protagonist always force them to get a girlfriend, even though their chemistry is almost always bad? There doesn't even need to be homo -- just don't put the boy in a relationship at all. Is that so hard?
They aren't even subtle.
It's the first time the voices I imagined in my head were pretty much accurate to the voices they got. Marinette sounds as perky-ish as you'd expect her to be and the neko shota has the cocky young American cartoon hero type voice one would expect.
It's French. They're incapable of not introducing romance into everything, including taxes and mildew removal.
No. The English dub makes it sound like the show is aimed at kids 9 and younger. And the translation choices are really bad too, completely changing some lines to remove all traces of emotion.
>tfw I'm in it purely for vanilla shipping
>everybody just focuses on catboipucci
French taxes don't do romance unless you consider dry assrape romantic.
Two noteable examples:
In Animan after Ladybug beats the akuma by jumping into the jaws of the t-rex, Chat hugs her and says, "I thought I lost you." In English, the line is changed to "That was a wild ride." (Because puns are better than real emotions)
In Jackady, both Adrien and Ladybug remark about Adrien's mother, "She has your smile." In English, they change the line to, "She has your eyes," which is not only bafflingly pointless, but also makes no fucking sense since Ladybug has blue eyes. Adrien's mother's are green.
The innocent and wholesome couple.
>The English dub makes it sound like the show is aimed at kids 9 and younger
But the show is aimed at kids 9 and younger.
None of you fucks have posted this yet?
Jesus Sup Forums, take your meth. You're slow when you're sober.
It nibbles on the nape of your neck while it plows relentlessly into you, it's a romantic being butch.
I always thought it was more younger teens. Either way, my point is that the English voice acting is done in a style where the tone, diction, inflection are all over emphasized like you'd expect in a show aimed at kids still learning to talk.
>Chat in speedos
Thank the stars for fanartists.
The word you're looking for is neglect.
Still a type of abuse
Tell me about it
the shipping is pretty good too
luckily we aren't Star Vs or SU
our biggest shipping war is basically still about the same two characters getting together the question is in what form
Did the French know what they would unleash?
did the creators of Totally Spies know what they were unleashing?
The answer is yes absolutely and since this show was made by someone who used to work on Totally Spies I can only assume that he did in fact know what he was doing
What did they unleash? There isn't nearly as much fanart as there should be. And a lot of it doesn't even include our beloved catboy (at least, not as a catboy; Adrien's nice, don't get me wrong, but he's also really pedestrian and toned down compared to his bondage gear wearing alter ego.)
REEEEE. Nate should've been a Chat fanboy.
I gotta wonder, what with a shin tight leather clad shota catboy running around in universe and Ladybug in a similar get up, what sort of in universe fanfiction/porn exists
And how said shota catboy/Ladybug would react to finding it
There's plenty of it. Including that weird X/reader RPF that's all over tumblr.
Marinette faps to the particularly good ones.
I'm just waiting for her to realize she can get with Adrien if she abuses her Ladybug identity. I'd settle for the roles being reversed too.
Pic unrelated
Still waiting for someone to turn on Hawk Moth.
It's a Girl Power show (on some level) the roles were always going to be reversed. And not just in a strict romance sense either; Chat Noir spends half of his time as a damsel in distress. Between Adrien's shyness and Marinette's recent burst of self-confidence, Adrien was always going to be wearing the apron in this relationship.
>Marinette reads them as a guilty pleasure, and probably as an outlet for her budding sexual identity
>Adrien's a bit more sheltered and though he enjoys them as well, he's not sure how to feel about the lewder ones, does write a lot of LBxCN fics though
>reader RPF?
Honestly I get the feeling that may be an episode sooner or later, one about not abusing your authority
I doubt that sorta thing will happen while he's still supposed to be menacing, at least not unless it's to introduce some greater threat, I do think it would be funny to have some chill guy get taken over and him still being in control but just going along with it cause why not?
>Adrien was always going to be wearing the apron in this relationship.
Why is my first thought Chat Noir trying to seduce Ladybug wearing only his mask and a naked apron getup?
Real-Person Fic. xreader is when the other half of the pairing is the reader.
>Marinette face when she stumbles across a RPF between Ladybug and Adrien written by Adrien/Chat Noir
Knowing how lonely and needful for contact Adrien is, he probably has written at least one fic.
Do you think Ladyverse's DeviantArt is filled with those creepy photoshop edits of the two miraculous holders with like. Super fat bodies or wearing diapers and shit
Im almost done with season 1 on Netflix. Season 2 when?
I like this show, it's upbeat.
>Knowing how lonely and needful for contact Adrien is, he probably has written at least one fic.
>Implying he isn't the most prolific writer
>Implying he also isn't Marinette's favorite
>Do you think Ladyverse's DeviantArt is filled with those creepy photoshop edits of the two miraculous holders with like. Super fat bodies or wearing diapers and shit
Almost certainly
June/summer I think
>Marinette and Adrien gushing over each other's fic without knowing
P cute tbqh.
Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg
>Chat wearing black lipstick
Why'd they have to ditch this?
I actually don't like it too much, I like the idea of it though, probably would like it better if I got used to it or if there was a slight redesign
So little good porn of Totally Spies
Such a crime against mankind
yes, I am a faggaloon
The show was the porn.
>in the middle of a fight with Chat Noir
>see this
What do, Sup Forums?
That would be super cute, especially if they start trading reviews/comments/suggestions without realizing who's on the other end