Want to see post-apocalyptic furries suffering?
Endtown always delivers! Always.
Want to see post-apocalyptic furries suffering?
Endtown always delivers! Always.
Previous thread got archived before I could reply.
If only we hadn't been invaded by waifufags...
I suppose it can't be helped. A good deal of what makes Aaron Neathery good at depicting suffering is his ability to make characters feel alive and full of personality, it's no wonder his female characters are so strongly desired.
Too bad the only male character I really cared about was too alive to stay that way forever. As interesting as a topsider giving away his humanity for love was, his was a time all too short.
>we will never see what he was trying to reach through the Great Waste either
Still feels bad, man.
Yeah, poor Jim. Thinking of him and Allie makes me pretty sad.
An it's always funny to remember that Jim isn't supposed to be sympathetic, according to Aaron.
I just hope Heather doesn't end up killing herself.
I hope her endless recklessness, doesn't end up getting anyone killed.
Who's to blame? The shit talker or the person that fucking started a fight over some shit talking?
Typically it's always the person who gets physical first who's to blame. Smack-talking is just drawing the line to see who breaks social contract first and when that happens the person who does technically loses the contest.
Good to see Walt and Petunia took a breather from their marathon fucking
Back to the poppy threads with you...
With how the donkey is drawn she looks like she's crab-walking out in a hurry in panel 4. Maybe even crab-hopping out?
Her lifted leg looks like its properly turned with her body and running but what the fuck is her back leg doing behind her? It's turned in a way where the hoof is pointed in the opposite direction and her thigh is wide out.
Guess they finally stopped porking to read the morning news.
Now I want to see Walt and Petunia working on mountains of paperwork
I see two Poppy fags and ain't one.
They're only (human) mutants.
good to see SOMEONE got it
Neo Sup Forums is real.
It's nu- now, get with the times gramps
Damn kids, get off my site!
> Another Endtown comic that ends with a character fleeing in tears
I feel like I need to make a gif of these.
It's not exactly that, you're just not supposed to like him. You ARE supposed to feel bad for him but that's it. Actually liking him is like liking a nazi, according to Aaron (raccoon or not, he is still as bad as any other topsider).
It'd be too heavy to post.
My ideal continuity for Jim would be Kirbee helping him get over Sarah. Also, him and Wally becoming best friends, reluctant at first but learning to trust each other as they realize they make a good action/survival duo.
I actually wanted him to go back to endtown and meet Linda, her being an Ex topsider as well, you have been a cool match for him.
That sounds dangerous. Either he reminds her of their mission or exposes her. He needed to mellow down before reaching Endtown.
What I wanna know is what's going on in the west coast?
Considering the West Coast is the closest thing to the USA in that world, it would be nice to know. Maybe they actually managed to rebuild society after "The End".
Holy shit, is she actually blaming herself for starting that ridiculous fight and getting her friend's eye removed instead of just blaming the wolf for being a cunt?
She seemed too ready to jump down every wolf's throat over being mean to the piggies to be willing to blame herself before one of them.
If she is though, I might be warming up to her.
>An it's always funny to remember that Jim isn't supposed to be sympathetic
He should've made Jim more of a dick then. I mean he WAS a bit of a dick, but it only came off as being a bit rough with people.
It's hard to hate on someone willing to go to those lengths for someone they care for just because they kidnapped two people who weren't heading anywhere to take them out of the wastes.
Maybe he could've made us hate him, but he died before he got the chance.
It'd be a tough for that conversation to come up. When Linda was screened and cleared to live in Endtown, she was told that nobody else knew her she was an recent ex-topsider. Chances are a good lot of people down there are "converts" but nobody will dare admit it out of fear of being hung by the neck from a street-light.
>She seemed too ready to jump down every wolf's throat over being mean to the piggies
If I were in her hooves I'd very likely do the same.
>He should've made Jim more of a dick then.
What really gets me is that when Jim is confronting Sarah, one his biggest regrets is killing for her. As in, he only did it for Sarah and it was actually eating him inside. Even if he was very willing to kill mutants for "the cause", that doesn't sound like a bad person at heart.
If that were the case, outing Linda would have been even more stupid for Allgood and I doubt that he wouldn't have considered that. Also, Aaron himself says that desertion is pretty rare and that Flask, Linda, Jim and Sarah are pretty special because of that.
I like this! Jim could have run into Kirbee
after he ran off and being Kirbee, she'd
have done her best to cheer him up and
get his head straight. The party escapes
Unity before the AeroMutts attack, and the
story continues as it did.
>she'd have done her best to cheer him up
>Implying she wouldn't have genocided him on sight
Also.. Hello, Kc.
>>Implying she wouldn't have genocided him on sight
Is this webcomic any good?
It's slow and boring at first, but it get's really interesting fairly quickly.
Give it a shot, worst thing can happen is you dropping it half way.
>All this Kirbee/Jim shipping
>No one realizes that Holly/Kirbee is the real otp
>Kirbee would have saved Holly if she had given her a chance