If you don't want to sit through the whole thing, some user made a transcript of the juicy bits at pastebin.com/jJb3BmBG
TL;DR: >80% of questions dodged >StarFan13 flirting with Marco >Magic High Commission confirmed alive >Marco tight-lipped about feelings, repeatedly calls Star his friend but says he's glad she told him about her crush >Marco not using scissors because he's worried what will happen/where he'll end up >Marco and Jackie went straight home after Just Friends concert >Marco makes a lewd joke about Hekapoo >Marco likes the fan art of boy Star >Tomco is kill >Marco not a fan of Starco fan fiction >StarFan13's fetish is to be invisible and spy on people >No toilets in Mewni >Marco's official nickname is Mango
well, sorta. It's no surprise they dodged a lot of them. Scissors part is a disappointment
Jaxson Morales
Why does the LWA girl become brown?
Hunter Nguyen
Explosion from looking directly at the barrel of the g̶u̶n̶ wand
Hudson Jackson
>nefcy is a voyeuristic cuck >nefcy's 2D persona gets to watch her 2D self-insert get cucked
it's the best of both worlds
Jeremiah Martinez
jesus fuck can we keep threads to less than 2~3?
Don't make the mods fuck over SVTFE threads
Grayson Nguyen
>80% of questions dodged Does anyone really go to see "hard hitting questions" answered though? It's just a fun thing to do for half an hour with an occasional bit of info that may be relevant in later episodes.
Daniel Wright
delet this you thread spamming shitlord
Luke Smith
vid.me/yeKs I made another one of those shitty videos again. This one's a lot shorter. It'd be appreciated if you'd watch it.
Christopher Ward
Isn't it? I ctrl F and see only two threads, this and the last one
Luis Kelly
check the images
Caleb Cruz
fuck it, ill marathon this instead of kamen rider tonight
Christopher Ward
So whatchu guys think of the LWA episode?
Gavin Watson
MFW haitus
Charles Johnson
That moment your boyfriend chases after another girl and you know you about to be side ho'd in the next couple episodes.
Nathaniel Morgan
The moment you maining that Starco, but you concerned about that jarco ship going down like the titanic.
Ethan Thomas
This face is hilarious. Never have I seen such contempt.
Tyler Morris
I want to kiss Toffee!
Ethan Hill
what if star keep marco scissor and take back to mewni with her , marco dont have the scissor to go to mewni , --> star is the one always with scissor , right ?
Justin Murphy
This is going to lead to a 'pick me or her' moment from Jackie to Marco.
Hunter Walker
>tfw Star Fan 13, Nefcy's author avatar, ships Starco >tfw she doesn't just act that way in Starcrushed, she out right states it in the live chat >tfw you're still not sure if you're just being fucked with, because she could be speaking only from the point of view of Star Fan 13 >But she must have, because saying something on a live chat and then not going through with it would be a dick move, right? >But Nefcy enjoys fucking with the fanbase, so that could be entirely possible >tfw you want off of Nefcy's wild ride NEFCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Jace Price
>mfw 4:30 am >see this
Cooper Thomas
Jackie's been pushed to side since the mid-season break. The season finale is the only episode we get to see Jarco in action without Star third-wheeling.
Adrian Gray
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Brayden Russell
im feeling naughty
Kayden Stewart
Its good user, im tired.
Isaiah Garcia
"I called it"
Justin Nelson
>That video W-what? What's going on here?!
Juan Thompson
Jackie, if ever there was a time to expose your mermaid-self, using your magic to enthrall Marco from crossing dimensions and get himself killed is that time
Josiah Brown
Parker Wilson
they may have used too much darkness these last eps
Jordan Carter
They shouldn't advertise it as saying they'll answer all your questions though.
Easton Richardson
im excited by this eventual despair
Adrian Brown
Henry Johnson
the dark gods of miscommunication were the problems
Michael James
i love despair
Joseph Ortiz
never friendship hug in front of anyone ever
Brandon Hill
>>Tomco is kill
Juan Smith
I genuinely want her to be able to react to this calmly, organically, and stay cool with Marco without going down the bitch patch. I genuinely want her to still be friendly towards Star, in spite, or even because of her confession. I genuinely want her to show that, yeah, Star was right in trying to set Marco up with her.
Dylan Kelly
Remember that time when Family Guy did a parody of Star vs?
Christopher Young
sweetest hug
Nicholas Allen
Lots of hyperbole in that recap.
Gabriel Cox
We need art of Star dirt biking off Jackie's head.
Like Jackie's face smacking into the ground just as star uses her as a jump.
Aaron Ross
>You think THAT's bad? Remember that time we went skateboarding with the Prophet Muhammad?
Jordan Bell
even in episodes with jackie in it, star and marcos interactions are still center stage
Wyatt Gomez
the poor narwhal
Logan Kelly
So I labelled my first folder collection of Season 2 episodes up to Bon-Bon as: The Dark Wand
What should I call the second half?
So far I've got: Ragnarok Rhapsody Broke Her Crown Beyond Time and Grace The Rebel Princess
Jackson Lewis
Actually she goes crazy and obsessive over marco to a point marco breaks up with her, leading into a chase for his survival as she hunts him down brandishing a broken seashell while riding on her skateboard so she can bury him in a shallow grave. Or as the LSD fan fictions say...
Carson Scott
The moment when Starcocucks couldn't even make quality vectors like the original vectoranon.
Nolan Rogers
>tfw Toffee is 90% of the reason you watch
Chase Barnes
she will probably remain sympathethic, but this is star and marcos story, so she may be rather shafted
Benjamin Young
That moment when vectoring takes longer then 5 mins, but you dont give a fuck cus no one even wants the shitty vectors if they only look at the tiny thumbnail.
Christopher Mitchell
[1:41:51] Q: What fun things are you gonna do this summer? >Marco: "Well... again, I sorta had plans to just hang out with my best friend. But she's gone, so... I'm gonna have to think about all that." >"I guess, maybe... go on a family vacation or something? I dunno, I gotta talk to my parents. I'm confused." >StarFan13: "Hey Marco, you can hang out with meeeeee. We have all kinds of fun heheeheheheheheheheh."
>what fun things are you gonna do >hang out with meeeeee >all kinds of fun >*creepy laughter*
Jeremiah Fisher
he will probably catch wind that star is in trouble, once he hears even the slightest word that star needs his help he will leap into action, and smash anything in his way
i mean if he saw a mountain in his way he would punch it to dust, since it would be faster than going around it
Parker Thompson
I am going to marry Area!
Grayson Phillips
>still listening to just friends and the princess song Is Star the true cartoon kino?
Nicholas Martinez
>he will probably catch wind that star is in trouble
He's probably going to get attacked by Luffee.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Or better yet, Luffee forces him to choose between saving Jackie or Star
Asher Mitchell
So, did Toffee's finger disappear with Star's room or is it still in Marco's house? Does the finger even do anything at all? And does Marco still have the scissors? Cause he could jump right in and go karate on some fools.
Jeremiah Sullivan
>Just Friends best use of music to sink my ship ever
Jackson Evans
>the finger is still in the spare room marco is gonna get a rude awakening by toffee once more
Jonathan Bennett
>read the transcript >it's even less than last times I guess that's what we get for expecting juicy shit for the inter season break
Jacob Myers
>Scissors part is a disappointment Yeah, she just jabbed with them and opened portals.
Was hoping for a sword transformation. Not necessarily KLK-tier, but at least something hefty she could swing around.
Jordan Nelson
>gets told to get dressed before moon came >what looks to be a black eye What did they mean by this?
Kevin Nguyen
Bentley Adams
My first thought upon reading your post was that the finger is gonna finger Marco's ass and wake him up.
Clearly I need to stop
Charles Gray
now that star aint there, its marcos turn to not take their partner for granted
it might be just what gets him thinking about star as more than a friend
Julian Moore
Preppin' bulls like a born cuck-master And reeking shit like a negro disaster She rocks her Diaper Blast and Whorenicorn Stampede She's gonna lose her crown, so hail to the cuckquee-e-e-ean!
'Cause she's a retard princess, she's flat chest She's a ball of cuckening and a big fat mess She's a thundercunt whoring dudes black as night She's our cuckquean Star, and we all wish she would die!
Isaiah Robinson
>so many babies they can barely keep track
they probably fuck non-stop, and were doing so before Moon arrived
Ryan Rogers
I feel like an idiot because I just assumed the child she was raising was just a little shit and probably did it.
Jackson Perez
Now Marco's gonna need a new bathroom toothbrush singing buddy!
Juan Bennett
>scat and nigger references I like what you were trying to do but it didn't work. I think you can get it right with a few more revisions though, boss.
Joseph Watson
welp, at least we have fan art
Henry Jones
Adam Flores
How did he ever take her for granted?
Zachary Collins
Starfan13. Jackie can't be one because she's his bedroom singing buddy.
Justin Ward
>she's flat chest Every girl in this series has a flat chest.
Samuel Perez
This. He put her before all else. He even sacrificed 16 years for her (initially, obviously he grew into it during that time but she was the initial motivation). >f-fuck marco for not wanting to bone her How low can starcucks go?
Ayden James
it's a boy band concert in Californnia of course there are homos
Oliver Lopez
Joseph Johnson
KlK (and trigger) is hot trash but that is a damn nice Heck
Ian Bailey
Is that Alex Hirsch on the left?
Wyatt Jackson
Jaxon Evans
Anthony Lewis
But does Starfan13 shares his taste in Love Sentence? Jackie didn't share Marco's.
Also I have the feeling we knew Marco's favourite Love Sentence song. Is it the one he had a duet with Tom with?
Zachary Stewart
Spinoff starring hekapoo when? I wanna torch her forest, if you know what I mean.
Michael Sullivan
jackie thought love sentence was great, matching trivia with star
Nathaniel Perez
>does Starfan13 shares his taste in Love Sentence She'd share Star's taste At this point I'm just waiting for Starfan13 to dye her hair and start pretending to be Star, and even trying to get into Marco's pants.
Anthony Cook
>you will never see Moon molest Star in the bath
Asher Smith
Post yfw Toffee regains his true form and takes over Mewni in the process.
Michael Butler
>Is it the one he had a duet with Tom with? In Friendenemies Marco said "Too Little Too Late" was his second-favourite LS song, while in Just Friends he and Star said "Just Friends" was "our second-favourite song". So no, we don't know yet what is Marco's favourite LS song, or Marco and Star's favourite LS song, assuming they're in sync enough to have the same favourite song.
Blake Howard
You'd think that Ludo's family would be more resentful against Queen Genocide.
Gabriel Bailey
This entire scene was pissing me off. Not just because Star was rebounding on Oskar but I seriously thought they would do the "we're with our original crushes now but are we gonna stay, I DON'T KNOW SEASON OVER" thing
Also, Oskar offering to be Star's Mango was more canon ntr'ing than anything else in this show
Easton Nelson
Would you protect her, user?
Jackson Price
That moment when Starcucks were so desperate to say their ship was confirmed that they turned a scene where Star says she knows Marco doesn't feel the way into a confirmation of their pairing
Parker Flores
>marco doesn't like star >star gets some gayboi to replace him >ntr Nigger please
Joseph Rogers
look at this warrior, he lost his home, his friends, his family, and he's still standing, this hard motherfucker deserves some respect, good night sweet prince
Jeremiah Campbell
I can't believe she's the reason I dropped the show way back when. Somehow she got funny finally
Easton Allen
given moons attitude towards them, she seems rather civil, its unlikely she would ever take extreme action against them, she has no personal vendetta against the monsters
toffee must have led an uprising, and moon put it down, there is more to the story, like why toffee needed to be stopped with a dark curse, but otherwise thats the gist of the story