Batman that kills is best batman

batman that kills is best batman

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get out snyder

you're probably better off this way

Does it count if he kills an undead?

He can do it if he casts heal spells(it hurts undead), it's a loophole the programmers didn't think of

Not according to DC.
Robots, even sentient ones who canonically have souls, don't count either. Some aliens also don't count.

Just human-enough people.

Geez, so mexicans are fair game?

>this fucking film
Is there a single villain that comes out of it alive?

I guess "no kill rule" only applies to premeditated and not culpable.

not every batman incarnation has that ethos at all.

Just Chinamen.

didnt batman just hurl him out to space in a sealed coffin?
cuz the villains 1 power was he couldnt die?
jesus christ, bata...

Someone have that pic of Bats shooting that Parademon in Cosmic Odyssey? Plus what are the rules of his no kill rule anyway? Are mindless Aliens okay? Are Animals?

>Cosmic Odyssey

jesus, J'onn

To be fair, John Stewart just got an entire planet killed by being Lego Batman.

>by being Lego Batman.



cut to pic related

fucking kek.
>Just shut up Jon

It's worth noting that this event has since been heavily retconned.

Planet was still destroyed on his watch, but not because of him being a complete tool

get off your edgeporn

We already have one of those.


do we? i mean the presence. it's so little of it that the "we have" statement is somehow questionable.

You can't kill vampires. They're already dead.

Not exactly related but since we're talking Batman, does anyone have the rest of this fight?

that's normal for GL, they always get their mistakes retconned