Characters you share a first name with.
Characters you share a first name with
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Any characters named david?
I can do a pretty good voice for Patrick too.
But then again I think that's a requirement for anyone with the name
>200% sure no fictional characters share my name
>despite the fact it's only five letters and isn't harsh or awkward sounding at all
I'm a guy though
Hi Tentacle
Only one I know of.
How unfortunate for you, user.
Come to think of it, I don't share my real name with any fictional characters.
There has never been a Sup Forums character that had the name Nathan that hasn't been completely annoying on purpose or some little faggot.
Everyone with my name is an asshole in fiction. An asshole or a ditz.
Or mentally challenged
>tfw only cool Carl other than CJ from San Andreas
I want to fuck the boi puss of the person with your name in walking dead.
post vocaroo
It's a shitty name but this guy makes me feel better about it.
Is there any cartoon character named Becky or Rebecca. I feel like there is but I can't think of anyone.
T.J.'s sister
If that counts
Guess what Joke i heard allot as a kid
any charactores named Roy?
Gee, I really don't know.
Could it be "Kennyu help me with this?"
>Guess what joke I heard a lot as a kid
That's fucking cute
Now imagine being sang a theme song about a mediocre fucking show and asked about a making out a awful tasting condiment!
>Not professor Xavier
Step up your game user!
You guys don't know my pain.
I read that as dicks tongue
Characters with my name are always cool
I've got some bad news, user.
>being named after a verb
There is literally no character that shares my name, pic related is the closest thing though.
My friends used to sing "Kyle's mom's a bitch" just for laughs even though nobody as far as I knew disliked my mom and we weren't Jewish.
In an early appearance this character shared both my first and last name, though it was changed later
>tried searching for others
>only ones I found is that fat kid, some foreign cartoon
And no Dr. Strange is a different spelling from mine so I don't count it
I'll do you all one better
Except maybe
what kind of name is mondo?
It's like Mongo, but somehow even more retarded.
Captain America
Not a lot of positive representation for this name. Seems I always have to share my name with moron and assholes.
>they call him speedy cuz he uses speed
None, I haven't seen a character with a name as jewish as mine
>tfw you have an entire line of cartoons with your name on it
You're name is whore?
Terry Mcginnis
The only one
I'm of asian descent
Hol up
You be sayin'
That you is KANG and shiet?
I mean technically my first name is just Tim but ye
What about Nathan Explosion?
I actually was happy he was an pretty good villain in Avengers:EMH
Wow. Surprisingly there arent a lot of cartoon characters with the name John
Can't think of any good Georges other than the monkey and pic related who isn't even Sup Forums
It's funny cause I've never really seen a chad named Justin in a show. It doesn't seem like it fits.
I immediately thought of the gnome. There's also the dude Nani has a crush on in Lilo and Stitch. And Dave being a nickname for David I suppose the manager/father figure to The Chipmunks would work too?
My middle name is Rose and I want to kill myself every time I remember she exists
Amy Rose is a pretty nice name tho my dude
Oh shit. Forgot about him!
Hi Nostalgia Critic
george of the jungle
Dane from black knight
Shut the fuck up, Boco.
Nice try but no.
middle school entirely consisted of "haha where's ferb" jokes everytime I met someone new
There's a character that shares his name as well.
Any characters named Cole?
Was there at least a qt Mexijew lusting after you?
Get your shit together Tyrone.
Slim pickings...
There's plenty of Bills but I go by Will/William so this is the only one I know of.
I could have just been called "Christopher" like anyone else but my parents decided I should be a snowflake and called me "Kristofer."
Closest I've ever seen to my spelling.
Is there a better character?
Oh yeah ust remembered I can sort of count Squilliam Fancyson
Is it an English name at least?
I got stuck with an old fashioned Dutch name and outside of my family the only people of note who share it are South African or centuries dead.
Justin is totally a Chad name.
Luck you.
Fucking kill me.
How dutch is the name? Do you wear clogs?
Hi batman
Nice try, wanna guess again?
read the comics
Or the Boom cartoon
She's actually decent