WB is finally going to release DVDs of Static Shock it seems.
Static Shock - Animated Show Receiving MOD DVD Release
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The Zeta Project also appears to be joining it. I believe Season 2 was never given a physical release while Season 1 went out of print quickly.
Season 1 - wbshop.com
Season 2 - wbshop.com
Well, I'm sure one or two people care.
You guys better buy them. I want to see future seasons on DVD.
Holy shit, I've been wishing for this for years. Zeta Project was probably everyone's least favorite show out of the entire DCAU, but I happened to be very fond of it.
Oh my god that artwork couldn't possibly look any shittier.
You haven't seen the show, I take it.
Probably the most under-rated show of the DCAU; I was thinking only the other day how intelligently written the scenes with Virgil's family were. Kinda weird to read the comics and his mom's alive and his dad was a deadbeat that skipped out.
All I remember are those damn celebrity cameos... at least the Lil Bow Wow episode was funny.
>oh boy, the kid singing the theme song is making a special guest appearance, I bet they'll make him into some cool-
>he spends most of the episode as a spoilt brat who gets out of his depth
>WE WAZ KANGZ: The Animated Series
>Coming soon to DVD
Any series that has a Kwanzaa episode is objectively trash.
>Any series that has a Kwanzaa episode is objectively trash.
But user, Kwanza is a rich, storied cultural tradition that goes back almost FOUR decades!
Is there anywhere I can watch this online?
Praise based Warner Archive.
>Preorder today for shipment on 03/28/2017
>Look, ma! I posted my shitty meme again!
I hope they put the rest of the show on DVD.
So does this now leave Legion of Superheroes and Krypto as the only shows without a home video release?
This is awesome.
It's for their made on demand service, not an official store release. They are typically very bare bones.
This will be the first time anyone bothers to hear a lil bow wow song in over a decade
He name was Li' Romeo and his song for the theme song was from season 3.
I think so.
To be fair, Krypto's cartoon was pretty mediocre, even for a kid's show
>no Kanga
>no Topo
>no Ch'p
>no Detective Chimp
>no Rex the Wonder Dog
I'd complain about the lack of Dex-Starr, but the show came a few years before he first appeared. Still, a LOT of missed opportunities.
Static Shock is one of my favorite DCAU shows. I'm glad it's getting a new DVD.
So, assuming Static Shock gets all four seasons released, this'll mean the entirety of the DCAU will finally be out on DVD.
Now who do I have to suck off to get Mask of the Phantasm on Bluray?
Bump for exposure
I wonder if ever Legion of Superheroes and Krypto are released if they'll be blu-ray since they were made in hd and hd versions are available on itunes and amazon. Would be nice.
Huh, thought Sup Forums would be more excited about this. Its technically canon with the DCAU too. That said, if its a MOD, why not just release the entire series?
you're not the only one who likes Zeta Project
I'm excited. I just hope we get a fucking confirmation soon.
I need the rest of Static shock on DVD .
This is great news. I wish more people would make a big deal about it.
Well its about goddamn time. I know what I'm getting this weekend.
What's a deva di?
>We could have Static instead of Cyborg in the JL movie
>Static could be the Spider-Man of DC, as he was intended to be
Static wasn't even intended to be part of DC.
I like Cyborg, but his character usually just isn't as interesting as Static's, I just find him kinda boring in a lot of adaptations
Such a missed opportunity. What soulless executive actually thought a whiny, robotic statue (no offense to Khary Payton who actually gives him color) would be a better token black than a street-slick dynamo? Probably the same one who keeps giving Snyder work.
>DVD release
What is this, 2005? Are they not doing bluray?
I mean once DC bought the Dakotaverse, jackass.
Because Static, Zeta, Batman TAS and Superman TAS were made in early digital sd.
I think it has to do with the Toon Titans take on him.
Victor Stone's backstory is like, uniquely traumatizing even for superheroes. By making him an upbeat guy in any sort of serious story, it should emphasize his RESILIENCE and strength of character.
Unfortunately, by using Toon Titans as a starting point, which was really just a comedy, they just took "Goofy fun guy that likes to eat, but ease up on the goof." They didn't add anything, they just subtracted from an already (appropriately for the genre) shallow character. He's just not compelling because of this.
Characters like Robin have a long history that writers can draw on all the time when they need to add depth, but most people are familiar with Cyborg through Toon Titans.
Static's initial conception was a really well rounded, dynamic character so if they wanted to utilize him more, they already had a lot to work with.
I hate it when Minifig's right.
WB lost the original animation cells, there will never be Blurays of it or any of the pre Justice League shows.
There's a DVDrip of the first season and VHSrip of the second one. I think they were posted when we had Mega threads some time back, and there should be links somewhere in the archive.
I don't like the idea of Static on a team like the Justice League.
He should be a reserve Teen Titan at best, he shouldn't be too far from Dakota
Wow, this place really is Sup Forumsmblr.
>everything I don't like is tumblr
But the cartoon version has done exactly what you described, and he was a pretty solid character in the show because of it. It's just that the comics that tried to mimic it completely missed the point. Funny enough, Beast Boy and Raven sufferered way harder from your original point then Cyborg. At this point they may as well only exist in the cartoon, it's the only good version we're ever going to get from those two.
I think it's more so people would rather have Static over Cyborg as a JLA member, and for the most part I agree. He'd bring some much needed levity in an otherwise serious team (especially the travesty that is the future DCEU JLA). He would work much better as a Titan, but so would Cyborg. That's kind of the point.
AtLA fans took their DVDs and made their own 1080p remaster of their show. If DCAU fans care enough, maybe they could do something similar.