What are some other European comics that has amazing art and interesting story?
European comics
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I dunno for the story but for the arts:
Sky Doll
Les Contes de l'ère du Cobra
The Nikopol Trilogy
End (Barbara Canepa, Anna Merli)
Le Grand Pouvoir du Chninkel
Le Château des Étoiles
You know what time is it, OP?
Normally I would add some anecdote with each post, but at least it will give me a reason to repost the comic in a few months.
Same author as Garulfo or De Cape & De Croc.
enter our heroes
Waters of Deadmoon
World of Adebaran.
7 is a series where a different writer and artist do a one shot with 7 main characters.
The main flaw is that you often have useless characters just to fill the slots, and the "recruitment" takes 1/3 the book.
Here we got 7 balanced characters introduced in 3 pages.
Also goes by the name Perkeros. Artist JP Ahonen.
Of all the images, I enjoy the Sloth monk's jam session with the viking the most.
great reaction image in the first panel
user, I am loving this so far
And that, gentlemen, is how you do conservation of detail in a comic
>insert Fallout reference
One quick question
What is good free font for translating comics, i got one comic that looks a little like Comic Sans but Comic Sans looks bad in comparison.
The seven series are a good run but i haven't read them all, only seven thieves and seven pirates.
thank you for the storytime user, I enjoyed it greatly!
That was 7 missionaries, a comic book one-shoot by Alain Ayroles and Luigi Critone.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks to team Dragonz,JJ and Data9724 for the scanlation.
I'll let you pick the moral of the story:
Every virtue can be a drawback and vice versa depending on the situation
God is lazy and makes his miracles with playing with probablilities instead of heavenly pyrotechnics
Religion will completely fuck up a functioning society
Some making ofs, interview and additional material (in french, but lots of pretty pics)
I also encourage french anons to buy it, if only because watercolors translate poorly when scanned, so you're missing something without the physical version.
blambot dot com has many free fonts available for comic creators. You can probably find a good 'comicbook' font there, one that looks better than Comic Sans.
If you really want to dig, you could probably find different fonts to use depending on the type of comic you want to letter.
Thanks, user, I also enjoyed that.
Is it just a coincidence that you chose to storytime that just before Lent?
Donjon (Dungeon by Trondheim, Sfar and varios artists)
Any L'Association stuff, specifically the David B. works--
Incidents In The Night volumes 1 & 2
The Armed Garden and Other Stories
Best of Enemies vols 1 and 2
676 Apparitions of Killoffer by Killoffer
I Am Here and Like A Sniper Lining Up His Shot by Jaques Tardi--or literally everything Fanta have released by him
Anything by Franquin
Peplum by Blutch
J.C Menu's comics
Anything by Stephane Blanquet
The Arzach Moebius stuff and The Airtight Garage
If I think of anymore I'll let you know
Oh also anything translated to English by Christophe Blain
Seconding the Nikopol Trilogy. Though the actual story makes little sense, it's more about a certain mood. Among Enki Bilal's other works, you can also add the Monster Tetralogy, which is very similar, and also The Hunting Party and the Black Order Brigades, which are great personal stories about the fallout of 20th century ideologies. He also did a bunch of short scifi stories with Pierre Christin which are usually amusingly weird.
I'd add Blast too. I'm usually not a fan of Larcenet but that story got me good.
De Cape et de Crocs also has good art and is a lot of fun, though I'm not sure if a translation would be as enjoyable considering all the fucking jokes and references to classic litterature.
Anything by Chaboute has great art and a cool, dark mood, though the stories are a bit too preachy/moralizing for my taste.
>Is it just a coincidence that you chose to storytime that just before Lent?
hrm... of course not. It's was all part of my masterplan since the beginning, hahaha!
There's a scanlation for de cape et de crocs, but it loses a lot of jokes and poetry.
7 cannibal story was fucked up as hell
Universal War One is a cool space opera
Christin is also the writer for The Hunting Party and the Black Order Brigades
>so we christian now
>what now?
Technically, Druuna.
I really like how Sven's nickname changes each time.
Le Petit Spirou has amazing stories.
this is a great read, loving the greedy old merchant and humour
The 7 madmen one was pretty fun
>Praise you, Yahweh, for this plentiful bounty.
>*kills all the hitlers*
>Religion will completely fuck up a functioning society
Religion is only an outlet. Even without it, people will still latch on to some other institution and do shitty things in its name.
Thanks OP, enjoyed that
Bamp for good storytime.
Can some french bro help me to translate this page?
fifth case on the left, that is the cross of Kong, exposed to Dublin's museum of archeology. Those guys have done their homework.
it's fucking late and I'm sleepy so the translation are not very good
thanks buddy.