Minerva Minx storytime
Let's do it. Poo.
This is great stuff! Good on you for having this OP!
I thought this sort of thing got fixed.
>minerva will never swallow your nose
Why even bothering with life?
Too bad we'll never see another Minerva Mink cartoon because TMS owns the character.
Just kidding. I fucking hate that guy.
I wish there was a pin-up of this Minerxa.
Fuck Sup Forums and fuck furry people.
>Furry bait of highest degree
>suddenly, the animation is better
What a waste of animation. There's more frames for the static fucking hair than the mouth's movement.
Minerva is not a literal mink as you can see in . There's a reason they call them "anthros".
>Hire somebody for their looks
>Give them clothes that cover a lot more
I don't think these guys understand advertising.
Didn't know Zaush browses Sup Forums.
That wouldn't come as a surprise at all.
Those clothes don't really conceal the shape of her body at all.