Some 420 friendly art Sup Forums?
Some 420 friendly art Sup Forums?
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Never thought I'd find your precious Bluntcave, did you Hemp Knight?
From last thread
420chan mods are bigger faggots than any Sup Forums mod.
Fuck Quetzalcoatl that stupid cunt.
the girl behind him looks disgusted but intrigued
>When the guy of your wet dreams likes another girl but at least you've got weed so you might as well save the world again
RIP in peace Pepe
Not Sup Forums but weed related
Pepe is a symbol, an idea.
And ideas can never die bro.
Then right after with Velma and Daphne becomes Sup Forums related
>star isnt a pot leaf
Well shit.
Has anyone read this?
I know it's Sup Forums but I'm still curious
I...I have that manga. Bought it on a whim, never got to reading it yet.
That is the single most stupid but entertaining pun I've read lately.
do Sup Forumsmrades smoke the devils lettuce? Honestly curious
Yes, erryday.
I've wanted to stop for years now, I'm closer than I've ever been
Anyone got that picture of amethyst blowing smoke out of her eye holes at peri?
Best way to enjoy [as] iffin I'm being honest.
This thread got me to wake and bake
Yes, it makes cartoons and comics more enjoyable and also helps me focus on my drawing.
lol I'm stoned right now
I've smoked everyday throughout the day for a long time, I'd like to slowly stop but that wont happen.
Good thread OP
i would if i
1: knew where to get it (i only bought it once and that was over the deep web, and that's too much of a fucking hassle)
2: knew how to actually smoke it (can't roll it into a joint for shit. Bought some cheap ass bong + weed grinder from some chink shit shop in town instead. Tasted terrible)
what other subculture needs art of everything it enjoys?
wine snobs are as obnoxious but they don't need pictures of connie enjoying a buttery chardonay.
the only other subculture I can think of is tumblr.
is there some reason you guys turn to whats basically a cup of coffee as the thing that unites you, like tumblr makes its deformed fat ass race bent bodies?
that you associate a similar shitty, vague ideology of chill and smoke lol with it
is it maybe because otherwise you have no personality otherwise because all you do is laugh at a tv screen and shitpost on co?
This isn't anime. Don't type out stutters.
I started in the eight grade. My brother more or less forced me too.
Needless to say, I never stopped.
Doctor says I'm healthy. I can go weeks without it. It's easy to get, legal, and safer than alcohol.
Aside from the conspiracy behind it, I'm surprised it's been illegal for this long. It being illegal caused more problems than it "solved."
See: 1920s Prohibition
dude stop projecting you should smoke a joint and chill
I wish tumblr would get the fuck out already. You already destroyed this board enough.
>what other subculture needs art of everything it enjoys?
literally anything counterculture
>working on my comic
>this one particular page has my characters getting lit
Good timing, OP.
>This isn't anime.
Yes it is, your eyes are just fucked up from huffing all that jenkem. Baka poop sniffer.
Not everyone smokes but a lot do and act like they dont so it's funny when someone they meet is high or weed is portrayed in media because a lot of them get it. Its like all those alcohol memes girls post on social media.
>they don't need pictures of connie enjoying a buttery chardonay.
I need to see art of this now. Cartoon characters drinking wine or just getting fucked up drunk on whatever.
>"Damn it PB stop drunk-dialing me!"
I don't get what straightedgers are doing on Sup Forums in the first place.
Browsing Sup Forums and trolling every other board. They don't have anything to do, internet's their addiction.
Anyone here really miss WoY? Boomerang rerunning Fosters later at night helps but its still depressing. Disney doesnt even rerun it anymore I dont think.
Crying tumblr at the drop of a hat is in bad taste.
The Sup Forums hivemind is easily triggered. They can't help it.
>This loser doesn't want to smoke up with his favourite fictional character
Steven is way too straight-laced and pure to smoke pot.
That and he's a fucking faggot.
Is there 420 unfriendly art? Do people draw their favorite characters as potheads getting beat up?
>That and he's a fucking faggot.
It's funny because it's true.
I live five minutes from a very nice little dispensary. Great quality, great selection.
Just wish I was a little less fucking anxious and negative all the damn time so I could enjoy it.
Who let all these fucking normies into Sup Forums?
Christian cartoons are automatically anti-drugs.
Although imagine if Veggie Tales gained a new character. "Buddy". Bonus points if he's voiced by David Faustino (Bud from Married With Children).
just ignore them
they solely wish to destroy your happiness
Every fuckin play, book, movie, show, song, and graphic novel has alcohol in it.
yeah but only when i have no work to do
TECHNICALLY, yes. There is that one infamous Batman comic featuring Floronic Man and his plan to 'flood Gotham with free, clean weed'. (I'm not kidding. That was the fucking 'villainous' plan. Even Gordon was basically "Why the fuck are we stopping him, again?")
It ends in Poison Ivy betraying Floronic Man because she had a boner for Batman, and Tim Drake having a speech in front of his class about how drugs are evil.
But fuck them bad vibes, and fuck Batman. Want to know who's a real hero?
I wish someone could post Dope Rider
I wanna see more qt elves blazing
I should see if I can find a proper place to find the full collection of his comics. I only have loose pages of Dope Rider from browsing imageboards, and I love them already.
Request unclear, looking for 'qt blazing'.
As offten as possible, which isn't very much cause it's so damn hard to smoke in a dorm. My ra knows so shes always on my ass about not bringing it back to my room or being smelling to dank when I head home.
Oh yeah, didn't really get heavy into it until I was out of college and working, but it really takes the edge off after a stressful day and like said, it adds to my enjoyment of cartoons.
After years of being a useless motherfucker, I finally have all the weed. Yet, I still feel empty inside.
I have indoors, a garden and so much stored that I no longer know what to do with it. It is both a curse, and a blessing.
Usually like pic related, today tho I'm between re-ups so instead I'm smoking the devil's coal, resin.
I thought that fanart was assumed. Obviously there is official stuff that is antidrug but who goes out of their way to draw Wolverine stopping someone from getting high? What does the artist gain?
I know this sounds stupid but try and get strains that dont stink like blue dream or lavender. A lot of people don't like weed because of the associated skunky or dank plant matter smell that smells good to stoners.
I'm poor and in the middle of Indiana my dude. Was only ever able to have blue dream once and god damn was it a good time
I still need this artist
Figures they'd puss out on their ban of normie nectar. If Alcohol can be legal so can weed.
Stupid thread, but I got this request completed in a drawfags thread awhile back and there probably won't be a better time to post it again.
>what other subculture needs art of everything it enjoys?
I mean that's literally the entire point behind drawthreads which're like, 80% of Sup Forums's board culture (or at least used ta be).
And cigarette smoking is actually a way more prevalent fetish, I've seen more fanart of that or characters getting crunk than I have of them getting stoned.
>Getting Crunk
I've seen more pothead pictures anyways
Yeah but the CGs are cool.
Anyone who gets super annoyed by weed has never had a good high. They probably tried it and didn't let go/ had a panic attack. Not even trying to trash talk anyone. I mean sure, weed culture is kind of annoying but the jokes and way of talking is just how weed makes you feel. Relaxed and retarded, which is nice once in awhile with our overactive monkey minds.
I dont even smoke weed. Probably will responsibly when I get a job
Well I guess I should qualify I haven't been to deviantart regularly since like 2006, so who knows what their culture is into now, but I legit only pay attention to the 420-friendly artists who do more than doodle a crayola joint over a traced Jimmy Neutron.
Nigga, just get a vaporiser. Best 40 dollars you'll ever spend.
You can put whatever you want in it and it just comes out in poofs small enough to cover with some fabreeze and a towel under your door.
>Gumball character
The problem is you become way too smoked out all the time with those things, way too easy to discretely get a little high. It's like how highschoolers like 7 years ago started smoking cigs and vaping because of those stupid flavored ecigs. My friend got one and doesnt believe me when I told him its like dabbing all day only in small controlled amounts.
You have to already have a tolerance to weed to not get way fucked off a few puffs from a good vaporizer pen. If you are a weed virgin a .5g cartridge would probably last you weeks and you would often get too high.
Update, just reupped and reloaded, shit's cash. Do people still say that? Cash? I feel so behind the times...
you're fine man
>shit is cash
yes, it's still an underground Sup Forums meme. I really like it and drop it around my normie friends all the time.
I also like dropping the "who's that semen demon" meme around people. Shit is funny.
instantly thought of this
My normie stoner friends use it all the time, however "this shit is cash" shouldn't be confused with "this shit is cashed", because cashed usually seems to mean that the bowl is empty and needs to be refilled.