Three Friends and Jerry

So coming from a Swedish, I don't get why this cartoon gets generally criticised for the sexual content by foreigners?

I mean yeah, it's generally a pretty ugly cartoon and the "sexual" content is questionable, but aren't you more bothered by the general concept? You know, a boy who just wants friends and gets treated like dogshit for trying to befriend other kids?

I don't really recall any sexual content from it. Hell I remember very little about it at all. The only plot that comes to mind is the one about lice.

a few seconds in and the overusage of highly saturated base colors is already hurting me. Like somebody used the dump bucket in MS Paint

Ive literally never heard of this before

It used to air on Fox Kids in my country all the time, good shit

I have, they showed a dubbed version on Dutch cartoon channels.

It was fucking awful, even as a kid I wanted to push those freaks down a flight of stairs.

Fuck the Swedes' horrible taste in cartoons.

it was on KRO or something or was it ketnet?
Eitherway, the only thing I remember is that they tried to look up at some girls skirt with a mirror why is it considered bad?

Why did everyone hate Jerry so much?

He was a more shitty Butters

his face and voice keeps reminding me of that one pigeon from Goodfeathers

>Ugly art, characters look disgusting and deformed
>Characters themselves are awful, the bald retard being the biggest cunt
That's my reasons why

Don't remember much about it, but i FUCKING LOVED the episode when they all dress in a trenchcoat

it was more Beavis and Butthead fans felt threatened by it.

All I remember was that it was considered a massive South Park rip off here in England and I only remember the creepy paedo who lives in the shack, God he terrified me.

I remember Jerry collected ants and...
That's all I remember.

I remember that the bald kid was called Frank, and that he was a prankster jerk that didn't like Jerry and would often take advantage of them, but I remember absolutely nothing about the hat kid and the other blonde kid. It was basically one kid, his two hangers-on and Jerry.

I remember that all the bitches had crush on Robert De Niro and that the ugly Chinese one had rich parents

The only two episodes with "sexual" content i can remember is one where someone turns into stone when they see a naked woman, and hell, they show far less than that Koth episode where bobby sees luanne naked

And the other was one where their clothes were stolen while they were swimming or something like that.

I think in the UK it used to be on at like 5am in the late 90s/00s . If I ever woke up early for whatever reason I'd end up watching it, then I'd forget it existed until it happened again.

Coming from the states, I remember this cartoon and I didn't feel like it was "sexual" or anything. It did feel at times like it was trying to be edgy and I got a "South Park" vibe from it, but nothing extreme. I enjoyed it for what it was... a cartoon.

Same for this cartoon. Which I remember was shown around the same time.

Your pic was just a shittier version of goosebumbs

remove kebab

An episode had one of them catching a 12 years old girl changing clothes with her buttocks clearly visible.

Thats all the sexual stuff I remember.

Didn't the Opening sequence show the boys looking at a mirror they sneaked under some girls' skirts?

This was Swedish?

>Comparing live-action to animation

All i remember is the teacher with hairy legs

The other 2 were called Tom and Eric. And no, they didn't really have any personality other than "hung out with Frank" and "teased Jerry"

I only noted the show cos of Jerry.

Jerrys and Geralds get short shrift in cartoons and comics.

Not all of them
>you will never have a harem of fetish fuel teenage girl secret agents in latex suits