TL;DR: >80% of questions dodged >StarFan13 flirting with Marco >Magic High Commission confirmed alive >Marco tight-lipped about feelings, repeatedly calls Star his friend but says he's glad she told him about her crush >Marco not using scissors because he's worried what will happen/where he'll end up >Marco and Jackie went straight home after Just Friends concert >Marco makes a lewd joke about Hekapoo >Marco likes the fan art of boy Star >Tomco is kill >Marco not a fan of Starco fan fiction >StarFan13's fetish is to be invisible and spy on people >No toilets in Mewni >Marco's official nickname is Mango
>Marco and Jackie went straight home after Just Friends concert
Wew didn't even bother looking for star
Mason Foster
Why doesn't Mewni have toilets?
Brandon Cox
Bruh, have you seen Moon in pants/not overly made up? Star'll be just fine
Evan Fisher
Is Moon a nazi?
Colton Torres
Ah, so this is why we have a lot of bitter females on Sup Forums. They're all Jackies and Stars.
Nathan Gutierrez
Cameron Taylor
Who is the maid with the buttercup hair? Who sleeps on moonbeams and dances on air? With tears made of honey and a heart full of bunnies, Whose infinite virtues are known near and far: It's Mewni's own sweetheart, our dear Princess Star!
Jose Smith
So, I finally caught up and... How did that one user put it?
>Season 1 - lalala fun adventures! >Season 2 - hey kids you wanna see a dead body? You know that feeling of "Oh, I hope they do this thing!" but few show actually do? These final few episodes actually did it, the madmen! And now the hiatus. Fuck.
Parker Parker
Yeah, i know Moon Butterfly isn't quite as old as Mrs. Barlkey, but I do think there is some resemblance both in looks and manner.
Jacob Williams
When will we get porn of her?
Kayden Fisher
>Season 2 - hey kids you wanna see a dead body? We've been there a while, Nefcy just isn't hiding it anymore
Owen Brooks
>Now let´s make some magic
What did she mean by this?
Noah Campbell
Man, the information was so different back then.
I wish Glossaryck kept his pants.
Mason Brooks
Jacob Hernandez
I think the funniest thing about that episode was finding out Ludo's kind is actually pretty big, he's just a runt lol
>last week: casual lesbians kissing >this week: casual battered wife >Disney XD What the fuck does Season 3 have in store for us?
Charles Cook
And they can fly except for him. Sad!
Matthew Reyes
For whoever made this, looks like you got a bingo.
Charles Stewart
Is there a MEGA for all the episodes yet?
Kayden Carter
I can't believe that the episode where the female lead essentially goes into heat and seeking out boys to capture is halfway through season 1.
Brandon Harris
A harder one too. Color me surprised.
Camden Hughes
Feels good man You missed a spot though
Jordan Morgan
So we'll get Marco the barbarian episodes right?
I knew they put away the goatcycle and sword for season 3
Camden Kelly
Jackie is going to commit suicide to get out of Star's way. Nobody will remark on it past a single throwaway line.
Grayson Hernandez
What is bbtbc
Wyatt Reed
Marco finding out that this happened in "Bon Bon the Birthday Clown"
Leo Cook
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown
ie that Star spies on Marco
Jeremiah Martinez
Does the reaction to the confession count as Jackie losing her chill?
Sebastian Wilson
The fuck is this?
Leo Hall
What is it with royal families having the ability to fly in Mewni? An advantage over having to walk across miles of monster-filled terrain, I guess? There are winged monsters, tho
Jack Phillips
They have to, there's a gold mine there Maybe if we bitch enough they get an spin off of Marco's travels during those 16 years
Aiden White
We've all been enjoying some emotional suffering for Star, but who's up for some physical suffering for her?
Bentley Cruz
And this is why Star won't win. She's jealous and possessive.
Julian Ramirez
>spin off of Marco's travels during those 16 years And with Marco saying things like learning to read runes or befriending the right kind of people makes me feel like it's not just some 'hack and slash adventurer' adventurer but something a bit more cerebral.
Wyatt Thompson
Even after all that's happened, Star still never fails to make me hard
Ian Evans
I'm pretty sure this qualified as physical suffering
Matthew Gutierrez
Matthew Murphy
So Jackie is confirmed mermaid right? I mean her line with the ducks confirms that right?
Elijah Russell
You know it'd be nice if Star and Jackie, the two girls that love Marco, just have a heart-to-heart regarding their feelings for him.
Julian Rivera
Xavier Morales
It was like a standard RPG. Go on fetch quests and learn new skills from NPCs
Blake Cruz
>"I'm coming for my finger" actually means he plans to take off one of Star's for revenge
Samuel Jones
So has anybody pointed out yet that Ludo's lack of creativity in names was probably at least partly caused of his parents naming him and most of his siblings some variation of "-udo"?
Caleb Ortiz
>I will chop him into messes. Cuckold me! >A horned woman's a monster and a beast. What did she mean by this?
Jacob Morris
I mean I guess.....
do it faggot
Jack Reyes
And the line by the river about her previously living there. Its all but confirmed. She just needs to completely wreck the Starco ship and it'll be official
Christian Powell
I see this simple edit removing only a strap to expose a cartoon girl's non-detailed collarbone and imaginary shoulders, become intensely aroused, and wonder: where did everything go so right?
Xavier Martin
Sounds like Morrowind
Cooper Nelson
that's not really a fair comparison
Oliver Sanchez
It's not an edit
William Morgan
I'm going to jump for joy if they call on his adventures in season 3, hell Star and Marco could end up running through dimensions while being chased by Toffee
Get samurai jack vibes just thinking about it
Elijah Cruz
Its funny how she goes from being excited to horrified
Luke Thompson
Any more edits like these?
Michael Foster
Better? Jackie still wins.
Cooper Garcia
Is Nachos the chocobo or the Red XIII
actually, let's use some other JRPG series.
Is Nachos the Ruby or the Nall?
Christopher Fisher
>Marco jumps into a random portal chasing Heckapoo, end up in the middle of an interdimensional prison, spends months finding a way to escape, when he finally does he's familiar with all the prison tricks >after being tossed into space Turkey Marco learns how to make food out of everything and 3 languages plus finds the rogue trader that supplies him with trinkets and stuff for his travels Boom I just made 2 good introductory episodes
Charles Murphy
Michael Walker
You think they'll ever make a minion of Miss Heinous voiced by H. Jon Benjamin?
Jordan Russell
>Azura helps you defeat dagoth ur >Azura's symbol is a STAR
Starco confirmed fuck n'whas and bitches
Daniel Hernandez
In terms of support on Sup Forums and Janna's attitude towards Marco is Manna a dead ship now? A lot of shippers' energy has been redirected to Starcucked memes and Jarco.
Jason Richardson
Haven't seen anyone point that out but it probably is what they were going for.
Never thought we'd get this much Ludo backstory.
Nolan Taylor
No, that's why Star will win.
Jackie has no arc to go through
also how is this even still a question Star is based on Daron's autistic adventures as a child Marco is based off her husbando
Alexander Brooks
janna used to be her friend?
Ian Hughes
Jesus, what would even have been the endgame for that original premise for this show?
Adam Brown
She grows up and forgets about her childish dreams Ending is just her working a boring office job living alone with her cat
Isaac Barnes
star getting shock therapy in the looney bin
Jacob Howard
She gets keked
Liam Morris
what mythical creatures can read minds?
Jason Anderson
Matthew Williams
Holy shit, Janna without the man jaw is adorable
Ayden Thompson
Nachos, Despair, and a Victorian monster fetishist.
Mason Powell
>At your service, milady. >I'm not a milady.
Damn, I didn't realise the end of Bon Bon the Birthday Clown was a callback to this.
Josiah Thomas
IIRC the last page is proto Marco and Jackie looking at star's shenanigans and feeling pity of her as they are the only ones that hang out with her despite her madness And finally star noticed this fact
Eli Baker
You can already see signs of the future thickness
Logan Sanders
She would have still "won" at the end of her trials through being a good-hearted determined little weirdo.
Daron stopped work on the comic when she started on the show though, so it just seems depressing because she never finished.
Lucas Allen
Übermensch: >Mewman genes >Human genes
Untermensch: >Merman genes >Monster genes
Jace Hall
Caleb Lee
Bon Bon went all fucking out with callbacks to other episodes, it was great.
Ian Reyes
Ayden Clark
Nachos is Book from Final fantasy V
Marco is a perfect fit for Butz since Butz hung out with a harem of females for most of the game
Justin Long
Wrong, fake news. Marco is based on multiple sources with just one piece being her husband. It's how writers create characters from real life you autist. He isn't a self insert stand in.This isn't that hack Alex Hirsch.
Easton Nelson
Manna doesn't shill because they know Janna is OK with being a mistress. Janna doesn't care about winning the whole package, she just wants a piece of the pie
Aiden King
Is Ruberiot alright?
Jacob Myers
The power of friendship fixes autism
Kevin Perry
>battered wife Do people still believe this? The "bruises" around her eyes are just their natural coloration, they all have it.
Nicholas Butler
Luke Cox
Casual threesome. Maybe orgy, if Tom and Janna will participate. Btw, is fivesome counts as orgy?
Parker Martinez
Too busy with war for executions I imagine
Mason Hall
>yfw the Earth is no longer a pretty great place
Charles Anderson
Of course, she knows the 14 words. That's why she set up a hooker to distract Marco from her daughter.