Itt cartoons you didnt remember until this post





you can take the man out of the swamp
but you can't take the swamp out of the man Sup Forums



and wtf is that? dont post your shitty american exlusives, never seen it on CN

You take that back

lalalalalalala lalalala lalala

>American exclusive
Wrong, and this came out while CN was still time sharing with TNT.



These threads will always keep reminding me that...this...exosts


Time Squad is properly remembered on Sup Forums.

I barely remember it being awful

An ok show, decently remembered.

No one who's seen it can forget it.

Never saw them but heard of them.

Never even heard of any of these.

But Mexicans haven't forgotten.

Never for a day have Mexicans forgotten their undying love for Top Cat.

The only episode I watched was hilariously poorly dubbed. So many characters would be talking even though their mouths were closed.

>one of the sharks does a ground pound and a bunch of police fall through a hole
>someone yells in a high pitched Texan voice "wooooah what's goin' oooon?"

I lose my shit just thinking about it.

Just happened upon it the other day and had that feeling. I also had no idea that Christopher Lloyd and Gilbert Gottfried are in it, and that it's still going.

Funhaus looked at the R34 for this yesterday. That was the first time I heard about it.
This was underrated kino that deserved more episodes.

Also it should've been on Adult Swim

What a world; Dr. Quest genetically-engineers talking, bipedal, clothes-wearing cats, and Society just abandons them to the streets, to face disease, hunger, and police brutality.

Oh god.

My niece liked watching this back then, I didn't pay much attention to it

Oh yeah, and that engineered dyed panther involved in that crime wave too, espionage applications, my ass... But that is nothing compared to what my father did, he would take families, entire families, and lock them into learning bed prototypes. Made them think they were living in some future utopia or a stone age society- and then guess what he did? He forgot about them! Left them in there! Flash forward 40 years later, I'm rummaging through crates looking for a vacuum tube to keep the compound power grid running- and there they are! Emaciated living corpses with feet long finger nails screaming about Wilma or Jane or whatever!

mike lu and ogg

Mike a cute

Mike's voice makes me diamonds.

A+ senpai



Deepest lore

fuck you, man
I never even watched this show
I just hated it because the theme song was so fucking hard to get out of your head
and now it's in my head

Comfy Kino


Been trying to remember a cartoon for years now if anyone knows what i'm on about.

Main plot featured a magic train of some sort and featured 13 pirates as the villians


What they will do next you never can tell~!





There are things I REFUSE to remember.

How are you all remembering these cartoons only after you post them? What kind of time paradox bullshit is this?

Read it in his voice. Are you sure you don't work for Astrobase Go!?