How would you fix Man of Steel 2?
Hard mode: no recasting
How would you fix Man of Steel 2?
Hard mode: no recasting
With a neutering.
Eisenbergs lex acts completely different, like a cold calculating dude, turns out he was just pretending in BvS
But it's not even out yet, you dip
Also Matthew McConaughey should be Metallo
First of all, somebody has to do something about Cavill (lack of) hair. His hairstyle in BvS only accentuated it.
Hollywood magic can fix that
>How would you fix Man of Steel 2?
>Hard mode: no recasting
There was nothing wrong with the actor.
Frankly, the way to fix it would be to get a time machine and had MoS2 made and released BEFORE BvS. And have Clark Kent both being a normal superhero and meeting Batman before he went crazy. Basically setting up BvS by making sure they know each other before then.
no Snyder/Goyer
Remove the everything taking place in smallville.
This isn't going to be anyone's first introduction to this ancient ass Superhero.
Start the movie off with Clark already having worked at Daily Plant, but always keeps his stories small and local so as to avoid peering eyes.
Editor steps in, partners him with Lois as he thinks maybe Clark is just a shy farmboy and Lois will encourage him to tackle bigger stories and what-not.
Keep all the shit with the Kryptonians minus the whole bullshit about them needing to terraform planets, and the bullshit with Earth's environment being poisonous to them. The real reason they want to station their shit on Earth should be the Yellow sun; and human's compatibility to breed with Kryptonians.
End with Supes imprisoning Zodd's crew again, or with them blasting off because they need extra help fighting him; give a teaser for Brainiac.
Oh also, he scoops the everloving shit out of Lois on the whole thing, giving her a reason to scrutinize him.
Have supes actually enjoy helping people. Crack a smile once in a while.
Make this the first scene of the movie and try again.
Put an actual writer on the job. Get rid of corporate meddling.
He changes his name to Ultraman, batman changes his name to Owlman, together they conquer the world. The movie ends with them building a portal to go to earth 1.
Not make it. There problem solved!
There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with Cavillman
DCEU's kryptonite is writing and directing
make Myxzptlk the villain
Man of Steel (2013) changes...
> The tornado scene would have been much faster paced and lingered ALOT less, Pa would have told Clark out loud "No protect you mother" when Clark offers to get the dog, Pa would have gotten to his feet right when Clark gets to the underpass so it would not seem like Clark is standing around doing nothing for a extended period, Pa waves him off and Clark hesitates for a split second and Pa is blown away immediately.
> After Clark kills Zod, I would have a long montage of him helping people out of the wreckage of the city, using his hearing to detect people who are buried.
> When Clark accidentally drags Zod into Smallville, I would had have him look up and realize such right before crashing into the gas station and try to swerve out of the way but is moving too fast to do so.
> Removed scene of Lois insulting House of Cards guy at the end, Removed her tinkle & measuring dicks lines.
> Would have had Clark state to Lois "I have to go help people' after embracing in the wake of rescuing her from the Black Hole only for them to hear Zod emerging.
> Would have not had Clark & Lois kiss in the midst of the destruction, or at the least I would have removed the joke about relationships going down hill.
> Added 1 or 2 positive memories Clark has with his dad.
> Would have removed Clark destroying the truckers truck.
> Emphasized a bit more how much Clark has held back over the years out of not wanting to punch down.
> Emphasized Pa Kents concern about Clark's secret harming society so people wouldn't dismiss his motives as purely selfish.
MOS2 hopes...
> Clark post resurrection has no confliction or indecision about heroics and his place in the world.
> Scenes of him more clearly happily saving people & interacting with them.
> No Kryptonite.
> No Metallo.
> Only do Parasite if they have him be thin, human sized & creepy rather then the blob monster forms he some times takes, take influence from TAS & pic related. Use make up & prosthetics rather then CGI.
> If they use Braniac use the more subtle minimalist style of TAS or something like Tom Cruise's Oblivion rather then the modern Giger type designs to have some contrast from the DCEU's Krypton & Stepwolf.
> Have Clark, Lois & even Perry doing investigative reporting.
> Genuinely happy flashbacks of Pa Kent.
Let Snyder direct it.
How I'd fix Man of Steel 2
>Superman fails to save Lois Lane.
>Lois Lane dies and doesn't come back.
>Wonder Woman and Batman start to fuck in secret.
>Superman realizes he sucks at relationships and decides to double down on his "saving people" shtick.
>Saves a teenage girl from committing to suicide.
>Finds out her daddy has been fucking the teenage girl since she was 4.
>Superman realizes merely saving people from death is meaningless unless he becomes invested in saving mankind from itself.
>Superman becomes real Superman. Should act and talk like he was written by Grant Morrison in All-Star Superman.
>Batman realizes he's a fucking nutter and offs himself.
>Wonder Woman is revealed to be an actual lesbian. Fuck that shipping nonsense with Batman or Superman.
>Wonder Woman is chosen to lead the Justice League.
>Jessie Eisenburg Lex releases the League members' secret identities after hacking Cyborg while the League battles Steppenwolf.
>Martha Kent has a heart attack while the League battles Steppenwolf.
>Superman has no more familial or blood relatives on Earth.
>Commits to making Earth his home, and humans his people.
Don't make it. Reboot instead.
That's not hard mode. Cavill isn't the problem
>Jimmy Olsen dead
>Emil Hamilton dead
>Shit Lois
>Shit Lex
Even with a good Perry White and Superman it just doesn't work.
>don't reboot
>don't give in to MCUfags wanting fun romp adventures
>don't give in to All-Star casuals thinking Superman has to be perfect always saves the day Silver Age guy
>however ditch the Byrne influences
I know it's not the most popular run but it should take influence from Johns' run on Superman. I think it's the perfect meeting point between classic do-goody Supes and more modern, complex versions. Specifically the Brainiac arc.
Only faggots obsessed with cinematic universe nonsense would want a reboot at this point. There's absolutely no reason to have to start over.
People like to criticize Goyer and Snyder for defending Clark killing Zod as "where he starts his no-kill rule", but that's exactly what it was used as in the comics.
The biggest problem with the Superman mythos is out of the way, and that's having a young Superman. He benefits from having an established history, which we now have.
Have a Jimmy Jr. as a fresh hire.
Don't really need Hamilton.
Lois is fine.
Lex would be fine with a director with a stronger hand than Snyder, who's too easy on his actors. Alternatively bring back Lex's dad, which is probably put in as a backdoor in case everyone hated BvS Lex.
You are 100x worse than Snyder and Goyer combined. Especially that you think All-Star is "real" Superman despite not even Morrison thinking that.
Wheelchair Man should've been Metallo.
Do the directing and writing team count as casting?
>Hard mode: no recasting
There's nothing wrong with the casting though.
hire brad bird to direct
also Brainiac is in it
It took me a long time to accept that short cape is better.
>During Justice League Darksied invasion a load of people get kidnapped
>The start of MOS2 is Clark rescuing them with a boomtube assist from cyborg
>It turns out Lex was replaced by Glorious Godfrey five years ago, and was with the captured humans on Apokolips
>Both Lex and Godfrey are played by Eisenberg
>On return to Earth,Godfrey activates the anti superman countermeasures Lex was working on before his replacement, the precursor to Doomsday, two stable clones of Superman , Superboy and Supergirl, stored in the goverment blackproject Cadmus, maskerading as a crispr gene altering company for the super rich to get test tube babies
>Lex and Clark vs Project Cadmus bizareness and Superboy and Supergirl, with Cyborg taking the place of Jimmy Olson in the story
>In the finale, Lex double crosses Clark and the Supertwins (who then turns against Lex) in an attempt to kill them both alongside Godfrey
Also, Superboy is 90's "cool teen" Superboy in a leather jacket, Supergirl is farmgirl Supergirl, with their personal history being implanted memories (including easy to fake "superman is evil" memories) to try and control them. it also turns out Lex found Kara in a life support pod in the Phantom Zone and wiped her memories, using her DNA along with Clarks and Lex's own as the base for Superboy.
They break their conditioning when Superman tries to save Lex even as Lex tries to kill the three of them.
>There's absolutely no reason to have to start over.
Except for its reputation being more toxic than Chernobyl huffing paint in the middle of an industrial park. Casuals got burned by BvS and every subsequent DC has been making less and less money and have been getting progressively shittier reviews.
DCEU could've worked if they tried to meld Clark and Superman's stories together, slowly introduced the rest of the roster over a few films, and establish why this universe is unique from the comics and the cartoons.
That and fucking stop throwing in every fucking storyline in the same fucking story. We didn't need the Africa plotline, the senate plotline, or the death of Superman plotline this early in the DCEU.
At this point, a reboot would make more sense because after infinity wars, the MCU will basically be back to square one, which would give DC the ability to wedge itself back into the public's consciousness without the taste of DCEU fucking everything up.
Man of Steel was great. The only thing bad with it was Pa Kent, that crazy fuck.
If starting over, we need to plan further ahead than one movie, even if we dont go full marvel.
>Introduction to universe movie: WORLDS FINEST
Batman and Superman are two urban legends that step into reality to fight a supervillain. Play up the Urban Legend angle real hard, can have some cool hype trailers of youtube/instagram/vines of Superman and Batman doing shit, some fun moments where everyone believes they are a fake hoax even when they are right there punching the giant killer robot/starro/whatever. A brighter inspiring tone, rather than the grittyness of the DCEU or the comedic action of the MCU.
>Worldbuilding history movie: JUSTICE SOCIETY
Interwar americana movie featuring the origional justice league, mainly low powerlevel so you can fit more in with less set up and explanation, its just "hey lets be vigilantes!" also this one guy runs fast and this guy has a magic lamp. Jay Harrick, Alan Scott, Hourman, Black Canary, Wildcat, Doc Midnight, Sandman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Zatara, Dr Fate, Wonderwoman. band together to fight Nazi cultists. Save the more mystical members (The hawks, fate, wonderwoman, hints of specter maybe) to be the "cavalry" that the other members call in with Zataras help to fight whatever the Nazis summon. A team movie. In a credits flashforward, we see them help defeat the Nazis in WW2 and then Disband as a result of the whole red scare/mcarthyism/unamerican activities thing.
>Modern worldbuilding and reaction to reappearance of superheros movie:MEN OF STEEL
The american government has had working superpower countermeasures and using them for black ops since the Justice Society, largely based of Kryptonian and other alien technology and the work of the scientists John Heny Irons, Silas Stone, William Magnus, Hector Hammond, Heinrich Megala and Lance Harrower. The movie is roughly a joint origin story for Captain Atom, Major Force (villain) and Bulleteer. .
Lious Lane Prego with Jon.
Humanize him by giving him a family like they did in Rebirth. EZPZ
In the movie the "metal synth skin" lance harrower was working on is retconned into being related to the alien metal used in the Captain Atom project, but worked with rather than blasted onto you with nuclear force.
It follows the normal Captain Atom origin, except Bulleteer is also there and helps take out Major Force, and Superman gets a cameo at the end to come in and say "even if the goverment created you, by accident or design, you are your own self determining people, not weapons or slaves.".
The many scientists are not the focus, but they and their work are their and would be briefly explained to set up possible future movies as part of a big "super science" sequence before the Captain Atom experiment.
he needs to be a boyscout.
this could actually be enough if they get a good enough director and let the characters act like damn humans for more than one scene
Yup, it also sets up a sequel for later down the road for Jonathan Kent. Watching Superman be a dad and try to set the best example would be cool to see.
Man of Steel 2 could be about Lious Lane getting pregnant and still trying to be a reporter but having Supes be over protective of her.
Adding to that, having Lious prego could really change the future of DC.
Basically, Lious and Supes have a sitdown and talk about how their child needs to grow up in a world of hope. That could really shift Superman from being a dark character to really being a lighter more "hopeful" character.
this tbqh, it'd be even better to have Batman actually be useful in the last fight
Make nicolas cage the director and he gets to change the script any way he wants if there is an allready existing one
All these pics with the trunks, like it's some pivotal character point. Pre-N52 everyone was bitching about the trunks, during N52 the trunks got alot of love now all these faggot nostalgiafags want the undies back. I'd say make up your minds but it is what it is.
So an, I AM THE MANDARIN moment with a more Kevin Spacey type?
Start by giving Snyder a Superman style neck massage.
It's easy. Start small with S(uperman) saving a little kid from getting run over by bank heist getaway car. Acts full on Dad-mode.
After doing the "eat your vegetables" kind of line, to the Daily Planet. Gets called into Perry's office. Lex is there, and he wants Clark to shadow him and write a piece or some shit. Perry won't let Clark say no. When Clark and Lex are left alone, Lex says he is going to shadow Clark 24/7 to watch Superman do his thing. Lex plays the shitty lazy buddy cop for the whole movie.
Over the course of a week or so, we see Clark and Lois independently and cooperatively working on their own stories, but connect the odd dot once things start escalating.
Escalation to the point of some major Brainiac/mongul/starro invasion. Superman eventually, succeeds, only to learn that every single thing thats come up in the film, from the bank robbers to the invasion, were all just dubious machinations of Lex coming to fruition to irritate Superman, without Lex having to raise a finger through the entire course of the film.
Superman can't put Lex away, everyone is safe, no harm, no foul. Superman has won, but is left feeling defeated. Lex walks away happy, because he has learned more of Clark's limits, and is more single-minded than ever on defeating Supes.
>All-American vibes (get a director like Brad Bird or Joe Johnston)
>Supes is a wholesome good ol boy
>Brainiac is the villain
>shorter cape
>Superman actually saves people outside of setpieces (recreate the first cover art for the autists)
That's fucking terrible.
have him smile more
brighten the color palette
save people
have Parasite steal his powers and he learns what its like to feel human for a bit.
>Pre-N52 everyone was bitching about the trunks
Who is "everyone"?
See guys? Snyder isn't the worst possible person to be in charge of Superman. Imagine if this user was.
No one bitched about the trunks except as a tongue-in-cheek joke.
90% of this is just more Cavill bashing of one form or another, more Snyder (and other crew) bashing in form and another, and most problematically, lots and lots of ideas for re-doing MoS OR rebooting the entire DCEU.
THAT wasn't OPs questions. If you think OPs question was bad, ignore the thread and let it sage. Wait for another Batfleck is Quit or another NIGHTWING Too Soon/Who Cares About Dick or similar thread to indulge your need for the above responses.
As the other 10% have said, there's nothing wrong with the cast. I'm not fond, at all, of Eisenberg Lex but simply keep him in jail and port over actual Lex from another Earth, which has been destroyed and he's the lone survivor, to some how claim to be the Lex Sr of this universe (being as his body was never actually found, yadda yadda Comic Book Logic FTW). Fishburne isn't also my ideal Perry, but that's more dialogue - he comes across as paternalistic to Lois and an asshole/idiot otherwise.
Jimmy was never identified except in the credits and interviews, 90% of the audience of casuals/normies will not even complain if a photographer is introduced at the Planet.
Brad Bird would be an excellent director if we're just spitballing and he should write/co-write.
Use Metallo as a villain, but not picture wise, just for the first act, the middle act will be more normal stuff, and the third act can end with a cliffhanger so it can introduce Brainiac and have him take Metropolis as a bottled city; Clark will fly up and enter the bottle city, find Kandor, etc. roll credits - end credit tease shows Kandor as an enlarged city on a planet that is clearly not Earth but in this solar system. Actual resolution would be the first act of a future film - Justice League 2 or a DickBats (Nightwtng 2)/Superman filmed called World's Finest.
>>Shit Lois
You mean the best, least hysterical, least slapsticky, least dumb & drooling over Clark, most competent reporter, most subtle, least insufferable cunt-ish Lois outside of TAS?
>Brad Bird would be an excellent director
Strongly 2nd this.
Ghost Protocol was fantastic.
He is my 1st choice, Reeves was my 2nd.
Kill off Lex. Introduce his older, less cringey dad who now wants revenge on Superman, but not really, since he hated his son and just wants an excuse to fight the Man of Steel
3 words
bibbo full frontal
>Supermans powers have been fluctuating for months since his resurrection
>whenever he overexerts he gets nosebleeds, cough out blood etc;
>Lois gets suspicious about Clark spending a little too much time in his "Fortress"
>their relationship gets more and more strained until Clark break it off with her
>meanwhile we get different scenes of a certain family in rural west coast
>they're a happy family and their dad is always "at work" so the kid complains but Mrs. "Smith" gives him folksy wisdom to placate the 16ish year old
>cut back to the main story and Clark has decided the earth needs a Superman so he builds a Super Cyborg with Kryptonian tech
>Superman is getting weaker and weaker so he activates the Cyborg Superman prematurely and it does a fantastic job
>it starts Superheroing more and more non-stop and getting overwhelmed by the gray area he's not programmed to handle
>cut back to the Smith family with Mrs. Smith talking on the phone with her husband who's in the Atlantic "drilling"
>she's worried that Superman has been acting strange with excessive force, threats and criminals disappearing alludes to "stepping in"
>cut back to Batman and Wonder Woman arriving at the fortress to check in on Clark who they think has been acting more and more erratic
>they find him with green veins and graying hair in a medical tube
>Supes wakes up and they talk about his doppelganger going rogue
>Clark decides to deactivate the cyborg Supes
>Cyborg Supes arrives and overhears everything
>epic fight ensues with Cyborg Supes getting fucked up and murderous and escapes after the news shows Lex has a court appearance on the national news
>Cyborg Supes decides to kill Lex on national TV and flies off
>Supes is chases him and they fight across the world heading toward northern california
>Cyborg Supes gets the upperhand and knocks Superman out for a bit
>Cyborg Supes slowly walks toward a farmhouse
>Smith family is having a barbecue Mrs. Smith walks into the house to get some drinks and finds her son sitting next Cyborg Supes' on the couch
>He kindly asks(with a messed up robot face) for some tools as he puts his on the kids neck
>we cut to Batman and WW arriving on the Batwing to a stumbling Superman
>Batman locates Cyborg Supes and there's a dramatic zoom toward a distant farmhouse
>cut back tot he Smiths "m-mom..."
>"i-it's okay jon-o just stay calm"
>"there's some tools in that cupboard behind you"
>Cyborg Supes smiles and gets up to check
>Jon stumbles away
>the cupboard is empty
>"you lied to me... i hate liars"
>Cyborg Supes raises his hand to punch Mrs. Smith
>*dramatic music*
>he throws the punch
>a huge crash happens as Cyborg Supes throws a punch
>But Cyborg Supes punch is stopped in mid flight
>Suddenly there is quiet and a slow rise of classic Donnor Superman music as a reveal to an older bearded more mature looking Superman(Caville) is slowly taking off his glasses looking pissed
>"Lana, grab Jon and get to the safehouse"
>Cut to BM, WW and Superman approaching the farmhouse from above as a truck speeds away from the property
>suddenly there's an explosion and Cyborg Supes is thrown violently into a tanker next to the barn
>cows and shit are bugging out running away
>Superman-"what in the world..."
>Wonder Woman-"By the gods..."
>there is a reveal Prime Superman floating out of the farmhouse tearing out the tattered clothes showing a Kryptonian suit similar to Russel Crows' suit from the beginning of MoS
>the batwing lands and the trio come out and introduce themselves to Superman Prime who's floating cross armed watching the fire
>Young Superman-"Who are you?"
>Wonder Woman-"Another Kryptonian?"
>Batman-"We'll chit chat later. Get ready"
>Cyborg Supes, all fucked up, attacks like a fury
>he's getting stronger and stronger and both Supes are starting to get overwhelmed
>Batman "what is going on he's not going down"
>Wonder Woman "he's healing faster than we can hurt him"
>Mature Superman "his power source is going critical he's gonna blow soon and taking half the west coast with him"
>Batman "i'll get the Flash to evacuate the surrou-
>Mature Supes "no time we need to get him off world"
>Cyborg Supes is beating the ever loving shit out of WW and Young Supes
>Young Supes is valiantly taking all the the damage while Mature Superman grabs them both starts taking them into orbit
>Young Supes with the last of his power tears out the power source of Cyborg Supes and eye blasts mature Supes back to earth
>the power source goes off as Young Supes cover is with his body trying to take as much of it as he can
>meanwhile Lois Lane arrives where Bats, WW and Mature Supes are watching the sky
>she stares at Mature Supes for a second who then flies up to catch Young Supes as he falls
>they land together blah blah sad goodbyes blah blah everyones sad blah he dies they're the only 4 people who know what is going on
>Batman approaches mature Superman "we need to talk"
>mature Supes "of course Clark, all in due time. I'll be in touch" he flies away
>The 3 are standing next to Young Supes ashes
>Batman "Batman to Cyborg, I need a complete info scrub on what happened here we stopped the impostor..."
>The three look on as Mature Clark flies away.
>Batman "Superman lives"
>Cue Nickelback Credits
Martha Kent has a heart attack and dies whilst Clark was dealing with a natural disaster.
This causes Superman to realise that though he can't be perfect and save everyone, but he can inspire others to do there part.
Show scenes of him helping out at charity events, saving people from disasters and doing as many good deeds as he can.
Lex Luthor was granted a pardon for his help during the Justice League movie, he uses this as an opportunity to gain influence with the general public, but has secretly started an off the books project named "Cadmus", which he uses to create Metallo and Parasite and also continues to work on the AI system from BVS, which is starting to show sentience, learning as much as it can about human culture and awareness of it's surroundings.
During a his first encounter with them, Superman is beaten and left temporarily powerless.
Whilst de powered Clark with the help of Lois begins adjusting to a normal life, focusing more on the voiceless of Metropolis by writing articles on local people (Dan Turpin, Bibbo) and becomes more involved with making sure these people get the justice that the Justice League can't give them.
Have scenes with Luthor campaigning about the missing Superman, how he never trusted him, calling Superman a fraud and false idol. He also announces a new and improved Lexapp that is available for download.
After Clark begins to feel his powers returning, visits his parents graves, talks to them about wanting to make them proud, whether that is a Clark Kent of Smallville, Kal-El of Krypton or Superman of Earth.
Superman manages to take down Metallo and Parasite wearing a new costume with brighter colours after they crash a Metropolis remembrance day event. Superman vows to the people of Earth to never abandon them when they need help, but they must help to give back as well, whether that is volunteering at a homeless shelter, helping someone who is injured or using abilities/powers to help like himself and the Justice League.
Literally just re-adapt a shot by shot of Superman vs the Elites, which answers all the problems that MoS had.
Then at the end set up the sequel by showing that Lexapp is not just an AI, but a transmitter to a ship that houses bottled cities from long forgotten planets which belongs to Braniac, who has become intrigued by what Earth has to offer.
Have someone like Brad Bird or a director who can give us a more human and relate-able Clark, but can also show a Superman who is caring and not just a scowling "God".
>mature Supes "of course Bruce**, all in due time. I'll be in touch" he flies away
No it fucking doesn't because dreams & hope doesn't work in the real world & they don't work when we are fucking dead. And this is suppose to be set in a more realistic setting.
Mother fucking nuance is needed not god damn idiotic idealism.
No it doesn't answer them at all because a fucking hero who won't kill just to keep blood directly off his hands isn't a fucking hero at all he is a fucking negligent coward.
>until Clark break it off with her
The god damn retarded questioning of being Superman & being with Lois at the same time already ruined Superman 2. Never again.
>idiotic idealism.
which would be a little more appreciated versus defeatist pacifism
This would improve the film immensely.
Calm your tits dude does it help if it's changed to "they take a break" also he's fucking dying so he's sparing her his feelings. Fucking shippers, I swear.
Had an idea on how to fix Luthor. The "real" Luthor returns from being in hiding for years after an attempt on his life by his defective clone (BvS Luthor), created as a living organ bank, who is impersonating him and going insane from flaws in the cloning process. The real Luthor offs his doppelganger, and then becomes a rival of Superman. Use All-Star Superman's Lex as a direct template.
Thanks for the feedback, user. You have shit people skills, but at least you gave your honest critique.
less photoshop... about 6" less.
Not gonna happen. Fishbourne already fucked off and said he's not planning on doing any DC movies anymore, can't have Superman without Kent, can't have Kent without the Planet, can't have the Planet without Perry.
There's no fixing it. Too tainted.
First off, stop giving in to trends. Not everything needs to be super dark or super silly. Just make a Superman movie. Show us why he's so important beyond Jesus references. Instead of saying he gives hope, SHOW that he gives hope.
Have the villain be Luthor who is still behind bars, but is using the Intergang as his outside muscle. Clark and Lois start investigating where they're getting such advanced technology, only for Superman to encounter Metallo, once a crook who was injured in an attempt to escape Superman. He holds a grudge against Supes, and Luthor has him powered with a piece of Kryptonite.
Make the movie a standalone. No Justice League. Not every story needs a billion tie-ins.
>How would you fix Man of Steel 2?
Toyman is the main villian.
second that!
Introduce a gud luthor
>no live action Fleischer style Supes
It hurts
Have Cavil play veteran supes that everyone likes. Is a famous and beloved celebrity that is a little goofy and fun. Cavil plays up midwestern frendliness and smiles alot. Villains are Parasite, Metallo and Bizarro all created by Lex.Eisenberg is out of jail and is reforming is public image while still working on science projects designed to kill Superman.
No he said he's not doing Justice Leagues because it wouldn't make any sense.
>Superman realizes how ineffectual he is being a dark brooding hero
>Literally no good has come from it, cities have been destroyed and people die every time
>Movie starts with a literal rebirth of the character coming back to life in the fortress of solitude
>Entire movie is about Superman trying to live in a world that justifiably hates him that has spent the last -- years preparing for his return
>Movie is really about Superman doing typical boyscout things like saving people from a burning building or stopping a bridge from collapsing while literally everyone and their grandma tries to kill him
>Main villains are Metallo and Parasite, both created by Luthor using the Mother Box/Kryptonian tech he gained in BVS
>Final Climax of the film has Metallo and Parasite coming in to kick the shit out of Superman as he races to stop an unforeseen train collision
>Parasite grabs onto Superman and drains his powers, gains his super-senses and sees the accident is going to happen
>Flashback to Rudy Jones, the reason why he became the monster he is now is because Superman wasn't there for him when he needed him, couldn't prevent the accident that created him
>Parasite realizes he fucked up real bad and stops fighting Superman, starts ripping Metallo to shreds
>Superman races off and saves the train, half his powers drained and badly poisoned by Kryptonite
>Final climax of the movie is him using all of his remaining strength to stop the train
>Rips open the train door so everyone can get out
>Takes the train door and races back to Metallo, throwing the hunk of metal and using his heat vision to cover up his kryponite heart
>Metropolice come in and take Metallo away, Parasite nonviolently surrenders too
>End of the movie is Superman flying off into the sky
Man Of Steel 2
>Its a Superboy movie
>Superboy is a clone of Clark and Lex
>To get around the Doomsday Glitch, Superboy is a clone of Lex with heavy modification based of Kryptonian DNA
>So he is technically just a heavily altered human
>He was designed and raised as a weapon, but deemed a failure for being too weak, and locked away for emergency use
>He was never even given a name, only reffered to as super
>HE DOESNT CARE AT ALL, and is basically a really nice, caring person, despite his upbringing, though he has anger and inadequacy issues
>Weaker than superman but ends up taking a more active role in crime prevention
>He inspires the recently reborn Clark to actually slow down and enjoy life and be a PERSON even if he is not human.
>Inspires Clark to start talking to people more as he helps/saves them, to start working with S.T.A.R Labs, the government etc
>Wears a version of the MOS superman costume designed by Lex, but stole a cool leather jacket that he wears over the top, and sunglasses