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because capitalism is a monster machine that feeds on blood

Hm. The toys must have sold well.

i dont mind a movie that sell toys, but that movie should tell a good story first. THEN sell toys.

Did great at the box office, that's why.

I liked Trolls, fuck you.

At least Timberlake's stupid song didn't win an Oscar, seeing them hype 'Oscar Award Winning' would have been too much

Because money?

why the fuck do you hate the movie anyway you bitter cunt

I wouldn't worry about it, we'll all be dead by then

it was actually pretty good desu

songs and visuals were spot on.


Did the first one even do good?

really? i never saw any Adverts and no one talked about it


meant this one.

Did you even seen the movie? It was pretty good.

Great visuals, aweful everything elses.

I can only hope

That really doesn't matter. Dreamworks bases a films success on merchandising and foreign gross as much as domestic.

As long as two out of the three are good, Boom. Sequel. Then a Netflix show. Then a Christmas special on NBC.

yes i did, and loved the visuals. but the story was smurfs episode nr #2345 with decent songs thrown in.

The "story" of most animated films are simplistic as fuck. "It's about the emotions inside your head" or "It's about the secret life of toys".

As long as the execution is good, doesn't matter if the story was a basic adventure tale.

Because it did well at the box office

And the movie was surprisingly alright


everything is just so fuzzy, and warm, and pleasant looking.

and deadly as fuck

Because Dreamworks wants to be a franchise machine, just because they haven't had a movie do well enough to pick up a sequel in a while now doesn't mean they aren't always hoping for a new one.

they expect people to still care about that shit in 3 years?



>Not April 20, 2020

Huge opportunity missed there.

I like how Dreamworks has put themselves into this dark hole of shit. Like, fuck. At least Disney is trying

not anymore.

Dreamworks is just sort of stuck in a situation where what is considered good doesn't make money and what isn't considered good does make money.
They're not in the best position financially, so if they find something that makes money they got to try and get more out of it.
It's not like Pixar who get to do whatever they want and only need to print money with a Cars every so often.

i work at walmart and cant believe how well they have sold and are selling.

Poor Pixar. Lasseter is the only one in the company who even likes Cars.

Are you guys any better at restocking Transformers than mine?

Didn't Rise of the Guardians almost bankrupt them when it didn't make enough money?

I know they had to lay off people.


better than the fucking Disturbed ver

The first one was genuinely made with love. 2 wasn't.

I think the failure of Penguins was the biggest hit, leading to them shutting down an animation studio.

Probably not. We have one toys associate atm. The others all quit simultaneously. Things are about to go to shit. Lucky I'm a cashier

Penguins was more of a success than RoG. Smaller budget, plus it made more.

I literally heard or know nothing about this movie other than it happened. Was there even troll merchandise that sold?

Eh,it alright.And at least it's not the Emoji Movie

Sounds like mine, all right.

They underperformed for like, five films in a row. Guardians, Turbo, Peabody. Home and Penguins. But they already made Netflix deals prior to that, so they had to make TV series based on some of those properties which do much better than their movies do. Despicable Me 2 and Minions made more money than all those movies combined. Can you blame Dreamworks for being creatively frustrated but caught in a financial pickle?

Like 95% of the reason they rebooted trolls was to sell toys.
DWA really caught the merch bug after Dragons so a lot of what they do now is to sell toys.
To the point where they cancelled Croods 2 because while the first movie made a good enough profit to warrant a sequel, it wasn't very marketable.

2020? That's like 20 years away!

They're basically surviving on their once-good, established franchises at this point

Kendrick is a great voice actress

>Watched this because Sup Forums said it wasnt that bad
>Didnt have high hopes or anything going in still, but maybe it will just be stupid fun
>Was *still* fucking disappointed with it, especially since the visuals were nice which made it sting worse
>Fart jokes all over the shop
>The only good character (branch) loses all his personality and unique look by the end because "wuv makes people happy!"

I... I guess I just hope the sequel is somehow better


When I'm old and grey and probably still into animated films, I'm gonna see a preview for a cartoon say it's coming in 3 years and wonder if I'm even gonna be alive to see it.

That is so Kafkaesque


Its one of Dreamworks most visually stunning films and had some pretty good jokes. I fully expected a Netflix series before a sequel though.

Come on, seriously? Trolls was one of the weakest big budget animated films I've seen in a long time. The characters were weak, the story was weak, and nothing was funny. Just garbage. It didn't even make that much money at the box office.


Shut the fuck up user, I've been hyped about this for years.

But it was still considered an disapointment

It's why they where trying to find a buyer for the longest time. It was going to be Hasbro until Disney bullied them out of doing it, so now Comcast owns 2 animation studios in Dreamworks and Illumination

So were they trying to be ironic making a Trolls movie and having the antagonists be a race of genuine trolls?

Penguins was hilarious. It might not be the strongest in story but I laughed hard.

I would be a liar if I didn't say JT killed it during that true colors scene.

Why didn't they use a vector where Branch is blue? Are they worried about spoiling a kids movie that came out months ago?

Maybe he turns gray again? Depression never truly leaves, even if you got a cute queen riding your dick daily.

Didn't this film just came out last year their already planning a sequel?!

user, most studios make plans for potential sequels even before a film is released. Hell, usually sequels are announced while the film is still in theaters.

Avatar had like five sequels green-lit from the get go.

I thought those were being made out of James Cameron's spite.

Which is fucking insane since it's taken so long to make the second film that no one is going to care when it does come out.

But the movie was based on toys already! Why would they waste money on another movie when they could just sell more toys? Does the movie actually make more people want to buy toys?

One guy farts sparkles

I honestly think it's cancelled and no one wants to admit it.

Lenin pls go

You don't have to be old to feel this feeling. Just a deep enough understanding of just how mortal we are. You might just not wake up tomorrow, even though you're young.


the world has moved on from you, grandpa

In 3-4 years, there will be a whole new slew of kids just the right age to market to, some who haven't even been born yet right now.

This, I work in a toy store and we're always refilling the aisle the Trolls are in.

They must have, cause I havent seen those things at shelves.

Why the 4-year wait? If the first one was that successful, wouldn't they want to rush out a sequel as quickly as possible?

This movie was dumb as shit, but I'd be lying if it wasn't one of the most aesthetically pleasing animated films of the year

>That glorious color composition
>Soft ass textures on everything
>Weird and whimsical, but at times unsettling monster designs

One question though, did anyone else find it weird as shit how the Trolls seemed to age closer to people while the Bergens seem to have an extended period of adolescence?

Finally get a Gorillaz song in a movie, it's one of their first songs with "fuck" in it. Good job.

Not gonna lie this was my amp up song before work in retail for like a month.

I actually found the first one fine, the worst part was the awful awful remixes used in the first 20% of the film. Once they dropped those everything was okay.

An amusing family film that wasn't overly heavy-handed in any direction.

It was an alright movie actually. Story was generic as all hell, but the visuals were spectacular and the music was tolerable.

Although I can't see how they can make a sequel, the original tied things up pretty neatly. Hell, that guy Troll isn't even gray anymore.

Well yeah, all the first movies in the Dreamworks franchises tie up nicely, it's really just Madagascar that leaves the obvious sequel hook open.

That is a wasted song.

and if it was 2010, a show on Nick!

I don't think they liked working with Nick.
They just sort of lost a bunch of episodes that they didn't get to showing until years later.


Pixar is mostly making sequels now and a rip off of August Rush to make a ride of put in the Mexico area at Epcot.

Chances are pretty good you'll wake up tomorrow. It's usually the commute that kills you.

yeah ok

They're filming them all at the same time right now, then releasing them every other year.

Who asked for an Avatar Cinematic Universe?

Beat me to it, fucker.


i like the movie

It made $339 million worldwide on a budget of $125 million; that's really not that great and is less than either Shark Tale or Over The Hedge. Merchandising/toy sales is probably what's behind it.

Branch changing colors was supposed to be a big "reveal" (even tho it was obv it was going to happen) so a lot of promotional art was with the grey design. But then execs changed their minds way too late and revealed it in the first trailer, so all the merch is a weird combo of grey and colorful branch . Same reason why there's like 4 official logos

Something Something Hindsight something something

At least under capitalism something eats

Atleast we get more Poppy

The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel.